Question on Protein shake

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Apr 1, 2016
Hi everyone! I'm new to the board and had a couple questions.
I've not been diagnosed with crohn's, but about 3 months after I had my gallbladder taken out, I couldn't eat gluten without getting violently sick, now, a year later dairy and recently I've been getting sick for eating just about anything!! Really frustrating. So I did some research and I've been following a crohn's diet and am actually feeling a lot better. I'm waiting on insurance to go the doctor (hopefully soon), but in the mean time I'm having a really hard time finding good foods to eat. (I also have insulin resistance syndrome which is like pre diabetes in terms of diet and am not supposed to eat potatoes/white rice, etc.)

That being said, here's the question! 😛
I found this organic veggie based protein shake that's gluten and lactose free. The veggie part made me nervous... Would you recommend this for a Crohn's diet?
It's called: way Better than whey Ora organic protein powder.
I found it on amazon and it has a ton of ingredients from wheat grass, flax seed, hemp, kale, blackberries, etc.
if the veggie is broken down into a that okay?

Thank you guys for your time and help!!!!

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I am not sure of the answer. I know I can't have veggies if they aren't gully cooked. I don't know how that works when it comes to drinks with veggies in powder form.
Hello Angelina.......Welcome to the forum
It would be difficult to answer your question since it would likely be a trial and error circumstance.
I don't believe there is a crohns diet as such...what suits one may not suit another.
In your situation it would be trying it out,since you know the items that cause you problems....and you report it appears not to contain the items that upset you.
Feel better soon
Hugs and best wishes
I think veggies whole or even different are completely different from veggie juice added to a protein shake

I think the only way to know would be to try it
Everyone is very different and what they can and can't tolerate also can change

Good luck