Random food question

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Nov 12, 2010
Have any of your children developed food allergies POST diagnosis? After another afternoon of vomiting yesterday, Im pretty confident Claires allergic to shellfish.

My hubby become allergic to shellfish at 31 and I became allergic to dairy at 25 but we're not IBD'er.
Shellfish and tree nuts tend to happen to older kids / adults.
If she is starting puberty ( chemically happens before physical signs )
Then food allergies tend to creep up.
Also having an auto immune disorder puts her had high risk for food allergies .
I would recommend seeing an allergist and asking for a RAST blood test plus a skin prick test.
In the mean time call the pediatrician explain what happened and tell them you want a script for an epipen.
Until she is tested avoid all contact with fish/ shellfish.
Including food cooked in the same oil or in the same pan etc..
Read all labels not just the bolder print - shellfish is a top eight allergen so it has to be labeled but mollusks do not. So be careful.
I recommend joining
I am a volunteer there.
There is a free starter guide which explains a lot please download
Plus a resource section to teach you how to read a label and keep her safe.

Take a faap from faan for your allergist to sign you will need it for school.



Good luck
Mlp- in your experience, would violent vomiting a couple of hours after eating only be consistent with shellfish allergy? I haven't seen hives, rash, diarrhea but something's amiss.

As soon as she gets it all out, she is hungry, eats something else an is fine.

Typically - IgE reactions "true" food allergies start within 2 hours of ingestion.
You can have persistant vomiting as a sign of anaphylaxis .
Where ever she has the most mast cells that will be the system affected most but not always.
Since she is Gi compromised the vomiting makes sense.
You need to watch since this tends to come with a drop in blood pressure sometimes and is very dangerous.
We are to give the epi to DS if he has persistant vomiting after eating.
Not all reactions start with hives.
Each kid is different.
Past reactions are not predictive of future reactions.
The blood tests also can not tell you how allergic you are just whether the likelihood is there.
A low number could mean anaphylaxis and a high number a few hives.
The blood test is like a pee on a stick pregnancy test - it tells you if your pregnant just not how much.
I would see an allergist- make sure they have food allergy exp.
J my hubby just vomits for a long while and then asked for his next meal.
No hives or redness or swelling any where.
Never fear. Vanderbilt Children's is our second home. Im going to ask the peds here for the epi pen and the peds GI who to see.

got it:thumleft:

tell them you want a script for a twin pack ( less copay that way-plus it comes with a trainer):)
Nothing here J.

Just foods that are preferred over others and foods that aren't tolerated as well post surgery.

Good luck hun. I hope all is sorted soon and you know what you are dealing with. :hug:

Dusty. xxx

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