Pregnancy after Bowel resect?

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Jan 6, 2010
Hopefully I'm in the right forum!
Just wondering if anyone has any advice or stories, cautions or complications to share regarding pregnancy after a bowel resection?
I had a resection about two years ago, and once my meds were stable we got pregnant, I am now two weeks away from having my second baby. I haven't felt better since before being diagnosed! I say talk to your OB and GI, and make sure everyone is on the same page as far as meds go, and you shouldn't have a problem! I never had a problem due to surgery. I think the meds were the biggest deal, but everyone is different!
I would be curious to hear other's stories as well. Since I recently had a resection and my husband and I are talking about having a baby; I would love to hear other's stories! My GI basically told us today to start trying within the next 6 months or so since right after surgery is the best time as I'm in remission. Thanks! :)
My obstruction and subsequent resection was between babies 1 and 2. Once things calmed down and got under control from surgery, I had no problem conceiving my second and was pregnant with my third when she was only 5 months old so....... It's been my experience that resection causes a pretty good remission and probably your most optimal time to get pregnant. The only most recent thing I've discovered is that Crohns can lead to early menopause, as I'm 38 and was just diagnosed with this last week...... I was unaware of the connection until I was diagnosed and began to research it. I'm not sure how common it is with women and Crohns, but since the connectin has been proven between autoimmune disease and early menopause I would advise that while your feeling good, have those babies!! Best of luck!
I had my resection Nov 2011 and am now 5 weeks pregnant. I already cleared my meds with the doc. I'm hoping that everything will go well. I had a severe flare towards the end of my last pregnancy that ended up in complications that led to my surgery. I wasn't on any meds at the time so I hope being on meds this time will provide a better pregnancy experience.
Im looking for a little advice as I dont really feel I know anywhere else to turn.

I have crohn's and had an ileum resection 5 years ago. Ive had a narrowing in my descending colon and in my resection site. I am 5 and a half weeks pregnant and feeling quite unsure about everything. I really want this pregnancy but the father is no longer on the scene (in fact he's buggered off skiing for 2 months in Canada!) so is no help at all.

I have an under active thyroid so im feeling quite exhausted and overwhelmed, also at my GP's recommendation I have also stopped taking my SSRI (citalopram) and that has been horrendous, although I feel the physical withdrawel side effects are now out of the way, my mood is pretty rock bottom. I want to be upbeat and focused for my baby but this is the hardest thing ive ever faced and to be totally honest im scared out of my wits!

I wanted to find out what the dangers of child birth are with active disease and strictures. I haven't met my midwife yet and my GI consultant is still away after the xmas break.

Does anyone have any experience with any of this or am I in the wrong place?
Hi. I think you are in the right place, I unfortunately don't have experience with your exact situation but I'm sure there are others on here that can help. There is also a forum on for mom's with UC and CD that could also offer you some good advise.

I'm currently 11 weeks pregnant with my first, but my CD has been in remission since my surgery last March. The severe exhaustion is probably a combination of your under active thyroid and the pregnancy. I was soooo tired from about week 5 - 9. The last couple of weeks have been a lot better though. I used to be serverally anemic and I compared the tiredness to that, but there wasn't anything I could do really to make it better (I took iron for the anemia). Pregancy can also affect your mood, so I'm sure that's compounding with everything else.

Definitely call your GI and see if there is anything you can take while pregnant to assist with your symptoms. I'm on Apriso and staying on it during the pregnancy since it would be a lot more dangerous to have a flare while pregnant. I would also push for an appointment as soon as possible with your midwife/OB. They can also help you with how you are feeling and ways to manage them.

I definitely hope you feel better soon and your pregnancy goes well. Feel free to message me if you have any questions for me or need someone to talk to. Heather
:medal1:Thank-you so much Heather I will have a look at the link now.

I have my first appointment with my midwife on the 17th and have emailed my GI.

Best of luck with your pregnancy, I will very likely pop back to ask a few questions along the way as you are a few weeks ahead so a very handy person to talk to from the point of view of crohns info and pregnancy!

Thanks again!
No problem. :) Just to be warned, some of the stories on BabyCenter can be a bit nerve racking, but most people have healthy babies. I empathize with people on the boards for what they are going through and at the same time try not to stress about my own (stress isn't good for the baby either). I have been really lucky so far and my pregnancy has gone really well so far.

Best of luck to you also and definitely feel free to come back with any questions! :)
I had my only (so far) bowel resection when I was 14-15 and hadn't even started my period yet. I was so afraid when I wanted to start trying to get pregnant 5 years ago. I even made my husband (now ex-husband) go get his sperm analyzed! I had clearance from my GI as I was in Crohn's remission at the time. It took a few months and I kept a temperature chart to see when I was ovulating, but I got pregnant. My body then decided to split the egg, so I have identical twin boys!
Now I am single mother to my boys and they are wonderful (most days)! ;)
Hi I had a resection when my first baby was 14 months old, I got pregnant again when she was 27 months old and everything was fine, no problems what so ever :)
I had my resection (ileocecal) in March 1993 and was pregnant almost exactly one year later. I continued taking Asacol throughout that pregnancy. It was uneventful - actually, I felt wonderful!! I did not breastfeed as the safety of taking the medicine was not certain.

I had a miscarriage 18 months later. No apparent reason. It was around 6 weeks and was not illness or medication related.

I became pregnant very quickly again. This time I was taking Pentasa and continued throughout the pregnancy. I was on bed rest for this pregnancy due to low progesterone levels and premature labor. Again, not illness related and I felt well otherwise.

I discontinued meds after this child was born and have been off all meds for 16 years and have been in remission for 20.

Third pregnancy again went very smoothly 5 years after the last. Lots of morning sickness (it was a girl this time, lol), but no flares or problems.

Four pregnancies, three children ages 10-18. I am so grateful!! So far, none of my children exhibit any signs of this disease.

It is hard, however to take care of yourself with children. Tough decisions come about but you must always remember that your health is primary in order to be there to take care of them. I was fortunate enough to be a stay at home mom and have worked really hard to prioritize both my life and theirs.

I had vaginal births with all three children.

Hope this helps!!
I can't remember whether I read this online or if it was told to me by a doctor but I remember someone telling me that you should wait 2 years after a bowel surgery to get pregnant if you've had an open (laparotomy) surgery.

So basically if you've had a large incision you should wait to make sure the area is completely healed before attempting to stretch it back out again with pregnancy.

Again, no source here... and I don't remember where I heard it.
I didn't have 'open surgery'. My bikini line incision is about 5"-6" (the largest), so I can't speak for those that have larger incisions, however my GI and surgeon both told me that 6-8 months post op would be the perfect time to get pregnant since I would be in remission. Found out we were pregnant exactly 8 months post-op! :)

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