Post-Surgery D - How long is normal?

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Dec 2, 2010
I had 1.5 foot section removed, including ic valve, 3 months ago. I have been having much worse D than before the surgery. I'm hoping I still need time to adjust and that this will improve. I have been taking priobiotics though I can't tell if they are doing anything.

But my doc prosribed Welchol. I asked him if it means that I would be on it permanelty and he basically said yes. I don't want to start that drug until I know that I really need a new pill. So I'm wondering, at what point of having continued D post resection surgery (up 7 or 8x time a day,), do you decide you have short-gut syndrome or something permanently wrong?
Re the post op 'D'

Following right side hemi 13 years ago i was told i would have 'loose motions' for the rest of my life but i didn't expect it to be as bad as it became.After i tried various changes of what i ate,cut out alcohol etc & recovered from such a major operation i was still having dreadful trouble.Like yourself i didn't want to give into pills (i was 29 then) but i had no choice.I was given loperamide which i've taken ever since.
The med you have been given is similar to questran(i think),i tried that but it didn't work for me.Some people swear by it.I think it is trial & error as to what med works for yourself.Lomotil,codeine,loperamide,questran.Their are many on here who can offer different advice.

Best Wishes