Question about receiving remicade infusions

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Jul 16, 2010
I'm about to start this job away from home, and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be working 5 days a week. Currently I get remicade infusions every 4 weeks. Does anyone have any experience with this? Can you get infusions done on the weekend? I can't be taking days off in the middle of the week. Any help would be appreciated.
I get my infusion every 8 weeks - and take off from work - only 2.5 hrs each time as I go to work in the morning at 7am and have my appt at 1230pm (leave at 12)...the hospital where I go is thankfully only about 2 miles from my office.....

If you only need to take a part day, maybe see if you can make up the time on others days - and one question, your job doesn't allow you to take time off?
I get my infusions every 8 weeks. I schedule them for as late in the day as possible, and then just leave early that day. It's not ideal, but it's the best I've come up with.
I get my infusion every 8 weeks - and take off from work - only 2.5 hrs each time as I go to work in the morning at 7am and have my appt at 1230pm (leave at 12)...the hospital where I go is thankfully only about 2 miles from my office.....

If you only need to take a part day, maybe see if you can make up the time on others days - and one question, your job doesn't allow you to take time off?
Sorry for getting back so late, but actually I haven't been offered the job yet. So I don't know the details of all that. I just want to get everyone's opinion on this because I'm going to start working very soon.
i got infusions every 8 weeks on a thrusday and had to take them off as 'holiday leave' it used 6 days of 'holiday leave' a year. unfortunatley because its a specialized treatment, you kind of have to work around them and not the other way around, i know in most hospitals in the UK they bring specific community nurses in to run the infliximab clinics, and they don't work weekends.
this was such a problem for me, i don't know what they expect you to do, they told me my health was more important than a job.

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