Prep for colonoscopy???

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Mar 16, 2012
United States
I am seeing my gastro doc next week for ongoing issues I have been having with my intestines ( pain, tendernness, cramping all the time). I am likely going to ask him to do a colonoscopy. I had a colonoscopy before like 7 o 8 years ago and drank that gallon of stuff the day before. Well since then I am now allergic to Polyethelne glycol which is the ingrediant in the moviprep or golytely, and those other preps. What other preps are there that are safe and effective?? I absolutely cannot do stimulent types of laxatives or enemas. They cause me severe pain and cramping. A couple years ago I had a bout with constipation and used just a warm water enema and OMG, I was in agony for hours!! I told my GI nurse about it and she said some people cannot handle the stimulant effect. I need something that is similar to the gallon crap they make you drink as it did not cause me any pain or anything, but it cannot contain any polyethelne glycol.. Any ideas? I figure I need to research myself so that if he does want me to have the colonoscopy I have to be able to tell him what to prescribe me. I looked online and there were a couple of things mentioned, but I would like to know if any of you on here were not able to take the polyethelene glycol due to allergic reaction, what did you take for the prep??
Your doc will have to advise you. I have awful reaction as well, but have not heard of any other option. Keep us posted!
Thanks for the reply. I am guessing there has got to be an alternative, I mean I know I cannot be the only one allergic to the polyethelene glycol. Hoping someone will chime in...

Your doc will have to advise you. I have awful reaction as well, but have not heard of any other option. Keep us posted!

What country are you in? Here in the UK my friend is a pharmacist who does some work for NHS Direct, and she says she gets lots of calls asking for specific advice about bowel prep. If she doesn't know the exact answer straight off, she will call the person back after researching it.

If not in the UK, try calling in to a pharmacy and asking to speak to the pharmacist (not an assistant).

There must surely be some alternative/non-chemical way of clearing the bowel, although I suspect that would involve a far longer period of abstaining from food and drink.
Hi Nitty,

Thanks for the reply. I live in Chicago IL. I guess I could call the pharmacy and ask them, that is good idea. I do not mind going on a liquid fast for a few days before hand, that is fine with me. I agree with you, there must be alternatives to the moviprep stuff with the polyethelen glycol. I guess I will call the pharmacist and see what they say, they must have had this issue before with people. Thanks again....


What country are you in? Here in the UK my friend is a pharmacist who does some work for NHS Direct, and she says she gets lots of calls asking for specific advice about bowel prep. If she doesn't know the exact answer straight off, she will call the person back after researching it.

If not in the UK, try calling in to a pharmacy and asking to speak to the pharmacist (not an assistant).

There must surely be some alternative/non-chemical way of clearing the bowel, although I suspect that would involve a far longer period of abstaining from food and drink.
I've had picolax sachets and senna tablets in the past. Sounds like senna isn't an option for you with it being a stimulant laxative but perhaps you could use the sachets alone. Just checked their list of ingredients and they don't have the ingredient your allergic to - hope they are available in the US as I live in the UK. Good luck finding something though

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