Prednisone side effects?

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May 14, 2012
So after my second trip to the ER in a week, the doctor was able to get ahold of a GI doctor and they decided to put me on a prednisone taper
40mg- 7 days
30mg- 7 days
20mg- 7 days
15mg- 7 days
10mg- 7 days
5mg - 7 days

I'm on day two and was wondering if these were normal side effects of taking prednisone.
Firstly I've have horrible mood swings ( I'm normally moody but I caught myself flipping out at my 6 y/o stepson just for running in the house, and I'm extra grouchy at my boyfriend )
I am really sweaty/ hot all the time. I live in Oregon, it's almost always cold here!
I'm really hungry. Usually I go until dinnertime with out being the least bit hungry now it's like I wake up hungry and want to eat!
I'm not complaining about this one, but my legs usually have these ugly red dots upand down, and now they are magically gone!
Lastly I find myself not tired at night. My usual bedtime is 10:45/11:30. I was up past 1 last night :/.
Thanks for any help!!
Take care, Ashley
Hey Ashley
My name is Anthony and I am new to this forum too. Unfortunately, I have had Crohn's for over half my life, or about 13 years. I have been on prednisone to control flare ups more times than I can count, and every side effect you are describing usually happens to me too. Mostly, the steroids give me really bad mood swings, agitation, weight gain, always sweating, very hard to sleep at night - which I have found taking them early in the morning does help with this. Also, they make me eat like crazy, usually I'm not hungry until the evening but on prednisone, I constantly feel like I am starving, which for people with our disease, is not really a bad thing. Usually after a week or so they do get slightly better as your system adjusts but generally, I experience all of these until I have been off them awhile. Just make sure you explain to your boyfriend that you are on medication that messes your body and mind up and that will definitely help. Well, I hope this helps, good luck!
Hi Ashley and Anthony :) The lovely Pred, huh? Gotta love it and hate it! I was on it for 6 months and tapering off was hard. Interesting what you said about the dots on your legs, Ashley. I started getting a few itchy coin shaped patches on my legs a few months before my stomach issues started. They too disappeared when I started on Pred, but flared up badly again recently and turns out it's Psoriasis.
Might be worth mentioning to your GI.
I just started Pred for the first time today, 30mg 2 weeks then tapering down at 5mg less for 5 days each so 39 days total.
I have noticed a slight improvement in joint pain, and am quite hungry for the time of day, but other than that, nothing yet. No improvement in abdo pain or exhaustion (I really want to go back to sleep actually!).
I take mine at 8am as directed by my Dr.
I get a heat/sun rash, so if the weather improves here, it would be interesting to see if it comes back or not.
Prednisone also effects your hormone levels, in addition to tackeling inflammation. It works on specific hormones that impact your mood levels... Ina similar way that athletes take anabolic steroids and have roid's almost a form of mood swings associated with Pms for your hormones are elevated then. So even though it's a pain in the bum, it's normal to feel "off" or miserable haha when on pred
Thank you all for your replies!
I've noticed improvement with joint pain as well, I was taking oxycodone all last week for pain and I haven't had to in the last three days! However this morning I slept in way past the time I've been taking pred and my joints were stiff again :(
I've never thought of Psoriasis, I am working on getting some sort of health insurance so I can see a GI doctor.

i have been on PRED this year, but luckly my GP agreed to me tapering of it very quickly so i was only taking them for about two months in total.

i describe them as a wonder drug / hell in a pill , i can never descide which description to use, there really good at helping us crohnies but the side affects are dreadfull.

what i noticed was :-

HUNGER - to the extent that six meals wasnt enough, i even debated fighting the dogs for there food lol

MOOD SWINGS - yep i was losing it over really stupid things like a silly computer game

EMOTIONAL - watch a stupid girly film and i can feel myself getting ready to blubber, normally i laugh and get the tissues for the wife.

ENERGY - yep i cant sleep and when im up i want to be active all the time.

the other thing i noticed was a bit personal but what the hell - sex, i wanted it much more than normal but when it came down to it - it was more like a chore that i would try and get out off in anyway i could. (headache tonight - sorry).

all of these rapidly disapear when i stoped taking them :)

Another question if any could answer. I've been battling a cold and finally got over the sore throat and just mainly have congestion. However this morning I woke up with my face semi swollen and right under my chin/ down the sides of my throat/ around my neck and half way down my back hurts like I have a bruise but I don't. It's really sensitive to touch but swallowing doesn't hurt. But it's kind of bothers me.
I would make an appointment with your doctor to get it checked out. It's not a normal reaction, and I would try and get it sorted as soon as possible. Good luck and keep up posted.
Hi..your side effects sounds pretty normal.. I was on prednisone for an extended amount of time caused me to have terrible "moon face", I became scatter brained and my stomach got damaged..every drug has got its side effects
now that I've been on it for almost 2 weeks I have gotten used to the side effects.. No longer chewing me boyfriend or son out (heehee) but horrible horrible insomnia but then I take the next dosage and I'm fine for the day. I've noticed I've gained a bit, even though I havent been eating too terrible. but I think I have the moon face :/
I've been on Prednisone for the past 4 weeks. I finally got over the emotional side effects (I was crying every day) about two weeks ago. Moon face hit me this week. Gained about 15 lbs so far, know that I will lose it when I'm finally done with them. The heat thing is what is killer for me. I have to be at 68 degrees F or I'm sweating. My family is cold in the middle of June. Insomnia is normal. I was up for 40 hours straight before I finally got some sleep last night. I started taking 60 mg of Prednisone, so at first, I would get a huge burst of energy when I took it. I'm down to 20 mg now, but I think my symptoms are coming back, so I'm going to talk to my doctor about going back up to 30 for the time being. Not sure about the back hurting, but I've noticed more joint pain recently.
Sweating, hunger, joint pains, yup, those are normal side effects,

