Pro stoma!

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Jul 26, 2012
This is a pretty useless post I guess, but I really hope I can help just even one person with it, because I'd have loved to read something like this a few months ago.
if you're debating surgery, or have been told you have to have it, please listen up
If you wanna know anything about my crohns beforehand, there's a thread I put when I first joined a few weeks ago, I'm not entirely sure how to use the site, but I'm sure you can find it via my page if you try!
In February I went through a lot of stuff which resulted in "you'll have a stoma for two years" and I was so terrified, like, what a MASSIVE thing to go through, everyone would know and it'd be embarrassing and oh my god what would I do. I felt this exact way up until they knocked me out and cut me open. And then for a week or so after too, actually.
Everyone says "you'll feel so much better it's so worth it" and you're just like yeah, whatever. And all I could focus on was the hole in my side, intestine and massive bag attached. Because, well, why wouldn't that be what you focus on?!
But please listen, I know EXACTLY what you feel like, and all the thoughts that go through your head. I'm 17, trying to study, going to festivals and having fun etc, I felt like it was going to steal my whole life and personally the worst part was that I might have to wear old lady clothes to hide it!
Now when I think about it I feel so stupid because everything I thought was wrong. Everything! Firstly, I thought I wouldn't be able to do stuff. But I'm going to Leeds Festival next week, I've been out every day for four weeks, and I went to a Blink 182 concert three weeks post op, I'm even driving again now! I can happily go to work, walking there and back too, my stoma gave me my social life back. And don't worry about emptying or changing it in public bathrooms like I did! I carry a tiny air freshener in my bag ;) but it's not that bad anyway, I only ever use it if there's someone stood at the sink haha! And I was SO scared of it leaking in public. And it has, and I won't pretend it won't for you, it totally will at some point, but it'll be down to some silly mistake you made, so don't sweat it! Nobody has ever noticed when mine has leaked. I keep a spare bag and some swabs with me at all times, quickly nip to a toilet and it's sorted in no time :)
I thought people would be able to see it under my clothes and I'd have to change what I wore, which really bothered me, because I like what I wear! And I can't afford clothes anyway haha! But, I bought a few pairs of support pants, and you can get actual medical ones from 'comfzzz' but they're way more expensive. They totally hide it! Even a pair of tights hide it, though :) And as long as you empty it often, you can't see it normally anyway, you can wear clothes as tight or as loose as you want, and once you stop being sore from surgery, you can still wear jeans etc on it, it's all fine.
It doesn't hurt either, and you get used to changing the bags so quickly. At first I just COULDN'T look at the stoma, but now I change the bag everyday. Hell, this is a bit disgusting, but there's certain foods that don't digest, and I pulled a beansprout out of it this morning! You get used to these things, and develop a sense of humour about it all, don't worry :) And the amount of poo jokes you can make are priceless. I even named him (Bilbo Baggins), we have conversations all the time.
I'm rambling loads, but the point of this is please please please believe me when I say, it'll give you a life again. It'll fix your problems, and it's nothing you can't adapt to, even though you don't want to at first, you'll soon see how great it is. It really is the best thing I've ever done. I'm so happy now, I love my life again now, I have a life again now. It's worth it. So worth it. If anybody ever wants any advice or help on the situation, I'm here, because I wish somebody could have answered all my questions for me.
Thank you so much for sharing that! I am 17 too and I will most likely be heading down the path of surgery. Just reading this, it really made me feel better about everything, THANK YOU SO MUCH!
I had a stoma only for three months, but like you, I was surprised that my quality of life was much better with it than before I had surgery. A quick visit to the toilet to empty my bag was vastly preferable to hours spent on the toilet with diarrhea and it was so discrete no one ever noticed I was wearing one. Well done for sharing your story, more people need to hear positive messages like this!
I've found that even the downsides to having one, like the possible complications etc, are way preferable to the embarrassment of before! They're just scary because they're different and you have to learn to cope again, but oh my god it's worth it!
Amy,thank you so much for this post! I am seriously thinking of lobbying for an ostomy because I have had so many bowel resections and my life is spent mostly at home now because of unpredictable symptoms like being incontinent of stool, constant diarrhea, and pain.
Evn us 'old ladies' :) have that same fear about clothing, body image. But I really think my uslity of life would be so much improved that I am willing to switch my priorities! I haven't been able to work for ten years and I want to get back to my work as a nurse.
I used to think having an ostomy would be devastating. Now I think it would be liberating!!:emot-waycool:
Hi Amy!

I was a little older than you when I had my permanent ileostomy made. Certainly not an easy thing to go through at any age, but I believe it's much harder when your younger. Your attitude is great! As scary as it is to think about life with a stoma, I doubt anybody really regrets the decision. It's so nice to have a life again, without pain and not chained to the bathroom. Also, very happy to hear you see this as a new beginning rather than a defeat. I'll admit it certainly felt weird for a while after my surgery, but it did become a natural part of me. Funny to look back on those days. About 10 years after my surgery I needed glasses for the first time and looking back, the glasses were more of a hassle- I broke them more than a few times by accident. But you can't break a stoma! ;)
Ckt, it's definitely worth it, I'd encourage anyone to have one :) I've never heard of anyone regretting it! Clothes are really easy to work around, I haven't had to change what I wear at all, and I really thought I would. But I wear support pants sometimes, and they make it totally undetectable, and they make me look better anyway! Haha! I can't imagine having to plan my life around toilets again, I'm so much more free now, and there's nothing like it. You can get up and walk around whenever you want, without fear of needing a toilet! No pain, nothing! It's amazing. Definitely not a sign of defeat, but more that you're defeating it! :)
And I agree, Hobbes! It's the best thing I've ever done, and nobody even knows it's there ;)

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