Puberty and Crohn's-Need Help!!!

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Hi, I'm 15 and was diagnosed with Crohn's 2 years ago.
My question is, how long can Crohn's delay puberty for? Even though I'm 15 I have no pubic hair, armpit hair or facial hair, I don't exactly have a big member, and I'm pretty small height-wise too (5ft 1).
I never noticed any delayed puberty when I was a young man. For some it was earlier and some later. I was about in the middle. People just develop at individual times, which can be embarrassing but there is not much you can do about it.

It happens quickly when it kicks in so hang in there, it will happen.

I entered puberty early in life. I already had some facial hair and a lot of underarm hair when I was in 8th grade. Peole enter puberty at various ages so don't worry about it. Crohn's did slow down my growth a bit but I went into puberty about 7th grade and ended in about 9th grade. At that point everyone outgrew me. Don't feel bad because you have not hit puberty yet, just wait till you do. Also, this may sound insignificant but is your dad a hairy person or no? Do the men in your family usually have a lot of hair? If not then it may be that you just are not going to have much hair. Also, don't worry about your size because everyone is different. Don't think that every guy is huge down there.

Finally, welcome to the forum. How is your Crohn's doing right now? Best of luck

My Crohns didn't really develop until my early twenties, so I can't really answer to how it affected my puberty. Have you ever had your hormone levels checked? I know that a lot of people with CD have low testosterone. A deficiency in certain hormones could certainly delay puberty. I would ask your doc about getting some tests done.

High school can be hard enough without having to worry about CD. Good luck with everything.

It might not be the Crohn's it may just be you are developing late. I would say talk to your doctor as well to look at your hormone levels. My brother was tiny forever. Then suddenly in his junior year he sprouted. Now he is like 6ft tall.
Crohn's can delay puberty, especially if you are underweight and have trouble getting the proper intake and absorption of vitamins and minerals. My brother had a bone scan that showed he was two years younger biologically due to Crohn's. I think I started puberty around 14, however some people naturally start even a bit later I think. If you take all of this into account and consider your body may be slightly younger biologically, then it is likely that you will have the effects of puberty occur a bit later than most. Do not worry about it as it is likely outside of your control.

On another note, supposedly my grandfather did not grow as much as most until around aged 19 or 20, when the full effects of puberty hit him. So do not worry as everything will work out.
CaptainToast said:
Hi, I'm 15 and was diagnosed with Crohn's 2 years ago.
My question is, how long can Crohn's delay puberty for? Even though I'm 15 I have no pubic hair, armpit hair or facial hair, I don't exactly have a big member, and I'm pretty small height-wise too (5ft 1).

Hey CT alot has already been said and is quite true.

But i have lived through it. Been there done that. I was correctly diagnosed at 11yrs old and "Puberty" didnt hit till about 18. I am now 26! Alot it has to do with meds your on as well! So its not just the "crohns"......

Also, just cause you dont have hair, or a "BIG" member mean you cant get a girl! TRUST ME! I have dated many beautiful women, from your norm. everyday next door girl to a model. Sooo my friend its not all about "those" things!

And something i would do and this is just my personality, is tell your "friends" to knock it off, if they dont, i would find new friends! A friend helps out not puts you down!

If you have more ?s or comments, please feel free to PM me, ive been in your shoes and have no one to talk to and learned everything on my own terms!
Hi Captain...
For the record, I was finally diagnosed at 16, and I'm 52 now.
Personally, I think a lot of the things you have anxieties about are the same things that everyone is anxious about at that age (including kids who appear self-confident and cool). Curiously, however much older people say it's normal and nothing to worry about, it doesn't seem to help because you probably feel you're the exception to the rule (well, I did anyway)
It's a difficult age, even without the compication of having crohns. I've been told you're likely to grow out of it by the time you're... erm... 53!

Keep posting and feel free to vent.
Listen, when your in your 30's like me, if you look younger, it's an advantage.

If you have to spend a few years of your youth feeling left out because the bigger boys won't play with you, so what. In 10-20 years, they will start to look much older than they are, and you will still be basking in your youthfull looks. you'll have 40 years to enjoy this, so why fret over a few years of your youth.
My son who is 12 was just diagnosed with Crohns in December. He was beginning puberty and it has come to screaching halt. Dr. says he will catch up shortly. However, I have a 15 year old as well, who does not have any health issues. He he just started to get pubic hair, has no hair under the arms or on his face. Drs.. say he is fine. The later the better for boys, you will be taller!! hang in there, he feels behind and is anxious to get things rolling as well.
Twob I think your sons doctor is right. I am 5'8'' and I stopped growing fully by the time I was 16. I hit puberty real young and I'm short although I was the tallest in the class when I was young, I am now average height.
Jeff D. said:
Twob I think your sons doctor is right. I am 5'8'' and I stopped growing fully by the time I was 16. I hit puberty real young and I'm short although I was the tallest in the class when I was young, I am now average height.

I was the same, only I stopped growing at 5'7". Even though I wasn't diagnosed with Crohn's 'til a couple of years ago, thinking back the signs have always been there - it was just never severe enough to start thinking anything was wrong until I was about 20.

The thing is, it's something that's different for everyone and it will happen eventually, when your body decides it's ready!
E Cameron said:
I'm 26 and still look like I'm in my teens. Sure, "when I'm 40 I'll appreciate it".... yeah, thanks. Doesn't help me much now, though, does it?