My knees ache , I eat like a horse, I sweat alot, but I am back up to close to my normal weight.

Prednizone is an anti-inflamatory, it will make you hungry as it deals with your inflamation, drink plenty of water or juice, if you are sweating it means the prednizone is doing it's job and you need to watch you dont get dehydrated.

I was on 60 mg from the day I was in the ER (April 18th) untill Saturday (June 9th)
when I went to see my GI Dr for a follow up on friday the 8th, he told me to start dropping down by 5mg per week..

I noticed my right foot is cramping and my knees ache. I am sleeping a little bit more because I take my colonzapan at night to wind down and fall asleep.
I'm also approaching the 2 week mark, nothing too bad so far but can be hard to cope with the moods, skin isn't looking good, gained water weight (I need to lose not gain) and some bouts of insomnia- nothing like my usual insomina, am not sleepy at all but wide awake and buzzing lol.

Dissapointingly overall my symptoms are not improving- it's like one thing is a little better but another still flares very badly (I don't expect to be symptom free by any means, but nor do I expect to flare so badly while being "treated"). I am still needing the same amount of pain relief and still sleeping all day. The biggest change is I have colour in my skin and I feel alot brighter- but what good is that really, I can't do any more than before Pred and it doesn't out weight the side effects for sure.

Will have to see I suppose what the post trial blood results say.

I start tapering down in 2 days, so 27 more and I am done with pred!!

What will happen next I don't know since they asked me to consider Aza long term "if I get on ok with the Pred". Don't even know if Aza would work if Pred hasn't. And I would be willing to do a second Pred trial at a higher dose, but not for 39 days, no way, would have to be a very short high dose trial for me to agree.
I was on 60 mg of prednizone between april 18th and june 8th, now I am tapering by 5mg per week.

I was given 60 mg of Pred through my IV in the ER, it was like the Drs knew what was going on just by the looks of the fistuala and my history of chrons.

when the nurse told me how much he was giving me I knew something was up even before the Surgeon came and introduced himself.

once they got me settled in my room, they gave me the Protonix, the Flagyl and Cipro, and the Zofran. It is their policy to give everyone the Protonix to thin the blood and prevent clotting.

the amount of prednizone your body will need to fight the inflamation all depends on how bad the inflamation is.

I expect that as I get lower and lower on the prednizone I will eventually be dealing with side effects,
By what iv noticed on this forum, everyone gets all these side effects, and a lot of them can get worse as you wean. Esspecially if your on it for months. I'm down to 10mg, for another week and a half, then 7.5, then 5- etc, at 2 week intervals. My fingers I noticed this morning are finally back to normal, but still have the moon face. I'm hoping at 7.5-5 it will be back to normal. Search 'pred taper' and things like that if your unsure about symptoms. Best wishes :)
I had been having a good day other than my achey knees and stiff legs, but then i got an email from the representitive who is processing my charity care//medicaid paperwork at the hospital in which she expressed an opinion which was totally uncalled for, it really upset me even tho I know she is not the one making the descision, she is just processing the forms... so today I let something insignifcant set off a side effect..

I get sad for no reason at all, that is a combination of the depression and a side effect of the prednizone. My Psychotherapist told me that I might benefit from a mood stablizer but after talking with the Psychiatrist she put me at ease when she assured me I wouldnt be getting the zombie pill because mood stablizers interact with the adderall...

I notice too my right eye kinda throbs a bit but not anything to where it is any source of major discomfort.... i am bracing for it tho, once i get further down with the prednizone..
When I was on prednisone, it was literally the worst month of my life. especially the first couple of weeks. I was sweating so bad at one point that I had to towel dry my hair at work becasue it was dripping everywhere. I had really bad restless legs syndrome and never slept (partially because I was so hot all the time) and I ate like a cow and gained weight really fast. Its a good drug as far as dealing with a flare up, but the side effects are just aweful
ugh! yeah the sweating,
and I ate a whole pack of pecan shortbread cookies, 4 yogurts, 2 bowls of applesauce with banannas and blueberries, and a little bit of cottage cheese, and that was my late night snack... Im still hungry but not going to eat anything...
I started out on 40mg pred and I was on that until I started Humira when I went to 20mg. As of last Thursday I am now 15 and go to 10 this Thursday. I got the moonface - but I still am not hungry and have no desire to eat. I make myself eat cause if I dont then my diabetes plays up. I have essential tremors - but yesterday I shook all day more than I normally do. I flew off the handle for no good reason - apart from I had been in pain all day in my guts. I had taken tramadol throughout the day to manage it, as well as buscopan and panadol. I just wonder why I am not hungry, and so many people seem to have a desire to want to eat on pred...
Second time on Prednisone now, at 40mg/day. Been on that for two weeks and will taper down when I get the entocort. First time I used Prednisone was 26 years ago, and I'm noticing the same effects:

1) jittery and mood swings. I get restless and moody and find it hard to use spoons, write, and button shirts. Not so bad this time around, but definitely noticeable
2) moonface. Just started noticing it today. Again, not as bad as before
3) skin acne. Actually cleared up right away, but then after a week or so started to get a mild case again. Same pattern as before.

