Question about diagnosis of Crohns

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Jun 16, 2016
Hello everyone, according to 3 of my doctors I do not have Crohns or any other disease, but I have a few questions I want to run by you all. Perhaps you can help me. About 2 years ago I developed a perianal abscess and had it drained, then two months later I had the corresponding fistula "layed open" and it healed in a couple months fully and I've had no problems since then. I ended up have two full blood panels with the IBD tests, two fecal exams and a colonoscopy with multiple biopsies. All 3 of these came back normal and my gastroentologist and my CRS both stated that my abscess was likely caused by extremely poor rectal habits/hygiene and low fiber diet/infected gland or fissure.

Here's my problem though- my pooping has never been ideal and I have noticed some issues. I get about one loose stool every two weeks and I have frequent flatulence. I never have any blood or cramps but my poops are almost always a number 5 on the Bristol stool chart, I rarely get a number 4. I also poop 2-3 times per day, usually 2 but I will do 3 if I eat a lot. Today I got particularly worried, since about an hour after eating I suddenly got a bad urge to go and it was semi-loose. This was after eating fried tofu, wine and gelato. I'm hoping this is merely mild IBS or just lactose intolerance or something. But I still worry constantly in the back of my mind that my doctors missed something. If I eat a lot of ruffage I will also have loose stools, where as if I eat a lot of white bread and chicken I will have a normal number 4 stool once per day, but I usually do not eat this way.

What do you suggest I do? My doctors are beginning to think I'm a hypochondriac and I can't afford to do a second colonoscopy. My colonoscopy was conducted on February 23rd and both the examination and the biopsies came back normal.
I've had 3 opinions. And the guy who did my colonoscopy is well known for diagnosing this stuff. I don't know what else to do. It isn't severe enough that it interferes with my daily functioning, but I do get a sudden rush of panic if I need to poop while I'm out doing something. I never get fatigue or fevers or prolonged diarrhea or blood in stool. It's more of an occasional (bi-weekly) loose stool and frequent gassiness.
Have you considered increasing the amount of soluble fibre by taking something like a psyllium product eg Metamucil or similar product.
Also increasing water intake such as a litre of fresh water daily and fluids in general.
Fried foods and fatty foods are not usually helpful in a situation such as you experience.
If symptoms continue then you may need further advice from a GI specialist.
Feel better soon
Thanks guys. It may sound bad but I really guess I need to watch what I eat. I previously never used to drink alcohol but last night I got drunk for the first time in a while and today at lunch I had tofu with wine and gelato ice cream. I'm assuming it's possible this was due to a combination of hangover and bad food mixing? I'm used to being able eat whatever I want without consequence. I take Konsyl psyllium finer every night before bed and it helps give me nice smooth BMs. Even today my loose stool may not have been as loose as I thought, but it felt very urgent and it was about 6 hours after the previous and normal morning stool. I was an hour away from home so by the time I got home the stool looked fairly normal (number 5 Bristol), is it possible the diarrhea could have solidified during that hour? It certainly felt like diarrhea urge. Sorry if this all seems poorly worded. I tend to obsess over my BMs since the abscess
Ever since the 90s when I had bloody stools I am always watching out. I don't know the answer to your question. I am sorry.
Thanks, no problem...I appreciate the responses :) I've had some small amounts of blood on tissue from hemorrhoids in the distant past (before the abscess, when I was eating little fiber) but now I never get blood. The issue I seem to have now is that I have slightly too soft stools when I have too much insoluble fiber and I seem to have some sort of mild IBS. I've never had more than 1 loose stool in a day, at least not since I had traveler's diarrhea in Indonesia. When I do have loose stools here at home its typically just the one...then normal stools (well, number 5 Bristol) for a week or two...then another loose one. I'm just not sure if this is considered normal or if this is indicative of a problem. I apologize if this all seems trivial since I've heard just how horrific Crohn's can be (my small taste of the one abscess alone was a horrific experience I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.)
Right now I just take Konsyl psyllium fiber and I try to avoid eating an excessive amount of insoluble fiber. I have taken Imodium in the past and it works perfectly, but I don't know if it is healthy to take it on a regular basis. I have also been eating fennel seeds since I've heard these can help digestion. Are there other products?

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