Question about Prednisone absorption

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Jun 18, 2011
In middle of a flair up that pretty much started building up over the last 4 months or so but has gotten extremely bad as of late and ended up with a trip to ER yesterday (due to no insurance). The emergency docs put me on 500mg Flagyl every 6 hours and 50mg Prednisone for 10 days. First I don't think 10 days is enough but I'm hoping to address that at a health department clinic I found yesterday after going to the hospital however I can't make an appt. till Monday.

My question is this. After some D this morning I noticed 2 pills in my D. Both circular and with imprints which tells me it is the Prednisone and not the probiotic pills I am also taking which have no imprint code. Am I getting much of any benefit from this Prednisone if the size of the pills in my D are about the exact same size as the pill before it goes through my system? Should I maybe stop the Flagyl for a few days in hopes that I can hold the Prednisone longer maybe?

Complicating things at the moment is I have a fistula, a hemorrhoid, and a fissure at the moment. It feels like I'm passing razor blades and it's pretty hard for me to hold back anything right now which is also an issue as I can't force myself very well to not go to the bathroom which I would think holding back longer would help the prednisone absorb better if I could keep it in me longer.

Any suggestions or comments anybody????
Is crushing it (GROSS GROSS GROSS just thinking of the taste) and eating in yogurt maybe a possibility? Not sure if it will reach my colon that way and how important it is that it does reach their. I know anti-inflammatory's like Asacol it is important but that's a completely different effect it has. Seems like the systemic effect Pred would have should be enough of a help on my colon.
I've never crushed Prednisone before but you could contact your pharmacist and ask them. Pharmacies are open on the weekend so you should have no trouble getting an answer. I have no answer for the Flagyl though as I've never been prescribed that for Crohn's.
You can get a soluble version of pred, however I guess you would have to wait till Monday. I wouldn't stop the Flagyl, because that's how bacteria develop resistance to antibiotics. In the meantime I would just take the pred, and hope that you absorb enough to tide you over till you can get some soluble pills.

Just had a thought, maybe your stomach isn't acid enough to start dissolving the pills quickly (this is more of a possibility if you take any acid reducing meds). You could try washing the pills down with some orange or cranberry juice to see if that makes a difference.
Prednisone affects the adrenal gland, suppressing it so your body won't make extra white cells that cause the inflammation. So I don't think it would matter if you crush them-but YIIIIIIKES the taste!!!!
Prednisone comes in a liquid form. That's the way I had to take this lovely medication as a toddler. It does taste nasty, like your sucking on an iron pipe kind of taste. But I did it every morning and night for several years. I don't remember it having an after taste stuck in my mouth, which is a good thing.
I can't take delayed release drugs they just come out the same way the came in and I take gummy vitamins because regular vits pass right through as well.