Luckily I am tapering off once my entocort arrives so this won't last too long.

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I've noticed that when I drive, if I have my foot on the brake, that my leg will shake. Could be an effect of the steroids.
anyone else ever felt really crappy after starting to taper off the pred?

After switching down from 20mg to 15mg a few days ago I've been getting a few headaches, bit of mild dizziness on occasion, and also a sore throat. My bowel movements still seem fine though.

I'm not sure if it is the pred that is doing this or the azo - but I starting taking azo 3 weeks ago and have had no problems at all up until I tapered the pred, so I tend to think it is the pred withdrawal symptoms doing this rather than the azo, unless the pred was masking the effects in some way? Will see what happens when I taper the pred again as Im down to 10mg next week.
I have been on 20mg of prednisone for about 3 years now. Seem to keep my symptoms under control and the side effects are there, but not too bad. I would love to and have tried to taper, but when I do things start acting up. I think keeping hydrated helps a ton!
I've noticed that when I drive, if I have my foot on the brake, that my leg will shake. Could be an effect of the steroids.

I think so, Resless leg syndrome is one of the side effects too.

Today I started with 50 mg, so im down 10mg from my original 60mg

I noticed i am a little irritable with my mother and that is bothering me because I know she is just asking things out of concern but she asks me things about appointments and stuff and I tell her I dont know off the top of my head I have to look in my calendar.. we go to some of the same things together with eastern star and I tell her she needs to start writing them in a callendar to put in her purse too instead of writing them on the callender in the kitchen...

it upsets me when I get cranky with her and today i was nearly in tears over it.
Started tapering today, hunger and moods seem a bit more settled.
24 more days and I am done, not really working anyway so no point in me taking such harsh drugs!
with the 60 mg, I was eating like a horse, today I started with 50 mg, my appitite is fair.
my leg shakes, gets stiff, joints are starting to hurt more, and my feet cramp when i lay on the couch. Cranky as hell,
but, i haven't been exactly getting my Daily nutrients like I had been either, so maybe it is a combination of the decrease in prednisone and lack of nutrients.
On day 7 of a 12 day dose pack. I hate pred. I love pred. I hate pred.

I get the restless leg with higher doses of prednisone, and my joints start to ache if I taper too fast after being on high doses.

The mood swings are the worst for me. I rage all day, and then cry all night about how terrible I've been. I yelled at the dog last night for drinking her water too loudly when I was watching t.v.

I would be done with it forever if it didn't help so much when I needed it.
I've been taking Pred since October last year, I could never wean off it because the Asacol they also gave me never worked and I'd get horrible withdrawal symptoms - started on Aza last month and I am tapering the Pred down once again. I'm doing much better this time around with the weaning, I jumped from 40mg to 30 to 20 in two weeks, big tapers (I thought my GI was crazy!) but no withdrawal! I'm currently at 20mg and have to stay here for 2 more weeks and then taper by 5mg each week, hopefully off the stuff for good by mid July!

I've had the "moon face", pimples and weakened joints (they only hurt when I exercise eg squats and lunges really kill my knees). I don't really have mood swings but I do get emotional at silly things (watching TV, etc). I used to get night sweats really bad but they've gone away as my inflammation has been reduced.

It is great for getting rid of the inflammation but I'll be so happy to see the end of Pred!
Calcium is great!

I try to get my potassium too, Motts apple juice gives you 290mg per serving, or I just get a bowl of applesauce and add in a sliced bananna, and blueberries,

(Banannas, and apricots are loaded with potassium)

the blueberries are good for the heart,

Vitamin D is good to get too.

I am not taking any supplements yet because so far I have been able to get all my nutrients through food sources and the Dr told me not to take any supplements at this point .. At the next appointment I am going to ask for labwork to check my levels, then we can gauge if im doing ok with eating or if i need a supplement.

Yes that is quite a fast taper there, lizzy, when you get down to 20mg and slow it to 5mg take it slow, some people are doing 2.5mg tapers even...

I was started with a 60mg dose and was on it from april 18th untill june 8th, now I am at 50 on the 5mg per week plan, already I am noticing achy joints, my appitite is not as good as it was, and im cranky..
Well added to the fact that the Pred isn't working for me, in just two days since tapering (5mg less) I feel loads better! Not better healthwise really, but the side effects sure are lifting!

Totally the wrong way round of course and I have no idea what this means for my next step- Dr wanted me to do Aza if Pred was a success...

Will sure be interesting to see what my inflammatory markers are post trial compared to pre-trial.

