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Oct 4, 2011
I'm new to the forum, but not new to Crohn's. In the past I've always used Pentasa, and Prednisone for flareups. Been in the hospital more times than I can count. My question is this: In the last few years my flareups have gotten more frequent, and Prednisone doesn't work as well as it used to. 40mg would knock it out in a week. Now 40 doesn't seem to be enough to begin with n then I'm supposed to taper every week. Does your body build up an immunity to steroids or is my Crohn's getting that much worse? Since I was diagnosed back in 2001 my docs kept pressuring me to use Remicade. Reading up on it back then n today I'm still leary about it.
Hey I do not have crohn's but my boyfriend does.
He has had it since 2006 and has been having flare ups off and on during the last year and a half aswell as blood clots.
From what i've been told and from the information I have read your body can build an immune to anything my boyfriend was on Prednisone for over 10months and it just wasnt helping so his GI now has him on Immurane and Remicade.
I am probibly not much help but I wish you the best :)
When I first when on IV steroids after Asacol had failed me in 2008, it worked so WELL. In 12 hours, vomiting was gone and I was getting the best stool once a day or every other day.

But during my next flare, whenever I tapered down to 15mg, I started flaring again with side effects like anxiety attacks.

so I've been on Prednisone 6-7 times previously and the more I go on it, more time takes to work and like you said, seems like body is building immunity against it.

You should really try other maintenance meds like 6mp, azathioprine, Remicade or Humira. There are immunosuppressants.

There are a bunch of them out there and if you find the right one, it will put you in good remission for sure. Don't be scared to go on them. Taking prednisone for quite a while is worse than being on immunosuppressants.

Also, find a GI who is willing to prescribe LDN for you. This is one of the most underrated drug with almost no side effects and works well on some people.
Thank you for the info....I've only heard of LDN as of recently. Not sure if my docs use it cuzz they've never recommended it, I thought it was still an experimental drug that had been used for other ailments in the past. But reading about I heard good things...until I've joined this forum. Apparently like everything out there, it doesnt work for everyone. But I think I'd be quicker to try that than having Remicade pumped into my veins : )
Hi Jeremiah....yes, your body does build a resistance to meds, or, some may simply not agree with you.

I'm back in a flare myself and currently going down to 25 mg of pred. (ugh) But...there are alot of drugs to try now. You dont have to go to Remicade. There are 6MP or Azathioprine as well as Pentasa or Asacol. (Mesalsalazine in different forms) The thing is to get you on other meds while you are tapering on the pred. If its not working for you...dont be shy...pester the GI's and nurses until you get help. Dont ignore it...pester away!!!

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