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Sep 24, 2010
I've been doing pretty well the last few months Crohn's-wise, the new meds seem to be working (now if my hair would just stay in!). However this past week I've been completely exhausted and feel like I'm on the brink of getting the flu. Finally gave up and went to the GP today, and apparently there's absolutely nothing physically wrong with me!

He asked me about the last 12 months and what stress factors there have been (Crohn's diagnosis, probs with a step-daughter, my dogs had 3 operations on his legs, my boss is insane! etc etc). And now they've pretty much all been resolved. His theory is, with all this stuff going on, I couldn't let myself get sick. But now, that everything's back to normal (reasonably anyway), my brain has basically said "ok, you can get sick now if you's ok". He said it's like PTSD, and quite common with people with chronic illness. He's done a lot of research in this area recently (he's now in remission from cancer and had a similar issue), and in my opinion he's a very good diagnostician.

Has anyone else heard of this? Or experienced it? Once I stopped laughing, it made a bit of sense...I think!
Georgiegirl.. I am a firm beeliver in the mind and other issues contributing to illness. I have been diagnosed as having PTSD. For me it comes and goes as I deal with stressors in my life. Also my Crohns gets better as I deal wtih them..that's the good news.
I grew up in a stressful environment.. ( Iknow so did everyone) After a succession of stressors that weren't my choice or maybe they were and they were unhealthy.. I kept takign different roads.
Right now I am dealing with problems where I live. I am holding my ground on many issues that have long gone unresloved. Also there are many residents in ym building who got tired at the same time. It is slowly resolving but I feel pretty good.
My problem is I am pretty imobile right now. So I don't have a lot of movement and I am worried about constipation. Basically I am afraid to leave my place because of retaliation from the Superintendant and his family who have access to my place. I fear if I leave I will come home to find some not nice thin=gs happening !! I've noticed a lot of people are staying in their apartments. It is slwoly becoming a ghost building !!
I am going ut for grocers but not much else !
If I really looked at it.. which I can't right now... I am suffering from PTSD !! But I know that for now.. I ahve to be "strong" and all will reslove it self later. I can fall apart later !!
"This Too Shall Pass "
Wow that's terrible that you don't even feel that you can leave your apartment! That must be a very stressful feeling. I know I don't like people coming into my house uninvited, so to know those people have keys! But yes, we need to be strong - I hope your mobility issues are only temporary, and so is the situation in your apartment.
the definition of PTSD is basically anything that happens outside of "normal" everyday activity. such as war or abuse ...anything traumatic that doesn't happen on a day to day basis so it causes certain symptoms (nightmares, flashbacks, etc) and effects (depression, anxiety, etc). I think anyone getting a Crohn's disease diagnosis (or disease) is traumatic...

check out Belleruth Krepon Naparstek Cd's - guided imagery. She makes them for war vetrens, anyone dealing with a chronic health issue and ptds - amongst others. Im as skeptical as they get with things like this but was recently given a 3rd cd and they do work. The hard part is remembering to listen to them.
I think I've experienced this to a much lesser degree, and not with IBD symptoms...When we were engaged, my husband and I were, of course, in that whirlwind time that comes with planning a wedding, figuring out where to live, etc, plus we were both in college, and got married in between semesters so there were exams too. Then as soon as we got on our honeymoon, we were sick as dogs and miserable for a week. That's exactly what it seemed like - our bodies were like, "OK, NOW you can get sick." Very interesting how things work.
Also I rarely get sick when either of my kids are ill with anything, which I've thought was weird. If I get sick at all, it's afterwards.
I so believe in the fact that when i slow down and get a break, I'm at my worst Crohn's wise. I will work two weeks straight and when i finally sit back and get a couple of days to my self, I am so sick I can only get out of bed to go to the toilet. It's like my body says "I can collapse now, we are home." It's an aweful feeling because my family thinks that I'm faking so I don't have to hang with them. I'm glad I'm not alone in this.
This might explain why I'm always complaining that every time I have some free time or I can finally relax the Crohn's always flares up in a big way. I've heard others with Crohn's say the same thing. I was beginning to think that I was in some way undermining myself for some reason.
I am glad I found this thread, helped me to feel a bit better about myself.

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