Pregnant just 6 months post-op

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Oct 27, 2011
I'm 5 weeks pregnant with my second child. I was in remission for 8 years before my last pregnancy. My daughter is 2 years old. I just had a bowel resection and bladder repair (due to fistula) in November which went well but took me a long time to recover from. I gained 30 lbs from prednizone and from being inactive (except for recommended walking) and I was just getting back into an exercise routine post-surgery. I just don't feel like I was quite ready yet, though we planned to have another one soon and I was encouraged by the GI to get pregnant while in remission.

I am in remission now but scared. My husband and I really want at least one more child of our own (we are considering adopting after that). I had some cramping, chills and diarrhea late last week and I was SO scared that I was getting a flare but it turned out to be just a bug because DH got it too and now I think my DD has it. I feel fine now so it has passed but I am so scared of having a flare up. I wasn't on any meds during my last pregnancy and now I am so my GI is hopeful that I am going to do even better but it seems like every little thing is going to freak me out.

During my last pregnancy I had been in remission for so long I didn't have the same fears. I ended up in the ER with constipation when I was about 32 weeks pregnant which was scary. I think it was the beginning of the flare that ended me in surgery last year, but it took a while to get to that. At the time I thought it was just severe constipation that happens sometimes even in people without IBD. My bowel was so inflamed and full that the birthing center nurse (with over 30 years experience) thought it was the baby's head and I was in labor. That is kind of funny now, but it wasn't then. Looking back I probably had a stricture already but they didn't even think to check even though they knew I had crohns. Even through all of that I didn't have the fears I have now after having surgery.

I don't really have a question. I guess I'm just looking for reassurance for others who have gone through a pregnancy post-op or just post-diagnosis. Is anyone else on here pregnant? I wouldn't mind a pregnancy buddy. :)
Hi sararay! Just wanted to say congratulations!
Im undiagnosed.. but i had my daughter in february 2011. And since then i seem to be constantly ill. ive been to hospital on numerous occasions and was on pred for 3months too.
i always said i wanted to have a sibling for my little 'un. but right now i just cant bear the thought of dealing with pregnancy morning (all day) sickness along with whatever is making me ill now!
I guess i just wanted to say that i kinda know how u feel about not been quite ready. because i bet u wanted to feel like you for a bit first!?
I think it would be great to get a pregnancy buddy on here who knows exactly what you're going through!
All the best, try not to let it worry you (easier said than done) you've got a beautiful baby on the way :) xxx
I haven't had surgery for my IBD but I am currently 20 weeks pregnant :) I've been DX for 12 years (I'm 24). I have a two year old who for his pregnancy I felt great! For the first time in my life my symptoms improved. This pregnancy is a bit different in that I've been nearly constantly sick, but only recently (past two weeks) began flaring following a few kidney stone surgeries/hospital stays. I understand your fears and I think theyre normal ones. Many people have a rush of emotions those initial weeks when you find out your pregnant, and even more so when you're dealing with health problems. I wasn't really ready myself when we found out we were pregnant. My hubby had just got home from deployment (hmmm perhaps how we got pregnant? :) ) and I was struggling with these pesky kidney stones. I actually found out while in the ER because they wanted to do a CT to check on the stones but surprise I was barley 4 wks pregnant so they couldn't! we weren't trying but we obviously weren't trying not too hard enough ;) after a few weeks we both became really excited and it's turned out to be a blessing. But that's not to say I haven't been scared. I worry about the baby a lot but truth be known they're pretty resilient. Despite our ordeal so far baby is's me that's falling apart :) and now that I can feel him kick not as on edge all the time. Those initial weeks are the hardest so give yourself a break and try to enjoy this pregnancy as best you can. Congrats by the way :)
Thanks to both of you for the encouragement. I guess you're right they are pretty resilient little beans. When I worked as a phlebotomist I knew a nurse who found out she had breast cancer when she was pregnant. The baby went through surgery and chemo with her in utero and she is a healthy little girl now. That is definitely a miracle baby.

I guess that my first pregnancy really gave me a sense that my body knew how to do SOMETHING right. It was the first time I felt normal even though I had been in remission for 8 years. Surgery was pretty traumatic for me as I woke up in recovery and my epidural wasn't working so I woke up feeling everything they had just done to me. It took them 2 hours to manage my pain. I just don't have much confidence in my body any more and my tolerance for pain has decreased. With my first I did a natural birth but I don't know if it will be different this time around.
I can understand your concerns. I still worry a lot which I think as a mom is so normal. I've had 3 surgeries this pregnancy (for kidney stones) all of which they did a spinal block. The 2nd surgery the Spinal didn't work so I felt everything once they got to a certain part in my ureter. I felt like I was going to pass out and throw up from te pain. I'll never forget it. So naturally I was worried when it was time for the 3rd surgery but it worked great! I was numb all the way to my ****s and didn't feel a thing til it wore off. Because I've had so much pain in the last few years (and the array of pain killers to try to manage the pain) I like you, also have a lower tolerance to pain and high tolerance to pain meds. This along with the unpleasant spinal I mentioned above, has me a little concerned for labor but I try not to get too far ahead of myself. Labor with my son was miserable (29 hrs of pukin non stop) but each pregnancy is different and each labor is different. I would just make sure your GI and OB are in connection with one another so you get the best possible care
Hi! I haven't had any children yet, but just had a resection in March. My husband and I would like children and we were told that we should really consider trying within 6 - 8 months of the surgery as that will be the healthiest time for me since I should be in remission and recovered enough from the surgery. I'll be 11 weeks post-op on Thursday and have felt great! I think if we were to get pregnant around 5 months it would still be fine, but it still definitely makes me nervous. Hope all goes well. Good luck!

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