I am also doing prescribed calcium/vitamin D supplements!
maybe your inflamation is clearing up, side effects are a bitch. maybe the Aza will work for you if the inflamation is cleard up.

it is good that you are getting your calcium and vitamin D, they help with absorption of Iron,

You know what I am starting to think it might be the Pred working on the inflammation after all. After 2 weeks on 30mg with no improvement I didn't expect it to start working I have to say!

22 days left on the taper, long may this last.

I am still sleeping a stupid amount of time, and not needing any less pain relief, but I do feel loads better. I felt a bit "brighter" at 30mg but that has really increased.

love hate relationship with pred i'm so there on it now coming down off of 50mg for 2 weeks and dropping 5mg per week... now average about 4hrs sleep

i take the pred in the morning which helps me the most - i also take melatonin 9mgs if the insomnia gets really bad
I started out on 40 nearly 3 months ago now, now had my first day on 10mg. Yes to mood variances, original joint pain back, increased abdo pain. My whole right side colon went into spasm yesterday, followed by the left side - pain was there for 7 hours - it was nasty.
Yes Skippy I remember getting to down 15mg at Christmas time and just feeling absolutely awful - I was in Wales for Xmas lunch with my friend's family (most of them were complete strangers) and I had to spend half the night sleeping in the host's bed!

Here's hoping I can get past it this time, I really do feel the Azathioprine has been helping more than the Asacol did; and the doctors made sure my inflammation was down to zero before starting the taper (had some wonderful steroid infusions in hospital), which wasn't the case the last time.

Oh, how I can't wait to see my cheekbones again! Even my IBD nurse who I saw on Friday mentioned my puffy face with a sympathetic smile, and assured me it would go away as soon as I stop the Pred. I guess I'm lucky that my side effects have been mostly superficial, the moon face and the acne, it affects my vanity but it could be a lot worse!
Down to 20mg now, 15mg Wednesday. 16 days left and can't come soon enough. Side effects lifted in some respects (moods) and increased in others. Sweating more over night and the hunger is stupid- I need to lose and not gain weight! I had a fairly large meal yesterday which I took my time over. I swear by the time I was finished I was actually empty again! :eek2: The constant hunger is driving me mad. If I ate as much as my body was telling me I would end up the size of a house.

Really really can't wait to be off these pills, since they are not really improving my symptoms. Small improvements here and there for sure but not dramatic and as i'm still on the same level of sleep and pain relief, added to the side effects, I would not deem it a success and it's really starting to get a bit much now.


I have an endocrinology appointment tomorrow and no way am I letting them weigh me that's for sure.
StarGirrrl I'm in the same boat - I was on 40mg, started to taper got to 25mg and the symptoms came back so had to go back to 30mg then to 40mg and i'm now on 60mg as no improvement and nothing seems to be working! Except of course the moon face ,constant hunger, weight gain (heaviest ive ever been feel very conscious especially as going holiday next week) restless nights, hot flushes and night sweats.

Felt like crying when they said they were keeping me on it for at LEAST the next 3 months it really is not cool.
I just about cried when they told me I was going to have to be on it another 2 and a half weeks further than planned, because my symptoms came back after I tapered down from 30 to 20 mg and had to go back up to 30 and slower the taper down. On top of moon face, the weight gain, the hot flashes and night sweats, I've ALSO got the worst acne/heat rash that has recently sprung up. It's doing wonders for my self-esteem and vanity, especially on top of the emotional side effects. If I cry one more time in the mirror, and then go into a rage about it, I might just...cry some more. Ha.
How are all us pred heads doing then?

Got to say, after having the side effects flare-up once I started tapering, really have vanished now and not noticing many at all. Hunger high but not quite so huge and haven't needed to change night clothes for a week (the sweats lol). Hopefully my body is getting the message I won't be taking Pred soon -13 days to go :dance:
Am down to 15mg and onto 10 Sunday.
I'm on 10mg for two weeks and then go to 5mg - doing OK - just got my back pain back with a vengeance. Apart from that OK.
So the good news is I have only gained 3lb/just over 1kg on the scales.
Bad news is it's water weight, so it looks much more than the same amount of fat would!
On to 10mg Monday :dance:
I've noticed a little bit of withdrawal today after going down t 15mg since Thursday, my Crohn's symptoms are fine but I've been feeling a bit down in the dumps for no reason, sleepy and had a slight case of the shakes. It all calmed down after a nap (and hanging with friends improved my mood!), hopefully this only lasts a day or two. I'm gonna keep on pushing through it as I know it's the Pred and not the Crohn's coming back, I have to get off this stuff!! My Doctor said I'd be feeling flat as I come off it, but knowing that it's only temporary helps.

