Pyoderma gangrenosum And Molluscum contagiosum

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my little penguin

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Apr 15, 2012
Ds saw the dermo today -he keeps getting bumpy rashes plus had a lump on his eyebrow. Add in Ds has purple/red spots that appear under the skin behind his knees randomly . They usually go away so I brought pics

Pyoderma gangrenosum
And Molluscum contagiosum

The purple red dots he keeps getting are early stages of pyoderma gangrenosum . The Humira/Mtx essentially treats it and since it goes away in a few days dermo is very happy
It's associated with Ibd and runs independant of Ibd flares

The other bumpy eyebrow plus rash is molluscum contagiosum most kids get a few spots thanks to Humira /Mtx he has over 40 or so
Derm treated it so it should disappear hopefully soon.

All in all
Glad to finally know what his mystery rashes were ;)
Glad you know the mystery rashes ;) hope Humira and MTX keep doing their job!
Good to hear you have answers mlp. :ghug:

I must admit though that my heart skipped a beat when I read Pyoderma Gangrenosum. Thank goodness the Metho and Humira are keeping it in check and long may it stay that way!

Dusty. xxx
Mine did too! Way to scare us MLP! Now I need some wine and it's only 4 pm...
The purple spots were only slightly larger than standardized test ovals .
So I did freak out when I googled it .
Just glad it seems to go away and nothing to worry about for now.

Also helps dermo is aware of we need anything in the future quickly kwim ;)
A member that was around a long time ago suffered with PG pretty badly, poor girl. :(

I’m just so happy that your lad is on top of things and as you say…the dermo is on board! :)

Dusty. xxx
I had Pyoderma Gangrenosum a couple of summers ago on both shins in the same place on each leg. It started on one leg and then showed up on the other. It went away on its own after several weeks--I was incredibly lucky that it did. My IBD was in remission at the time. No scarring either. Hope things go smoothly and that it clears up soon--and the Molluscum too, which can be really contagious.
His pg is gone
I just showed the dermo photos of the mysterious purple rash that had happened a few times for Ds and no other doc knew what it was

Glad yours went away
Both my girls had Molluscum. Such an obnoxious thing. A had 30+ and they lasted nearly a year. M didn't have as many but hers got infected. Not fun times. That stuff is incredibly contagious.
Would you be willing to post your pics, MLP? I'm just curious because usually Google only brings up the extreme pics. Wondering what a more "normal" case would look like.
MLP, I'm so glad the pg is being treated by humira/mtx. :ghug: You've certainly had lots on your plate lately, I'm just relieved for you that this seems to be under control.

And I'm hoping the molluscum doesn't spread very much and resolves as quickly as possible! S's went away after just a few weeks without any real treatment - by the time, I'd done some research, starting looking into what I should get for him, it was already starting to lessen. Hope the same happens for your DS. :ghug:
If you don't mind sharing, what was the treatment for the molluscum like? We were told they were treated the same as warts and that was very painful for A. We were also told that treatment increased the risk of infection.
Tess he had the PG in July
Dots showed up we took pics sent them to his docs ( not dermo ) and within a day it went away .
This the first time he saw the dermo
He has had the molluscum for at least six months
It just kept spreading and getting worse

Treatment didn't hurt
Just looked like brown dots
We have more to use on it if it doesn't go away in a week
Podophyllum resin is what the sent to the pharmacy .
Good to know. A has a spot on her knee that is either molluscum or a wart. I really don't want to go through either again.
I don't know how to post a pic without the location being imbedded ...?

@my little penguin: You should be able to upload a photo from a file on your computer when you select the Go Advanced option when replying. That will open up further options including the paperclip attachments icon.

For resizing or editing do you use a photoshopping type program? or if on a mac use iPhoto.

Sorry, just not sure what you mean by location being imbedded when you go to post the pic.

Dusty. xxx

Look at the image of early PG on the extra intestinal manifestations page
Ds had purple lesion like that but much smaller ( eraser tip size) behind both knees
Other times multiple ones going up the back of his calf.
Also different time on his forearm once

Mehita - his had no yellow like a bruise
Just purple/red with a perfect edge

Anytime you take a photo with your smartphone or tablet the exact latitude and longitude are embedded in the photo as well as the date unless you change it before
Ah okay.

I don’t have that when I take a photo with my iPhone but I have location switched off so I guess that is why??

Dusty. :)
Ugghh, I hadn't realized he's had molluscum for so long. I'm so sorry it hasn't disappeared. I really hope the treatment helps. :ghug:

Any thoughts on what triggers the PG? Since it seems to appear and disappear so quickly, is it possible that it's not PG?
No the dermo was very clear that the only reason it is disappearing is due to the meds he is on .
She would treat with Humira/Mtx
It's like crohns of the skin -
The purple spots are inflammation -the meds stop it from progressing to ulceration.
Just like other EIM s( arthritis etc) it can be triggered by Gi flares or independently .
His JSpA can also have PG which can also cause it to flare with arthritis or independently.
Thankfully his has not ulcerated

That said he was in an arthritis flare the last time he got the spots
Once we upped the Humira frequency and adding Mtx
He has not had another bout of spots since

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