Post ileostomy gas pain

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 30, 2017
Hey, I'm new on here. 27 years old was diagnosed with crohn's at 14 and am 4 days post op for a temporary ileostomy. Was told I could eat whatever I wanted 2 days after surgery but wasn't able to keep anything down. My bag had no output and so they just inserted the ng tube this morning and it is sucking the bile out of my stomach. I'm having really bad pain in my stomach, it's generalized and makes it hard for me to do anything. The nurse said it was just gas but it feels way worse. Just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience to mine and if so I would love advice on how to minimize pain, and would love to know how long the ng tube will be needed as the nurse does not seem to know.
Hi Natedawg27:

Ugh. And welcome to the Stoma Club!

I had an NG tube put in, as well. People have varied amount of time that the NG tube is in talk to the surgeon or doctor who ordered it.

Gas pains! They can be HORRIFIC! I had surgery (proctectomy) in May, and about 10 days after, I experienced some of the worst pain ever! Turned out it was gas pain, and it took about 24 hours to settle. I know this might be really difficult to do, but move around as much as you possibly can. Also, a heating pad or a hot water bottle can be helpful. Laying on your side and very gently rubbing your abdominal area can be helpful as well. Are you getting gas in your bag?

I realize its been a few days since you've posted, so I hope things are easing up a bit for you.