How is everyone else doing?
Last pill tomorrow! (resists adding another dancing banana). :D

Blood tests Thursday to see if the inflammation markers have come down at all compared to pre-trial, will get the results in about 6 weeks. From the lack of improvement in symptoms, i'd be surprised if they have decreased alot.
First time post - woke up throughout the nite (tonight) and am experiencing horrific pain in my knees (a 10 of 10 on the pain scale). Both knees, have done nothing unusual. I don't have Crohn's (to my knowledge), but I do have both myasthenia gravis and membranous nephropathy. I take only 50mg of pred/day,but I am down from75mg/day for the last 6 months. Ironically, I am traveling and somehow forgot to take my meds yesterday morning, is it possible that this one time miss of meds has caused this agony? I got online to find out what was going on and stumbled upon this site. The pain is so intense right now I have to almost laugh out loud to keep my sanity. Any thoughts?
It very well could be that because you missed a dose, that your body is having a "flare up". I know that I have experienced HORRIBLE joint pain in both of my knees in the past because of missing a dose of Prednisone, (to the point of crying). I suggest alternating heat and cold every 20 minutes, and hopefully find some relief.
thanks for the reply, I ended up taking my next day's dose at 4am and within 2 hours the pain began to subside to tolerable. Eventually by noon it was totally gone (as was the uncontrolled shaking and intense migraine-like headache). I certainly have learned a lesson... yet, I hope to one day relinquish this dependency (if possible). the pred does keep my myasthenia in check, however, the kidneys are not working so good. hope you are well... btw- I lived in south Indianapolis for nearly 15 years (taught at Cascade High in Amo) my mother-in-law lives in Greenwood by the mall.
No more Pred!
No more yucky supplements!


So happy, had to get up at the same time 39 days straight to take the Pred, now I can finally have a lie-in!


Pred did nothing for me anyway so I am happy happy to have finished. Now waiting for the water weight to go! Once I got over increased side effects as I began to taper, had no problems apart from that one for a couple weeks.

Off to get blood tests for inflammation markers done today or tomorrow to compare with pre-trial tests. Results when I see my Rheumy in 5 weeks.
I'm down to 5mg had a few temper tantrums - so will be going 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, for a fortnight on each. I went from 10 to 5 and wow that was so not fun!
Missed the call from the drs office today arggg! But the good news is that the message says to call tommorrow they are going to reduce the pred and increase the aza. After reading this thread I am assuming it probally means my inflamation is down?

I really am happy to get off of this prednisone. The side effects are kicking my butt. I sweat so bad, my face is puffy, my face is breaking out like I was a teenager, I have red bumps on my scalp, and the worst side effect of all has to be this darned heartburn! It costs as much for medicine for that as it does for the perscriptions and thats not good on a person who has no insurance. Im short tempered alot, my crying spells are the only thing that have gone away. I hope the taper is good to me.

Friday is my last day of Prednisone! I'm SO excited, but a bit nervous going from 10mg to 0. We shall see how crazy I go.
Going from 5mg to 0 didn't work out so great for me, had a headache ever since I stopped. But it is getting better day by day so hopefully will be gone soon.
Well got the word that for the next 2 weeks Im going from 40 to 30. She doesnt give me a taper plan, just says for me to get a blood draw after 2 weeks then she will tell me what to do after that. She increased my aza from 50 to 75. She added a new medication into the mix called Sulfasalazine 500mg 3 times a day. The pharmist says its good stuff, an antimflamatory for the GI trac. I asked him if it will help with back pain he said no ( lol I always ask). I dont have access to my last blood draw yet but the nurse I spoke to lead me to think that I still have inflamation.
Hope it goes well, SherryLynn.

I saw my GI today and got some good news - although I still have another week to go tapering off the pred, "clinically" my Crohn's is in remission! After 2 years of symptoms and 9 months of treatment I am so happy to hear it actually said.
ugg I have such a headache. Runny nose all day and a tad bit of soreness in the upper part of the back of my throat. I wonder what thats all about
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I am tapering right now and I've had really bad hand shaking and swelling along with a huge puffy face and intense mood swings with a little bit of acne...oh and lots and lots of sweating! :thumbdown:
Well, just when I thought I was free of the dreaded things, my doctor just put me on another 8 week prescription. I am not a happy camper right now.
Sorry to hear that, Ashley.

I had my last dose on Tuesday and have been really tired, a bit shaky and my tum's been a bit upset (going more frequently with the odd cramp but it's not the dreaded D).. praying it is the Pred withdrawal and not the Crohn's coming back!! Getting a little better day by day so fingers crossed.
Still tapering down on mine. Started on 30mg... few weeks later now on 15mg... down to 10mg as of Tuesday, then 5mg following week, then 0. I really hope its put me back into some sort of remission this time. Didn't the first time back in April :(
woo hooo, got the final word today. I taper down to 20mg this week, 10mg next week and then 5mg. My face was is so fat that my dr giggled at me.. Moon face sux :)
hey my names stephanie and ive done several rounds of prednisone and all of your side effects are normal. the moon face and weight gain is very normal and sucks but fortunately will go away when your off. I hated it I even go around my families houses taking out pictures of me from my moon face was not a good look lol. I just want you to be careful and aware of your mood swings because my second round of prednisone put me into a pretty bad depression so just keep and eye on it and talk to someone if you need to it really helped me. good luck and feel better :)
I took a few pics so I could laugh abt it later lol. Its just that while u have it, its not very funny is it? lol
My doctor informed me that most patients who have negative effects to weaning off of prednisone will feel them when they taper down to 20 mg. So, if you are starting to feel ill, I would advise contacting your doctor, before you taper off completely and have to start all over!
oh wait , I got confused ( easy to do these days). I am on 20 right now and will be going to 10 in a few days. Feeling fine so far ( knock on wood). Well I did have an anoying headache yesterday but that has gone away.
I don't care how bad things get, I will NEVER put Prednisone into my body again. This drug helped one thing and created 3 more problems for every 1 it fixed.
Just read through this thread and I hope everyone is doing well with their tapers etc.

