Question for the ladies only...

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Jan 3, 2008
question for the ladies only...

Have any of you noticed a connection between a flareup and other things going on at the same time ?

i have had my current flareup for 3 weeks now, and the part that concerns me is that I have had my period for 15 days now, and it has returned back to heavy. Not sure what my family docs plan to do about that one =/

Also I went to the hospital last night because I was having pains in my kidney and surprise, surprise: another bad kidney infection. So i'm back on Cipro and Flagyl for a week...

Do you think the messed up period and the infection are connected to a flareup? What about extreme fatigue and nausea?
I'm sure I commented on the other threads about this, but I too suffer from a horrible period! I actually just went to the GI last week & talked with him about it. I told him when I start my "sugar pill" week on my birth control, the D come backs, I'm sooooo tired, etc. So for now I am off of my Entocort, but he put me on Levbid to start during the "PMS" week. Like Kel said, talk to your gyno & see what they can do. :)
I'll definitely check out the other threads when i'm not half asleep :tongue:

My doc did refer me to a gyno...i've never actually seen one before! I went to this person once for an ultrasound but that was all. So hopefully I dont have to wait too long to get in =/
haha my first trip to the gyno was on the same day as my driving test.
talk about a nervous day!
first off to have a doctor poke around in your hoo-ha, trying to discover why youve got poo leaking out the front (rectovag fistula, nice.) then spending 20 mins in the car with a bitchy dmv man critiquing your every move.
what a fun day.
I don't have a gyno but I'm thinkign I need one. My GI is so far away to drive and my GP jsut doesn't give me enough time. I am however goign to a new centre with a Nurse Practioner and other professionals. Hopefully htey can help me and I know they spend more time with patients.

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