Hello, I've got a quetsions for you. My son who is 17 months old has had cronic Diarhia for about 6 weeks now, very fiew semi formed stools in there at all. It is also very foul smelling. When he was born he was early and spent 8 days in the NICU on a vent for 24 hours, he was on a special formula and has reflux pretty bad. He was scoped because of this when he was 4 months old and then put on an reflux medicine which we stopped giing around the age of one. The last few days I have noticed that he started refluxing again ( a few times a day), the diaharia has slowed down from mulitiple times a day to 1-2 times. I have notices that around his Rectum is red and appears to have some bumps? I have also noticed that he takes him 15-20 mins of pushing to pass a bowel movement only for it to be liquid or mush......anyways was wondering if you guys had any ideas or should I be concerned. Thank you so much for reading!