Puree babyfood for 4 months + be suitable??

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Jul 12, 2010
Hi guys

Sorry with the posts.. I feel like a right whinger.. anyways am waiting to see GP Thursday, he has put referral through, but right now the waiting list is like no appointments in 2010, the quickest is 100days.. I can go to another hospital to be seen in 100 days not a prob

Anyways I went armed last week asked for the Ensure Juice plus - he says its for people who are malnutritioned, dosent understand why I need it ultimately. Last he said was he was ringing the dietician

In the meantime trying to find somethin I can have, after weeks of Jelly I am sick of it!!

Found organic fruit puree pouches for babies and toddlers- these are smooth with no texture - would these be an idea to introduce??

100g is 95cals - so its a bit better than jelly at 45cal a pot - I usually get one a day.

Trying to order some foods in that I can try - jelly, water, squash and a selection of these puree's

If theres a good brand or better type of babyfood ..or any suggestions really I would be chuffed

Thanks in advance guys.. trying to keep slogging on and keep quiet apart from speaking to you guys about it..think it driving my poor fiance nuts lol

Dancer, sweetie, I was trying to figure out why you said you felt like you were "right-wing" until I read the sentence properly the second time around. :) I don't have experience with babyfood, but several Crohn's books that I've read have recommended them. Best option would be anything lower in sugar, I'd think? I am so sorry that you are struggling in this way.
I lived on them when I was at university, but I do remeber them being a bit acidy..esp ones with banana which most are based on... I recon its worth a try

Thank you for your sweet reply.

Something for a bit of energy..jelly( Jello US) is turning me loopy!
usually anything low in fiber and sugar. Try to stay away from the sugar substitutes also. I usually try some hot jello and drink it like a tea. Also some chicken broth or creamed soups (if milk doesn't bother you). Also a protien drink from the healthfood store they are loaded with calories. It is really trial and error because it is different for everyone. I hope this helps and hang in there. Try and find someone you can confide in it will drive you nuts if you keep it bottled up.
Thanks hun

I can handle some lactose but not much...am vegetarian too hehehe

Going to try the babyfood puree, they are meant to be fairly thin..worth a go! Can take the nutritional details to my gp so he can take a look ..

Thanks guys

I used pablum at one time and the doctor said ummm no, lots of sugar and some baby foods are loaded in Sodium. Just a thought. But in your case it might be better, just read the labels. I avoid salt. Good luck, anything is better than Jello lol.
This is organic, nothing added erm..

it says the following

Pureed Organic Apples (79%) , Pureed Organic Strawberries (21%) , Organic Lemon Juice Concentrate (a dash)

and the other one is

Organic Pear Puree 65% , Organic Orange Juice 20% , Organic Mango Puree 15% , Ascorbic Acid (Antioxidant)

yeah I figure Jello is pretty much water..sweeteners.. colour.. no better than water it just makes me feel stuffed!

Thanks a lot for the ideas guys
What about some simple cereal made soggy with whatever type of milk-ish product you can tolerate?
I was thinking about Rice Krispies, but I don't know if you have those over there.
Those are one of the first solids that my children ate to practice getting used to things in their mouths. They don't have a lot to them and they melt right down.
Yeah, MBH has the right idea, and also Cheerios are made with oats, and very safe to chew. Just an idea.
I forgot about baby food. I used to eat it every now and then when I was in your situation. Just read the labels so you're actually getting nutrients. I was eating Gerber personally.

@ Mybutthurts - Eeew. I can't stand soggy cereal and bread. :p
Thanks guys

I cant eat cereal... rice crispies were making me sick every morning through high school..took me 4 years to figure out what it was!!

Gonna give the baby puree a go, its got nothing added

Nothing to loose!! GP thursday..see what he says..probably " you look great to me" ..not useful!

Thanks guys
I'd be interested in hearing how you find the baby food, please. :)

(Would be even more interested in hearing that you got some support from the GP, mind you. Fingers crossed.)
During a particularly bad flare, I ate baby food. I think I had Heinz Organic Mixed Vegetables...the sodium and sugar content was relatively low. I also tried the Chicken Cacciatore which wasn't too hard either and had greater amount of calories. The chicken cacciatore and pastas are part of the 'Toddler' line of food. It's not as pureed, but still was easier on me. The toddler meals are larger and, if I remember correctly, about 150 calories.

I was seeing a nutritionist, and it was on her advice that I tried these.
Thank you

I checked and they are 42cals..so no better than the jelly, will stick to jelly

I dont eat meat or pasta(wheat)..otherwise would try those- thank you for suggestions though :)
after so long not being able to eat, i would be absolutely furious if my gp refused to prescribe some nutritional drinks for me!! it's no loss to him - he doesn't have to pay for anything - and it takes a second to issue a prescription.

if i were you, i'd go back & see him, ask again for a prescription for a month's supply of Ensure, and if he refuses, ask him to put in writing there and then his reasons for denying you. i think it's time you got tough honey, and hopefully this would make him realise you're collecting evidence against him to take things further..
I understand they are pricey hence thats why he wont just prescribe unless he thinks I am extremly unwell. Me coming in suited booted and with make up on = me being fine ..as far as he is concearned

I know they are just too pricey so they are reluctant - a friends husband had difficulty getting these during his chemo .. so I know I have zero chance!!

I am going in the morning, have made a list for him - he just keeps saying, just eat, eat, eat.. force yourself ..like I have had to force myself to drink water despite the pain.

Shall see what happens.. if not..got the order in for some more jelly!!

Thanks for the support guys xx
I order fresh local organic produce from a farm (riverford) then make my own soups and puree's and dinners, that way I know exactly what has gone into it. I find processed foods and jars of sauces cause a flare-up, I think it's the additives. I never fed my children babyfood but there was one make that i used in emergencies which was good and had no additives or anything, it was something kitchen, were in pouches that you could sip out of
I don't get it...why would price have anything to do with whether a Dr writes a prescription for something????? THEY are not the one paying for it....if you (generally) find it too expensive - you can make the choice to fill the prescription or not.....

I also don't understand why Ensure is by prescription for you...here in the States it is in most stores with the nutritional supplements etc right on the shelf.....I used to buy it every so often myself.
He has prescribed me now 10 bottles, I am to have 1 bottle a day

I can purchase the Ensure juice plus but theres no way I could afford more than a weeks worth of it!!

I understand completly why he was double checking before prescribing with all the cutbacks etc etc.

Finally got it now :)

As for making babyfood.. it would be pricey..and probably go off before I ate it all up.. lovely idea though!! - guess the organic puree as close to homemade as you can get :)

Thanks so much guys - gonna try having the 1 bottle Ensure juice during the day plus baby puree in the evening for dinner
Hi cerelac is good its smooth and its quite nice tasting,not sure if that is any good , also they organic baby food is good to. hope it goes ok .
babyfood is easy to make and fun, also you can freeze it. i ued to freeze it in icecubes so that it defrosts quiker and you can chose how much to have
Thanks hun

Am hoping this wont be a long term thing, got 3 pouches for the week, am hoping once I start having the Ensure Juice plus + stronger painkillers I will be able to introduce small amounts of solids

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