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Aug 28, 2011
Well, it has not been one of the best days today. Andrew has a really sore head at the back and going into his left eye. He is lying in his room with no TV, computer or PS3 on, so it must be bad :thumbdown:. Poor guy is really upset because the whole of his class were doing an important maths test today which he had been revising hard for and now he has missed it. He's been fine all week - why today? :ymad:
Amy is still having pain and on Tuesday managed to get thrown off a horse and hurt her right arm/shoulder and has a bad case of whiplash so can't move her neck too much. Spent 2 hours at the accident and emergency yesterday for them to xray her - thankfully no bones broken. She looked so miserable this morning when I dropped her off at school - feel like a bad parent :yfrown:.
So there you have it, just needed a rant!
Aww, rant away... :ghug: Thankfully, Amy is alright from the throw and, hopefully, both her and Andrew will be feeling a bit better by the end of the day! :ghug:
Glad to hear there were no broken bones for Amy. I am right there with you, C had his early remicade Monday was feeling 100% better by Wednesday took his last pred today and just texted from school and has D, he has been 4x's in little over an hour and doesn't think it is stopping soon. He said just a little pain with it but he can't tell if it is a stomach bug or CD. He hasn't had D like this since before diagnosis:yfrown:

So I am right there with you, rant away!!!!
Oh my gosh! I am in pain just thinking about Amy's accident! Thank goodness she is O.K.!

Poor Andrew. The test will be there when he gets back. I hope he is feeling better.
So sorry about your day! I am glad Amy is okay! Getting thrown from a horse is not fun! Been there, done that!

Maybe the stress of the test caused the headache for Andrew. I hope he gets better soon. The test will be there when he's ready!

Hugs to you. You a great parent. Accidents and illnesses happen. You were there and took care of both!
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Thanks, both kids in bed and asleep. Andrew improved enough to play the playstation for an hour after his dinner ;). Hoping it will be ok in the morning. IBD nurse phoned to say she hadn't heard what the results of the MRI were yet but they would try hurry it up.
I told her not to hurry - they longer they take the longer I have before having to think about 6mp :ylol2:
Don't think this stress is good for my waist line!!! Hard being a comfort eater :shifty:
Good lord! No wonder you needed a rant Sascot! :hug:

How are Andrew and Amy now hun?

And don't ya just hate Murphy and that bloody law of his! Grrrrrrr, he sure as hell as paid many an inopportune visit at our house too! :voodoo:

Thinking of you, :heart:
Dusty. xxx
Hugs - hope they phone the results soon.
For us out of all the meds DS has tried 6- mp was they easiest. One small pill to swallow and a few blood tests - simple.
Well, I am absolutely exhausted!! It was Amy's birthday today (10) and we had a day out yesterday to the safari park and today to the science centre - so non stop. Of course tonight Amy is in alot of pain in her bottom, so not a great end to a lovely birthday weekend :(
Andrew is doing good thankfully and am hoping back to normal for school and football this week. :)
Happy Birthday Amy!!! :birthday2::birthday2::birthday2:

I hope you are feeling better soon...:hug:

Dusty. xxx
Happy birthday Amy, hope your having a better day, how is she after her fall, my daughter Ellie had a bad fall doing a jumping comp January and I was her first comp she couldnt even put her socks on with ou it hurting hers was just muscle damage.. Naughty pony wanted to go home for his tea s set of across the arena with her hanging on for dear life , she said she feels ready to send it of to you've been framed now the pain has gone , I said with the money they send back from the video I will buy her a new body protecter .lol howbis Andrew is he back at school.x
Andrew is fine and back at school, thankfully! Amy on the otherhand has been really bad and was off school today. It took till 11pm to go to sleep last night and she just looked pale, tired and she was really sore so I decided to let her stay home. Phoned the IBD nurse and asked her to get the MRI ordered (since it takes weeks to come through) and to see if she could at least try some abdominal migraine meds to try something to help. :(
HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY Amy!!! Glad she had such a fun weekend but mad it didn't end as well for her :(

And am sorry to hear she's still not well, poor thing! :( I hope you are able to get her MRI scheduled quickly!! :ghug:
I am so slow on all these threads! - So sorry you have had a rubbish week, glad Andrew is feeling better and hope that Amy get's a break soon - sending you big hugs xxxx
Nope, the nurse hasn't yet bothered to phone me back :ymad:. I think she has probably forgotten. Amy isn't too bad at the moment just a bit of pain, so I am not going to keep nagging. Annoying though - if she couldn't get hold of anyone then she could have at least let me know she tried but got no where.
Find it hard to bother her though because "technically" this is the IBD nurse so hasn't anything to do with Amy since she hasn't been diagnosed with anything.
Ugh, that sucks...:(

I hear you about her relationship to Amy but like you say, at least let you know if she didn't get anywhere, that is just common courtesy. I wish more health professionals would look at situations and take the time to think about how they would feel and how they would like to be treated.