I was on a 30mg dose of pred for 6 months (including taper) and came off around 3 months ago. My face took a while to come down completely but its just about back to normal now. I still get the occasional mood swing/ fatigue but by and large, i feel like I almost have my life back. The doctors say it will be another 3 months until I go back to normal though. My appetite is STILL acting up (much to my dismay) and I haven't been able to shed any of the weight gained yet because of that but I'm maintaining instead of gaining weight finally thank god!

anyone else experience symptoms this long after stopping pred?
I've been on it for 10 weeks, weening off now and down to 5 mg from 40 and will be done in 10 days. I never had moon face, but have been dizzy, had crazy weight loss, mood swings and confusion. Alot of tingling in the hands as well. I'm new to Crohn's so have no clue if this is prednisone related or not. I just went to the bathroom and after a very liquid movement (sorry to be gross), I wiped and the tp was covered in bright red blood. Any idea if this is a flare or fluke? Doc said to call him if anything changes ... do I wait a couple days or panic and call?
@Spinnychick: I and many others always have blood in stools/on toilet paper when tapering. I've been told it is just the body adjusting and nothing to be too concerned about. At 10 weeks, you honestly haven't been on Prednisone long enough to experience moon face/significant appetite increase. I've been in Predisone for almost a year and I lose weight within the 1st 2 months of starting rather than gaining. That is also normal. I would tell the doctor about the bloody stools just to let him know though. I always have tingly hands so no advice about that. It could be a reaction to a biological if you are on one.
Take care!
@ Keepingfaith ... thanks for the prompt reply. Hard as a newbie to know what I should be expecting/experiencing. googling stuff is great, but not always easy to find clear answers, especially since all cases are very individual. I just wish this disease came with a step by step manual lol.
No problem!! Hahahaha me too! When I first got DX I was told I was " textbook Crohn's" but now with all these complications I feel like telling doctors "If I'm textbook Crohn's get me off the steroids and onto remission!!" I guess I know now why this disease is so hard to diagnose! I asked my old GI a question once and he had to get his iPhone out and google it right there in front of me! :)

Hang in there! You've found the right forum for help!
It's been 2 weeks now since I stopped, I have to say my "movements" were a lot better when I was on the Pred, now they are erratic again but nowhere near as bad or painful as 9 months ago when I was first dx. I spoke to my IBD nurse yesterday as I also noticed blood on the tp, she said it was normal to have a bit of upset and bleeding while the body is transitioning and because of where my disease is located (lower bowel), but to keep an eye on things of course. Apart from that, feeling pretty good, a bit tired but I'm always tired!

My face is starting to de-swell, I can't wait for it to go back to normal again as I've been wanting to get a really short, cute haircut for Summer lol. My cheeks have gone down but I've still got a puffy 'double' chin. Would cutting out sugar and salty foods help with this too? I've heard that moon face is mostly salt retention. How long on average does it take? My face is still breaking out, hoping that it goes away too as I had clear skin before taking Pred.
Okay, so maybe off topic, but does prednisone cause strange food cravings? I have zero appetite, haven't felt hungry for 2 months, but my body drools about meat.
Sorry to hear so many of you are on prodnisone. Hopefully the benefits out weight the side effects. My sister has been on it 9 yrs for Vasculitis & not without all the side effects you all mentioned.
Fortunately for me I have been treating my crohns with : Diet & natural approach since 1990, when I was diagnosed. Food selection is the first priority & takes much discipline. *Aloe Vera Gel ( fresh) if possible is a natural anti-inflammatory and has been a great help in taking away pain during flareups. Free form Aminos to help your intestines to heal. These recommendations I used from a book titled " Prescription for Nutritional Healing".
I rarely have flare ups but when I do, I address it immediately with herbal & Nutritional approach. Staying away from milk products & oily or fatty foods is a must.
If anyone has any questions you can email me. I'm not telling anyone I'v found a cure but a natural approach can be successful with discipline.
By the way I have not been on any prescription meds since 1990 for Crohns.
Okay, so maybe off topic, but does prednisone cause strange food cravings? I have zero appetite, haven't felt hungry for 2 months, but my body drools about meat.

OMG YES-I craved steak for the first time in over ten years when I started my first round, as well as a pretty unhealthy obsession with pancakes. This round, I'm noticing a heightened awareness of salt, either craving salty foods nonstop or noticing how over-salted something is.
The amount of meat I've put back is borderline disgusting lol. I have zero appetite so could go days without eating (although I do force myself to eat), but the cravings. It's like I'm pregnant times ten. Something pops into my head and I HAVE TO have it.

Who decides if you go on meds or not? My cousins husband is on none, but my doctor says I'll be on at least 2 permanently. I am on mezzavant and sulfolak. He is going to reassess me next month to see if he is going to put me on humira or that other strong one in the same class.

