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Sep 23, 2009
How much did you get resected and where before you had to get a permanent bag?

I'm wondering what the average is.
I had a right hemi-colectomy (removed half my colon) 2 years before my Ostomy. And I had an emergency small bowel resection the year before.
In total from all surgeries how much did you have cut before ostomy?

2.5 feet colon? How much intestine?
Right maybe 2 or 2.5 feet of colon. I don't know how much was removed during the emergency resection. I hope just a couple of inches. I had a perforation in my small bowel - boy does that hurt.
I never had a resection. Since all my inflammation is in my rectum it is pointless to have a resection done and so I had a temp ileostomy which will turn permanent at some point.
First op I ever had was to take out my entire colon, rectum and anus. Just I got it all out in one go, to be honest.
I had a temporary ostomy for 4 months to let my bowel heal up. To this point, I have had four surgeries for resections/strictureplasties that removed about 4 1/2 to 5 feet, and lost length for the strictures (15 strictureplasties). Two additional surgeries for the ostomy. Keeping fingers crossed that I don't lose any more.
Mine is intact. Haven't lost any intestines yet.
My stoma was installed to allow my ruined anus and rectum to heal.

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