Hi all. My husband has been thrown into the world of Crohn's. 4 months ago he was fit well and active. It came on overnight literally. In 10 weeks he was in constant pain and lost 4 stone. It lead to an emergency bowel resection. He lost 50 cms of small bowel that was dead and 50cms of Crohn's small bowel that had been forming 4 fistula. He was left with a stoma.
He was in hospital for 2 weeks post surgery. His pain lvls were under control within a week. His problem is he's just not getting any better within himself. He is very week. He finds even the smallest tasks impossible. He is drinking and eating well. I would have expected to see a tiny improvement but he seams to be going backwards. Has anyone else had a similar experience. Thanks
He was in hospital for 2 weeks post surgery. His pain lvls were under control within a week. His problem is he's just not getting any better within himself. He is very week. He finds even the smallest tasks impossible. He is drinking and eating well. I would have expected to see a tiny improvement but he seams to be going backwards. Has anyone else had a similar experience. Thanks