I am able to eat ANYTHING with no trouble ... hot sauce, chili peppers, popcorn, grains ... nothing seems to trigger anything bad. Just stress. Stress tears my guts to shreds. I'd rather it be a food trigger than something I can't control as easily.
My son was diagnosed with Crohn's 6 years ago and we have had some experience with steroids, including working closely with an endocrinologist to taper my son from steroids. The information I have to share is based on those experiences and the advice we received from my sons' doctors.

Obviously, I am not a doctor and you need to check anything I share with your own doctor and follow his/her advice. In my own personal experience weening from pred (not for IBD) the docs I was working with were not endocrinologists and were ignorant about helping their patients successfully ween who were having trouble and had no problem with me using what I had learned from my son's endocrinologist to guide my own pred ween.

It is not normal for someone to be on steroids, either prednisone or budesonide (entocort) for 12 months.

Most people with Crohn's in this day and age are not on steroids for that length of time because there are other meds available to treat their Crohn's. Due to the severity of the side effects of prednisone and the fact that prednisone does not promote healing (where the other meds do allow healing to take place) the current standard of practice is to move patients to immune modulating or biologics quickly if they fail to get into remission on a short course of steroids.
Some people fail these other drugs and have no other choice. Not many people are in this group but they do exist so there are a few folks out there who have to live with the situation. But they are not typical.

Based on our experiences, the GI's we worked with would not say it is "normal" to have bloody stools during a taper.

There may perhaps be a little blood when you wipe but a bloody stool is not normal and if you have persistent blood when wiping then you need to report that to your doctor for sure. These would usually be signs that you are tapering too fast or that you need to step up to an additional med like 6-MP, methotrexate or a biologic like Remicade.​

You can get side effects like moon face, diabetes, increased appetite, psychosis/mood swings and vulnerability to infection within a matter of hours to days once you start taking prednisone.
It is a VERY powerful drug that immediately suppresses all inflammatory processes in the body. It is used to rescue people who are on the brink of death. Many people only experience these side effects in mild forms. Some people have extreme reactions. It is unpredictable and inconsistent from one time to the next so there is no guarantee that the way your reacted to pred the last time is how your body will react the next time you have to take it.​

Anyone who has been on steroids for more than 3 months (according to the AGA or American Gastroenterological Association) should have their bone density checked (basically they should have a DXA scan).

Oral prednisone should be taken in a split dose. Half should be taken in the morning and half in mid-afternoon. Taking it any later than mid-afternoon is likely to interfere with your sleep cycle.

When you start to ween, the endocrinologist told us that the dose should be reduced by alternating between reducing first the afternoon and then the morning dose. So if you started at 40 mg and you drop by 5 mg a week until you get to 20 you would do:

week 1 - 20 mg am; 15 mg pm
week 2 - 15 mg am; 15 mg pm
week 3 - 15 mg am; 10 mg pm
week 4 - 10 mg am; 10 mg pm​

According to my son's endocrinologist, weening should be done slowly once you reach 20 mg.
The body normally produces about 20 mg a day of corticosteroids. When you take prednisone your body is likely to naturally stop making it's own supply and if you stop too quickly your body may not start making enough. This is called adrenal insufficiency and can be a life-threatening condition if it is severe enough. It is rare but real. for more information on that you can go to

Once you reach 20 mg, your taper should slow down and you should taper by as little as 1 mg a week, continuing to alternate between am and pm until the pm dose is zero. The AGA recommends tapering by 2.5 mg/week. So an example might be (all these are mg):

week 5 - 10 am; 7.5 pm
week 6 - 7.5 am; 7.5 pm
week 7 - 7.5 am; 5 pm
week 8 - 5 am; 5 pm
week 9 5 am; 2.5 pm
week 10 2.5 am; 0 pm
week 11 2 mg am
week 12 1 mg am
week 13 discontinue​

At any point where symptoms recur you would return to the previous weeks dose for 2 weeks and then try weening again but at a lower rate. So if you had dropped your dose by 10 mg you would instead drop by 5 mg.
@Avery: I've tried every 'natural' supplement out there and even still take some but the Aloe Vera juice seriously messed me up and I don't think it's just 'coincidence' that after a week of using it, in June I got admitted back in the hospital for this flare and back on 60mg of Prednisone. Not everyone is as fortunate to take milder medications.
@ Patricia56 - wow, what alot of useful information. Truly appreciate you taking the time to post all that. Being new to all this, I am an absolute sponge to any and all information. :O) Thank you;)
Tell you what, the worst side effect I have had is spots and acne. Spots over my chest and back.. And acne type spots on my face. Has been a nightmare. Probably put on a bit of weight too but not that noticeable in all honesty. My doctor wanted me to get off them quicker than imagined so I started weening down quite quickly this time around. About 2 months ago- the last time I was on them, as soon as I got to 5-10mg I started showing symptoms again. This time, I'm on 5mg right now but go down to nothing on Tuesday and as it stands showing no symptoms whatsoever. They put me back on my Pentasa after a 3 year absence and am hoping it has sent me back into remission. Still on my Azathioprine but had flared from about April onwards still being on my Aza. Been a tough few months in all honesty, especially with doing 14 weeks of my Nursing placements and haven't missed a day- that's something I can be proud of I think. I finish my placement on Thursday and have some weeks off. I really hope my crohns has settled again. Flaring is horrible.

