Post colonoscopy and no appetite?

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Jul 16, 2010
I had my colonoscopy this am and so have not eaten now for approx 36 hours. I have absolutely no appetite, no hunger pains, etc. I've been drinking water because I know after the prep I'm likely dehydrated (the nurse told me I was as she had trouble finding a vein for the Iv). I can remember after my last colonscopy feeling ravenous and couldn't wait to eat.
The doctor told me I have Crohn's in the terminal ileum and took some biopsies of other areas as well.
Just wondered if this is "normal" to feel like this after a colonscopy and if anyone else has had this experience?
Glad you got that over with huh? I am the opposite, they give you cookies and juice right after. I am starving as and feel like a baby bird with my mouth open looking for food! I am sure it will come back, not to worry, sometimes the test makes you feel a tad nauseated, but I dont feel that after.

But in the meantime drink Ensure to keep your strength and nutrition up ok? Let us know about the biopsy!
Were you put under during the procedure? Sometimes I'm not too interested in food after having a long nap time from being put under. I've forced myself to eat before and as soon as I started eating, my appetite came right back and I turned into a little piggy. It may or may not work for you but as Jetta suggested, have some Ensure for now and drink plenty of fluids.
Yes I'm definitely glad to have it over with!! I stressed a lot about it because last time the sedation didn't seem to do much at all. The drugs were much better this time, I was still awake enough to watch the whole thing on the screen but I felt relaxed & had only minor discomfort.
I remember passing a lot of gas last time which hasn't happened yet. My lower back is very sore too, can't hardly bend over tonight. I think I'm going to call the doctor in the morning just to be sure all is okay. Good advice, I'll have an Ensure tonight.
Try laying on your right side with your left leg over to the right side of the bed, it helps to relieve that gas, and walking around helps too. Also just laying down and thrust your bottom up in the air..yes you are gonna look funny but those are some tricks. As Crabby says keep drinking the water!!
I'm with Jetta, as soon as they put me in recovery I sat up and said 'can I have a biscuit now please?'. Maybe if you tried something like soup it might kick start your appetite again?
Well, still no appetite and I've been having severe lower back pain. Reminds me of labour pains! Doctor sent me for an xray yesterday, awaiting results this morning. He says its likely trapped air but I would have thought after 3 days it would have found it's way out. I've had only one small BM since Tues. with just a small amt of blood. No fever or nausea.

I've been drinking Ensure but literally have zero appetite. It's like my guts have gone to sleep and need a wake up call!

This is so frustrating! I booked this day off work months ago and have a million things to do and now this!
The wind releasing pose might help, too:

There is another pose called happy baby pose. You lay flat on your back and pull both of your knees up to your chest then grab the bottom of your feet pushing your knees down towards your chest and floor. This one always gets me. Also think about trying to drink some gatoraide so you are not getting dehydrated and it has a lot of calories too. Hope all works well for you and they get it figured out.
Thanks dustydshook, I'll try that. My dog thinks it's play time as soon as I lie down on the floor so having a 90lb Doberman nudging at my stomach might force some air out I hope!

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