Question for female Crohn's patients

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Jun 10, 2013
Does anyone find that there monthly period affect their Crohn's? My Crohn's was originally diagnosed because while I always got a little diarrhea around my period, persistent diarrhea for 9 consecutive months was not normal. I originally
Had Crohn's in my terminal ileum, now it has developed in my duodenum. With this new flare, I have discovered all sorts of new pain and had my first hospital stay we'll er stay.

Diagnosed 1989
Currently imuran and prednisone
it's a known fact that hormones do play a role in causing "hormonal" Crohns flare ups. My GI told me that and showed it to me on a diagram.

As CD patients, we are entitled to be made as comfortable as possible so ask your GI for pain medication. I was given Percocet and my Primary care MD Rx a muscle relaxer which helped with the uterine contractions.

I'm in complete menopause now so I do not miss the ER trips due to flare ups & blockages because of "aunt flo". Don't miss the cramps, buying those expensive pads, the hormonal flare ups of Crohn's, and my mood swings.

I've had Crohn's since the age of 12. Major surgery at age 17. Given a total colectomy, perm. ileostomy to save my life. Married for almost 16 yrs. Have Crohn's in the ileum which is under control with Entocort.

hang in there and know that we female crohnies stick together!! :)
nope. no weight gain, no mood doesn't get absorbed into the blood stream like prednisone does. It goes right to the inflammation in the small intestine.

This is what is keeping me in remission.
yes for me it flares up my Crohn's. And to make it worse i get them every 21 days. When first dx in 2007 with uc it never flared with period, now about 1 year ago it does.
Definitely!! On my first day I'm crippled with tummy and back pain plus my other joints get a bit worse too......Oh the joys of being a woman lol. I've been awake since 2.30am because of it...wonderful! Big hugs to all of us ladies for "that little extra" that we have to contend with. :ghug::ghug::ghug:
Definitely! I had forgotten, but yes, diarrhoea and pain were always much worse when I had a period, and I hated having to deal with both at once! Fortunately contraception injections, pregnancies and breastfeeding kept them away and now the mirena coil seems to be doing the trick too. It's not a side effect of the contraception hormones for everyone, (and the implant did the opposite, I bled nearly all the time whilst having that in), but might be worth a try. Good luck x
It definitely affected me! Even after I had my colon removed I was still feeling rubbish around the time of my period. If you're anemic as I am a good percent of the time it isn't helpful either!

I'm not sure if the same medication is available & how it works where you're from but talk to your doctor about the 3-monthly contraceptive injection as it's stopped my periods all together & so I have no side effects as a result. Definitely worth a look into!

I hope you feel better soon!
It affects me, and I would guess most female CD patients. Many of my obstructions were during my period. I can't wait for menopause!
I get incapacitating pain when I have my period. My intestines usually feel awful too. My whole area down there swells up. I cannot even go on the pill due to risk of blood clots. I also cannot take Ibprofin which sucks as that is the only thing that would help with the severe menstrual cramps and inflammation I get every time I have my period. I HATE being a woman! It really does suck! I am fighting a yeast infection right now and also bladder issues as well as intestinal worsening and my period is due Friday! Oh Joy!!!
I get incapacitating pain when I have my period. My intestines usually feel awful too. My whole area down there swells up. I cannot even go on the pill due to risk of blood clots. I also cannot take Ibprofin which sucks as that is the only thing that would help with the severe menstrual cramps and inflammation I get every time I have my period. I HATE being a woman! It really does suck! I am fighting a yeast infection right now and also bladder issues as well as intestinal worsening and my period is due Friday! Oh Joy!!!

Gosh yes ibuprofen!! Really miss how they help. Aunt flo arrived this morning and I'm in agony. Wish the menopause would hurry on lol.
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I totally hear ya there! I cannot wait until menopause! Unfortunately I have a few years to go which really sucks! I am 38, will be 39 this year. Who knows, maybe I will be lucky and hit menopause early!!! :)

Gosh yes ibuprofen!! Really miss how they help. Aunt flo arrived this morning and I'm in agony. Wish the menopause would hurt on lol.
I'm 44 and am in perimenopause, which sucks the big one. I never know when my period will strike, so the past one was only 2 weeks later than the one before that, but earlier it was 8 weeks, which freaked my husband & I out completely, as we have a 48 year old friend who thought she was in menopause, but was actually pregnant. Their oldest child just graduated college and they're starting with diapers again.
I was in perimenopause for 3 yrs. and then on my 44th birthday my hematologist called to tell me that yes, I am in menopause completely. So happy b/c I was told by my Gyn that it could take up to 10 yrs. before my cycle stops. Guess the good Lord heard my prayers for no more periods. lol
I'm 44 and am in perimenopause, which sucks the big one. I never know when my period will strike, so the past one was only 2 weeks later than the one before that, but earlier it was 8 weeks, which freaked my husband & I out completely, as we have a 48 year old friend who thought she was in menopause, but was actually pregnant. Their oldest child just graduated college and they're starting with diapers again.

I'm 44 too but hoping that God will be kind and give me the menopause, my cycle has been erratic for a few years and I've also had to do pregnancy tests too, It's a bit stressful waiting for a period to arrive. I've had 2 week breaks and 11 week breaks!! Imagine, a baby at 49, my heavens what a shock that would be.
Oh I can only pray menopause comes to me when I am 44! I am going to be 39 this year! I can hardly wait till the day where I have no more severely painful periods! I hate it!

Geez, what a shock to find out your pregnant at 48 years old! That would be rough going through raising a kid all over again at that stage in life.
I tend to have normal periods if I am not currently in a flair. I can skip months when I am all inflamed but when I get I under control I have a fairly normal cycle. PMS for me has always included the bid D...but really everything in my life includes D!
Does anyone find that there monthly period affect their Crohn's? My Crohn's was originally diagnosed because while I always got a little diarrhea around my period, persistent diarrhea for 9 consecutive months was not normal. I originally
Had Crohn's in my terminal ileum, now it has developed in my duodenum. With this new flare, I have discovered all sorts of new pain and had my first hospital stay we'll er stay.

Diagnosed 1989
Currently imuran and prednisone

Well back in the hospital again! And low and behold, 2 days before my period started! The pain was so bad July 1st that I couldn't even hold down a mouthful of water with a morphine tablet. The only thing that got me through the night was the Lamaze breathing techniques that they taught us in prenatal classes! So after a full day in the ER, x-rays, I.V. fluids, CT scan, the doctors felt they had found a blockage near the terminal ileum. So I was given my first NG tube (Man, I don't ever want another one!). Wednesday my period started flowing, and so again my bowels began working! 4 movements!!!! So now the NG Tube is gone! (What a relief!). And they're letting me eat again! A clear fluid diet but since it is now Thursday (Happy 4th of July my US friends!) and the last food I ate was at 3pm Monday, I'm a real happy camper!:dusty:
Wow..I'm glad to know I'm not the only ne who ends up in the er around the same time. It SUCKS!!

I have been on all the drugs and in the same order crohns girl since 1989. I'm currently on Pentasa and Imuran.
Hi Fosterfamily2303,
I haven't updated this thread for awhile, after that last obstruction I saw a Gynocologist
And he switched my birth control to the Ortho Evra patch. Usually you wear one patch/week for 3 weeks then 4th week you wear no patch and have your period. The Gyno told me to wear 1 patch/week for 6 weeks then have my period on the 7th week. The first day without the patch I obstructed and was back in the hospital. While there the docs decided to remove my strictured small intestine (50cm) and now I am home recuperating. :)

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