But in terms of side effects, the acne has been my annoyance. Anyone else suffered with this?
I dunno if it's acne per say, but I have little tiny tiny bumps with nothing in them all over my front and back rib cage and I HATE them, barely visible, barely feel them, but I know they are there. I actually just got a call from my speciailist (yes on a Sunday) and he has decided to keep me on the prednisone another month, and put me back to 15 mg daily. :ybatty:
Lately I haven't had any(I have good genetics in terms of this) but I've never had any skin issues. Even during puberty my face was clear. I do remember when I first started prednisone about 2 months into it I got painful steroid acne on my back and chest. It was bad. I feel for you :(
I had bumps under my boobs for the last few years but once I started these meds they went away. I didnt/dont know why but im thinking its related. Im tapering off right now and as much as Im happy to be done with them I sure hope those bumps dont return lol. Although for those bumps being gone, I did get acne type bumps on my face and head. Bumps on my tongue too. Im down to 10mg and the face/head bumps are gone but still have them on back of my tongue.
Yes, I've definitely had a problem with spots and bumps since being on Pred - I went from having clear skin to a full-on pizza face. I'm still struggling to get rid of it, hopefully now I've stopped the Pred the skin treatments I've been using will actually work.. Apart from the spots, my skin has lost its lustre and it's starting to "age", if you know what I mean (I'm only 27!)? Even when I put makeup on I look tired and dull. I know it's vain but people used to compliment me on my young-looking skin! Please come back!
@Avery: I've tried every 'natural' supplement out there and even still take some but the Aloe Vera juice seriously messed me up and I don't think it's just 'coincidence' that after a week of using it, in June I got admitted back in the hospital for this flare and back on 60mg of Prednisone. Not everyone is as fortunate to take milder medications

Sorry "KeepingFaith" that the Aloe Vera Juice didnt work for you. I only use the raw plant form so I have a few plants in my yard. I didnt not notice the same results with the bottled, store bought versions. Also Aloe Vera can act as a mild laxative if taken too much.
One very Important thing that helps me, is staying away from certain foods, for me its : No Milk-ice cream etc, No Red meats, Avoid processed foods, Avoid greasy foods and fast foods. Avoid processed sugary foods: Donughts candies etc.
Sounds difficult and it really is, but it is possible to do most of the time.
Hope the Best for you and anyone who is dealing with Crohns or other stomach disorders.
Okay, so it's official, I am a medical freak of nature!

Pre& post pred blood tests showed no improvement in inflammatory markers which wasn't surprising. What was a shocker is that they actually went up!! I had the post-trial ones done the day after I stopped Pred. 39 days worth. Not only did the Pred not work, my inflammation increased while taking them.

Good job I am starting at a specialist place in 2 weeks!
SG, I recall my dermatologist saying that's normal- you skin clears up initially then the breakouts occur.

Just wondering what other alternatives to Prednisone are out there? I tried Entocort and tapered off Pred, but shortly after my taper stopped my abdominal pain surfaced and was unbearable, so now restarted Pred and stopped taking Entocort. Had to miss another week of work while on pain meds and waiting for Pred to kick back in. Better now, but not happy.
I was recently diagnasoed with crohns 4 weeks ago, since I've been admitted to hospital twice due to flare ups. On discharge 2 weeks ago I've been prescribed prednisone 60mg to start with which has now been reduced to 50mg, but as my bloods results which Im getting done weekly at present, my blood results are still through the roof, where they wanted to admit me me again. The doctor have advised that I stay on 50mg for the time being until my blood count is down. I've had bloods done again today so will see what happens next week when i get the results, although they have said if its still high I do have to go back into hospital, which I'm trying to avoid if I can.
I barely sleep as wide awake, I can't walk very far as my legs and arms shake to the extent I have to lean on walls or anything else that can offer support. I still have ther bad pains in my side, which seem worse at night. My concern:- although everything is the shaky legs as I literally cannot walk very far before they start?? Does anyone else suffer with this?? Is this an effect from prednisone?? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Many Thanks
I had shaky legs when I was at that high of dosage (I also started at 60 mg and weaned down weekly) It wasn't until I got to about 30 mg that I was able to not shake while I drove my car, I was an accident waiting to happen! Yes, it's normal. If you are on any pain killers as well, it could also cause shaking. I know that when I started this latest round at 40 mg, that I wasn't shaking, but I was also off of all pain medications this time. I would call your doctor to see if they suggest anything that might help relieve the shaking. Hope the blood tests come back in your favor!
I've been off the Pred now for a week. Maintaining my 150mg Azathioprine and my 4g Pentasa a day. So far, no symptoms. Last time I weened off Pred in July my symptoms returned as soon as I got to 5-10mg a day. This time, nothing yet. Taking it easy, not stressing myself with things and hoping I'm back in remission. Also my spots are clearing. Been using some over the counter Acne cream, it burns when you put it on but they've really cleared up on my head now. I'm pleased. Hope this continues.