Raised red bumps on the shins?

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Jun 28, 2014
My son just developed raised red bumps on his shins today. There are 3 smaller ones on the left leg and 1 larger one on the right leg. They are not itchy or sore, except the larger one hurts if you press on it. They look sort of like bug bites. Does this sound like erythema nodosum? If so, is he in a flare? I didn't even think he was in remission yet! Does this mean the budesonide is not working? I thought it was working because the daily fevers stopped.
Sounds like erthyma nodusom to me. If they get more sore or more appear then likely for sure. developed them for the first time last fall, just preceding a big flare. They got much better once I started prednisone, but in the me time, they say keeping your legs elevated and wrapping in tensor bandages helps.
I'd call GI and see if they want you to take him in to be checked by pediatrician. Does sound like they might be erthyma nodosum but could be something else too. Here's an article about EN in case you want to read up on it. Treatment in CD patients apparently consists of getting them into remission along with typical treatment. Except - do not give NSAIDS.


The budesonide is a topical steroid that effects the small bowel. Only up to 20% is available systemically - not enough to suppress EN I would think. The fevers may have stopped because it is working to calm the inflammation in his gut. But that doesn't seem to have been enough prevent EN - if that's what he has. And steroids don't actually bring about healing - they just suppress the inflammation. Biologics and immune suppressants and using enteral nutrition all bring about healing.

If he's not in remission then he's still flaring by the way.
Without a biopsy one can only guess what the bumps are. My daughter had 2 skin biopsies - one seemed to be EN, the other vasculitis. Take pictures of the bumps daily to document the progression and contact your physician to make them aware.
Yikes! They have multiplied overnight. The right leg now has three and the left leg has six. Yesterday's batch seems to be more pronounced and more sensitive. He says they don't bother him as long as I don't touch them. In general, he seems somewhat lethargic and chilled. No fever though. I will call the GI's office tomorrow and see what they suggest. I will post a picture if I can figure out how...
Yep, my daughter's seemed to pop up overnight as well. There would be times she had 20+ on her little body. She usually got them on her shins, around her knees, near her spine, and on her forearms. The ones on her arms seemed to get the biggest and were the most painful for her. Prednisone did help to clear them but it was a temporary fix.
So today he has 14 of these raised red bumps on his shins. Also he doesn't feel well, complaining of stomach ache for the first time. I spoke to a nurse at the GI's office. She said it sounds like erythema nodosum, but they want to see him tomorrow to make sure. So we have a 7:30 appointment for an MRE tomorrow and then we have to go back at 3:30 to see the doctor. He's already dreading the solution that he will have to drink for the MRE, and now he has to go back to see the doctor. He is not happy! For my part, based on what I have read on these forums, if this is as bad as it gets, I'll take it...I just wish I could do something to make him feel better!
Glad the Gi is seeing him soon.

We added Kool aid singles to the mix which helped the taste.
Good luck
jamesmom- good luck with the MRE. I wouldn't hesitate to ask for the NG tube if he is having trouble drinking the Volumen or whatever your hospital uses. My son preferred it and plans on asking for it next time.
The MRE went well. They gave him something like Miralax to mix with 3 cups of water to take before the procedure. He had no problem with it. Now, we have to wait for the results.

We went to see the GI today about the raised red bumps. He was up to 18 when I counted this morning. She confirmed that they were erythema nodosum and had two nurses come in to take a look because they had never seen it outside of a textbook. There's nothing we can do but keep him comfortable and wait them out.

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