Question about Steroids, Zofran, etc.

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Aug 13, 2011
Hi guys! This past week I was in the hospital due to a flare-up (I normally wouldn't go, but better safe than sorry when there's a fair amount of blood). I recently moved away to college, so it was kind of scary considering it was the first time I've ever checked into the E.R without my mom or dad. Well, the emergency room doctor put me on Prednisone - 50mg for 5 days. Considering I've had just about everything else but steroids, she decided to give it a shot.

Anyway - I have a follow-up appointment with a Family-Medicine office near my school tomorrow. I didn't really see that much improvement in my symptoms, I'm still definitely in the middle of a flare-up - no blood, so that's good. I really know nothing about steroids - considering my G.I doc back home swore they were the product of the devil. )-: I thought you were supposed to taper off of steroids, but maybe I just had a low enough dose? I don't know. Do you guys think this new doctor is going to put me on steroids for the long haul? I feel like my body has been way out of whack since starting college - probably because of stress.

I was also curious as to whether or not this doctor would refill my prescription of Zofran. I had a prescription for 3 refills (I've been on it since July) - but I just used my last one. Zofran is really what gets me through the day sometimes.

Thanks for the help!
Unless you are on steroids for more than a couple of weeks, it's not typically necessary to taper off. When used for more than a couple of weeks, your adrenal glands (which produce cortisol) shut down, which is why a taper is necessary. Sometimes (rarely) the adrenal gland will atrophy, requiring permanent maintenance doses.

I have been on prednisone for months at a stretch typically taking 40mg qd. Let me say it made me super manic! What's worse, I would often get to 20mg qd only to have my symptoms return, causing me to re-up my dose. This was terrible for my poor wife who had to deal with my drug induced psychosis. (not fun for anyone) I would find my self so angry that I would scream over the lamest crap, it was beyond my control... Luckily, I would remove myself from any situation before I became violent. I hate myself on that crap!

I cannot speak for your doctor, they may, or may not continue steroid treatment. I would be doubtful however, given the short 5 day session. Hopefully, you can find an alternative to the juice.
Thanks so much for your reply!

I'll find out soon enough I guess. I was just curious as to what was going to happen, and if anyone had any tips for me. My mom doesn't want me on the them for that exact reason - crazy mood swings! Haha. My Grandma has dealt with a really bad back injury in which she's been on a countless array of different cortisols. She's had 4 surgeries in the last ten years - and now she has diabetes and kidney damage from being on Prednisone long-term.

Not sure if that makes me bias or not when it comes to them, but I don't really want to be on them either. I've really read nothing but horror stories, yours just confirmed my theory!
Your poor grandmother!

The adrenal glands rest on the kidneys, a likely reason she had that damage.

I don't think anyone likes steroids, except those half-retarded meat heads... Sadly, sometimes we don't get to choose.

If I had a tip, I would say take life one day at a time. I know it sounds trite, the truth is the fear and anxieties can be SO overwhelming! It's easier to keep life in perspective when we live in the moment. (at least for me :) )

Good luck!
HI there, usually you taper off steriods like slim, said. as for zofran i can't see why the gp wouldn't give you another prescription.

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