Prednisone and Acid Reflux?

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Oct 21, 2011
Or Heartburn? It hasn't always done this to me, but the last 2 times I've been on Pred (one of which is right now) I have been getting severe acid reflux. Even water triggers it. Thats from 40mg all the way until I'm off it at 5mg. Does anyone else experience this? Is there anything natural you can eat/sip that relieves some of the discomfort? I hate taking more pills then I have to although when it's really bad I take Zantac. Just curious! It seriously feels like fire in my chest and although the least of my worries, its really uncomfortable.
I get that, its awful, the Dr gives me lansoprazole 30mg I take one in the morning and one in the evening, won't stop it completly as sometimes I need to take Gaviscon advance which I get from the Dr, they are a reflux suppressant.
Hope this helps.
Thank you. If I can't handle it with just the Zantac or Gaviscon I will ask my doc for a prescription somethin-somethin... I ate about 10 Tums last night and finally had slight relief! But it's back with a vengence this morning grrr!
Hi there you are a province away from me! :welcome: I ignored taking something serious for my heartburn and now have a Hiatus hernia thanks to pred. I take nexium and it heals it not just a cover up. I take it for 6 weeks and make sure you have lots of calcium too, antacids can rob you of calcium. Sorry but sometimes you have to take the pill.
Hey neighbor Pen thanks for the heads up! That sounds um... unpleasant! I will be careful and definitely mention it to my doc.
I have been in Winnipeg 3 times but only to get lithotripsy for my kidney stones. But my husband and I did get a chance to look around. Have you lived there all your life?
I had reflux while I was on Pred and I believe the Pred is what caused it.

Hope you find something to control it and feel better soon.
Born and raised. Are you Ontario or Saskatchewan?

Thunder Bay ONT.. Northwest, but started in the GTA of Toronto and worked my way up. This is far North I am goind. :shifty-t:

I also found when my heartburn gets really bad and not on Neixum Maalox Wildberry is the only one I can stand the taste of and works instantly.
Thanks everyone it looks like prescription will be the way to go. And I don't blame you for not wanting to be any further north Pen! I drive through TB every July long with my aunt on her annual trip home to Winnipeg from Toronto. Usually that's our half way stop over point. I've only really seen the inside of hotel rooms though :) this past year we just about got zapped by lightning in a crazy storm on Canada Day!
You can always try old fashion things like a glass of cold lactose free skim milk. I take one when i really can't take it anymore and it helps though not for too long I won't lie.
I had bad reflux as a result of my monstrous hunger from the pred. I was prescribed lansoprazole and omeprazole - I believe these are called 'proton pump inhibitors' - they stop your stomach from producing types of acid. It really helped me as I had some vomiting also.

Hope this helps. Sorted me right out! :)