I hope Amy's feeling not too bad only continues to improve...:hug:

Dusty. xxx
:ymad::ymad::ymad:. Well had a few days where everything was ambling along nicely then bam, back to being stressed. Andrew has managed to start a cough and looked thoroughly miserable this morning. Bad mom that I am - sent him to school as the cough isn't too bad and he has missed so much school over the last few months! :(
It was weird - had a feeling this morning like things were not going to go great and when I changed his plaster there was blood all over :voodoo:. Can't see where the blood could have come from - the area that isn't quite healed has never bled like that and doesn't look much different to usual. Really hope it wasn't just from when he went to the toilet!! Going to try get all my long list of things done today in case he's off school tomorrow
Oh no! I hope everything settles down! It seems a lot of our kiddos are having acting up issues, I'm ready for some smooth sailing!
So sorry to hear that.:frown:
Andrew finally asleep, so no coughing for a few hours. However Amy is up late (and I am sooo tired) with bad pain in her bottom - at the front this time. :yrolleyes:
On the plus side - I have booked in to see the Twilight Saga marathon (November)!!!! First Twilight film starts at 2.50pm and we see all the films until the new one starts just after midnight - yippeee :thumleft:
Sorry to her about Amy's pain.
That's funny though, Having a pain in the butt is how I feel about Twilight Saga.:ymad:
Any who....:shifty-t:
Grace also has a cold and fell asleep this afternoon.
I made my famous chicken noodle soup with my special spice in it.:eek: GUARANTEE to clear the sinuses for a few hours.:thumleft:
I hope tomorrow is better for both Andrew and Amy!!! Hopefully, Andrew's cough is gone - both Emily and I have been fighting a cough/cold over here too! :(

Looking forward to Twilight too! Although I'm not sure I could sit through a whole marathon! :lol:
Sorry that Andrew and Amy are still feeling under the weather! I hope you get some relief soon. :ghug:

Oh Farmwife...I need some of that secret spice! Alabama fall allergies have got the best of me! My sinuses are so irritated, my hair hurts! You might have to be Southern to understand that one, but let's just say, it's not good!!! :yfaint:
How are Amy and Andrew going Sascot?

Fingers, toes and everything else that things are settling for both of them. :ghug:

As to twilight...well...:sorry:...but...yeah...I watched the first one and they were all so pale and it was always raining and foggy...that I haven't watched it since! :lol: :eek:utahere:

Dusty. xxx
Shame on you Dusty - don't you know I live in that world. In Scotland everyone is pale and it's cloudy and raining most days! Pity there's no cute vampires to make up for it :lol2:.
Andrew is still off sick - the cough is driving me (and him) nuts. I phoned the school to get some work sent home for him as not much chance he will be at school tomorrow either!
Tess - hope you and Emily feeling better soon.
Amy isn't doing too well pain wise. She is becoming quite despondant about it. I've to hand in a urine sample tomorrow and then we have the paediatrician next Tuesday - can't come quick enough!
Sorry Amy is still not well! I hope you are able to get some answers!!!! It's so hard just waiting and harder to keep telling our kids to wait, wait, wait when they aren't well!

And, I can feel for Andrew! I still have a very annoying cough, weeks now!!! And, Emily is still fighting a cold! Quite the bug that's going around. (Thankfully, Stephen hasn't caught it!)

Looking forward to Twilight!!! Dusty's just jealous cuz the cute vampires have no interest heading down to Aussieland! :)
I so hope y'all get better soon!

As far as twilight- we have plenty of blood suckers here in America (insert Congress joke here). There called leaches in swamp and I hate them too.:ylol:
:rof: Sascot! How could I forget about your weather! That's the reason my Dad would never move back there! :lol:

I'm so sorry to hear that the kids are still having problems. :(

Vampires??? Well if they did come down under that's what they could bite...my arse!...


Dusty. xxx
Hope things get better for Amy and Andrew and they are feeling better soon! My hubby dreams of moving to Scotland! He traveled there while in the military and talks constantly of how beautiful it is there. The imagery he creates with his description has me almost convinced but um...he never mentioned rain and fog every day!! He apparently left that part out. Before C's dx we were planning a trip, that has been put on the backburner now:thumbdown:
Sorry both Andrew and Amy are still sick. Keeping my fingers crossed that they feel better soon. I know about that coughing. Here it's fall seasonal allergies! Can't breathe and Ryan and I are running a 5K Saturday. That should go well!

As for Twilight...Can't wait for the movie! But I am more of a warm-blooded and tanned werewolf type! :thumright:
Dusty :rof::rof:
Clash - Scotland is really beautiful - my mom always said if Scotland had better weather it would become overpopulated! We moved from South Africa and I suppose the weather is rather a drastic change - but everything else makes up for it - living without a panic button by my bed, no bars on the windows, no motion detectors in my living room - all of which I had in SA.
Andrew is still coughing :ybatty::ybatty: so no school today either.
Amy is still sore and now has a pain on lower left side (would think it was appendix if it was the other side) - again :ybatty::ybatty::ybatty:
jmckinley - good luck with the run. Team Jacob - NOOOO!

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