I was diagnosed when I was 16 and it delayed my puberty. I'm almost 26 and I look like i'm about 18. I didn't need to start shaving until I was 23.

I know it's really tough now (Yes high school is hell but its only a few years), but it does kick in eventually. You can also talk to your doctor, I actually did go through a round of testosterone shots to help me along.
i was 9 when diagnosed and i dont think i had hair til i was 18, im 27 and i only shave 1 time every 2 weeks.. i was told that because of being on prednosone i was 2 years behind in growth
hey toast!
bein a girl and all, i cant relate to everything for ya. but i was seriously delayed too. didnt get my period till i was 17, and then senior year went POOF from an A to a D in like a month.
definitly felt like the odd girl out not being a "woman" when everyone else was, but hey, i guess you cant do anything about it right?
try not to worry about the ladies situation too much. trust me, most of us would choose a genuine guy who's a teddy bear over a loser with a big d*** any day. :)
kello82 said:
hey toast!
bein a girl and all, i cant relate to everything for ya. but i was seriously delayed too. didnt get my period till i was 17, and then senior year went POOF from an A to a D in like a month.
definitly felt like the odd girl out not being a "woman" when everyone else was, but hey, i guess you cant do anything about it right?
try not to worry about the ladies situation too much. trust me, most of us would choose a genuine guy who's a teddy bear over a loser with a big d*** any day. :)

OUCHIE! From an A to a D in 1 month even 2???? Wowzza! That couldnt have felt good! Yes most of the good girls would take a teddy bear over a big d*** anyday, especially once a guy learns to use their personality and thats its not about who has the biggest who-haa! In my short time of experiance a girl that judges you based on your "size" is NOT worth being around let alone being with! Then again, some guys i guess just want "that" girl.:confused:
well for starters, its going to be all about you before anything sexuall happens. So as long as you have a good personality and treat the ladies good then don't worry about size or anything. A girl isn't going to jump into bed with you without getting to know you first most of the time, So its more important to treat them good.
Honestly... a big d*** isn't a huge deal... I mean at some point it becomes a waste... and kinda painful for the chick. Plus... I personally don't date guys because of physical features... I would be kinda shallow if I did.

Also, your life isn't ruined. I know it feels that way since you are only 15, but after you are out of high school, you realize what the world really is. Things that seemed paramount in high school are just little blips on the radar compared to some other things you can run into in adult life (money crisis, death and illness of loved ones, handling responsibilities, holding down jobs, getting decent health insurance).

The other thing is that men don't necessarily finish puberty until way later than girls.... can be into your early 20s. With all the crap that you will go through in high school, its not worth putting yourself down or allowing others to make you feel bad about yourself. Just hold your head high and live life!
DGS said:
OUCHIE! From an A to a D in 1 month even 2???? Wowzza! That couldnt have felt good!

haha no worries! no pain. i just ended up gaining a lot of weight super fast and thats where it all went!
I know exactly how you feel. I'm a girl so its not the exactt same. But still. All my friends are B's or higher. And i'm just an A. So I feel ya there. And I definitely know how you feel with getting girlfriends, boyfriends in my case. They all want big ****s and super pretty ones too. So i never get any guys. But in your case, I don't care about the size of a guy's at all. Don't worry about it. Well good luck with your situation. Just know I'm going through it too.
Alyjanessa, don't worry if you don't have big ****s right now. When I was a teenager I was really flat chested and got made fun of all the time for it. I used to buy super padded bras so it would look like I actually had ****s. I didn't have a "normal" sized chest until I was eighteen--I thought it was really cruel that I didn't get them until after high school, LOL. And, really, if all a guy cares about is your chest size, he's not worth having as a boyfriend anyway!
I'm 20 and I'm still an 34A! So I doubt I'm getting much bigger! lol After a while trust me you don't care! It hasn't stopped me from having relationships with guys who are smart, gorgeous, talented, romantic and funny! There are so many celebrities who are absolutely stunning but are flat chested, Julia Stiles, Claire Danes, Kate Hudson the list could go on!

You just have to take the comment on the chin and embrace it, if they're your friends they don't mean anything horrible by it. Me and two friends have this song sung about our chests by our other friends, you most probably know it...

"I've got a loverly bunch of coconuts,
There they are a'standing in a row,
Big ones, (point at my friend Ayla)
Small ones, (point at me lol)
Some as big as your head!" (point at my friend Hannah)

lol And you just have to laugh at yourself! :)

At you're age CT, I was going through all those things in opposite, can't get a boyfriend, MASSIVE pred face, like Kello said other things become so much more important as you grow up and just give it time and things will fall into place. One of my best mates didn't hit puberty till 17, and suddenly he was miles taller than me! (I'm 5"9) Trust me you're only 15 you've got plenty of time :)
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Hitting puberty early is no fun either at school

when I was 12-13 I was about a foot taller than the other kids my age, not only taller but physically bigger too (shoulders, arms etc) most kids didn't get body hair til they were about 15-16, yet at 12 I did. Kids can be cruel at school an tease ya for that too

so don't worry about it to much an just enjoy ya self
worrying all the time about growing up will just cause stress, which we all know doesn't help our crohns
it will happen an when it does it can happen very quickly
then ul hate the fact u have facial hair and have to shave everyday lol

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