Rash getting worse on chin!

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Aug 16, 2012
Well spoke to the dr about red rash on Ella's chin which is starting to spread a little round the sides of her mouth. She didn't really know what it was so we are to try a Steroid/ Anti fungal cream Daktacort for one week then if it doesn't help go back to the GP for a Steroid/ Antibacterial cream. Her nose is also running quite a bit and is bleeding its so sore.
I'm not sure if this rash is Crohn's related or something totally separate. This dr we saw today didn't think it was Infliximab related.
Appreciate any thoughts on this and any natural remedies I could perhaps try on the rash. It actually looks a little worse since using the Daktacort.
Thanks. Steph x
Ella won't let me take a picture of it. I'll try and find an similar image of it on the Internet. Or else I'll have to wait until she's sleeping. It looks like eczema but isn't itchy. I've tried using a moisturiser which hasn't helped at all.
Eczema doesn't have to be itchy.
The rash around her neck was not itchy but the rash on her bum is itchy. Go figure.
MLP posted a pick or link to what a mouth would look like that's affected by Crohn's/ Ill see if I can find it.
Farmwife it's definitely nothing like the Crohn's inflammation mouth pic.
I definitely think it looks like eczema patches apart from little spots that come up.
MLP I hope it's not a reaction to the Infliximab but I will keep a close watch on it.
One of the consultants at Oxford has decided Ella has too many drs in her life and so wants to limit her appts, unless we feel it is absolutely necessary. We will be working with a physio to help with her joints and GI, but Rheumatology is discharging her.
I think if her skin remains a problem I'll have to start at my GP.
Hopefully the cream will work :)
Thanks for that. Ella isn't having any bloodwork done until 13 th Sept but I'll definitely mention it to the GP if this cream doesn't clear it up :) x
Stephyjane...is it a rash or hyperpigmentation?

Sending loads of luck and well wishes that this is something that is easily treated and clear up soon! :ghug:

Dusty. xxx
Hi Dusty,
Yes definitely a rash. Very dry and red.
I'm sure we'll find something to clear it up eventually.
I actually think the Infliximab is starting to make a difference, Ella has had less abdo pains this week so fingers crossed ..... :)
Thanks x
My son also has a rash on his chin. He is taking azathioprine. We have had anti fungal cream and moistuiser. The rash is on his chin, round his mouth and nose. It looks like very dry skin.

Before his diagnoises he had orafacial granulomatosis [ didn't know what it was at the time ]. From memory his skin started just like this in the early stages, then progressed into the sores around his mouth and chin.

I am now worried that this is starting again, though we are back to doctors telling me it is everything but, everything he is given isn't working. We went through over a year of hell before his crohns diagnoises. Then once he started the meds the rash and sores cleared up. Now 4 years later they are back [ no sores yet ].

In himself he is doing well, no other signs of flaring, but this rash has now been there for at least 2 months and gradually getting worse.

Steph, sorry seem to have hijacked your thread, but what your daughter has sounds exactly the same as Josh.
Don't worry about hijacking thread, it's interesting to hear others experiences.
I've been using Daktacort on Ella for 4 days now so have to use it for 3 more and see how it's going. It definitely much better, but her chin has the red patches so I think it will come back once I stop.
Good news your son is doing well other than the rash. :)Do u find he bruises easily on the Aza? Ellas legs seem constantly covered in them over the summer.
Yes, he does tend to bruise more easily on aza, and when he does they last for much longer.
We have found the same thing with the creams, whilst using them they seem to go down, but as soon as we stop it all comes back again. I really don't want for him to get as bad as he was before. He is due a routine hospital appointment in 2 weeks, so I will mention it again when we go.

I hope Ellas rash sorts itself out soon.
Ok, Ella's rash was no better using the Daktacort so went to the GP last night who said it isn't a fungal, but much more likely due to the medications she is on, Infliximab and Aza, lowering her immune system and making her supseptable to developing these things. We have now been given Fucibet which is a stronger steroid/antibacterial cream to use very sparingly. We've used it twice so far and at the moment it has made it look a lot worse. He also said once we get rid of it, it may come back after her next Infliximab.
Just wanted to give a little update on the rash saga.
After seeing multiple drs and 3 creams later Ella's rash on her face is no better and she was getting a little distressed as it has spread quite a lot.
Sometimes I feel her GI thinks as long as her bowels are well we just need to put up with the other things, I don't think like that!
Today we saw a dr who actually listened to us and spent time reading and researching what Ella may have. She thinks its Rosacea caused by the Infliximab. We have been given metronidazole gel to try, and she has reassured us if it doesn't work she'll refer her straight away to a dermatologist.
I'm not sure what this means long term with her being on Infliximab but hopefully this gel will help.
I hope the gel takes care of the rash!! It is so frustrating when it seems no one can give you an answer. :(

Sometimes I feel her GI thinks as long as her bowels are well we just need to put up with the other things, I don't think like that!

I found the same thing with my son's ped GI when discussing meds... when I mentioned fatigue as a possible side effect of the med, he made a comment that 'well, it's just a part of having crohns...' His answer and acceptance of the side effects surprised me (especially as my son had no fatigue at the time!). :(

I would do as you're doing... keep looking for the answer. :ghug:
Thanks. I did ask what blood tests they were doing at her Infliximab infusion last Friday and was told CRP and FBC. When I asked regarding additional ones to check zinc, I was told what she was having done is sufficient. Her next ones will be in 8 weeks time at her next infusion. It's all about cost over here. When I picked up Ella's prescription today they had written her for dispersable Lansaprazole which she absolutely hates, so I asked it to be changed for capsules. Which they did, but said it was a cost issue as the capsules are more expensive.
Then if you pay privately for dr consultations the nhs dr gets annoyed with you. So you can't win either way. And unfortunately we have one Ped GI in our local hospital which we need to build a relationship with.
Sorry went off on a tangent then. Stressy mum moment.

On another note, do any of you have problems with drs getting iv's in to your children. Ella had a very traumatic time at her last infusion, they couldn't get a line in and said scar tissue has built up in her hands. Her hands are black with bruises, and they had to use inner elbow in the end. It scared Ella a lot, my mum could hear her screaming from the treatment room as it was so painful.
DS was dx with rosecea as well on remicade.
he also used metro ( flagyl) cream, a wash and something else.

it just got worse with remicade but the cream kinda help some.

his face is completely clear now on humira without any creams.
Yeah, Olivia built up scar tissue so they have now changed location twice. Still plenty more to use before we run out completely. This was another reason I was pushing to extend out infusions a little more....maybe less frequent infusions will equal less scarring????? No bubble pooping here y'all.
I'd never heard of scar tissue from needles. Can't this become a problem if you'll be needing needles/infusions for years to come??
Scar tissue can become an issue.
It can be so hard the needle will bend when injected .
That is why they alternate injection /iv sites often
My infusion nurse said "fragile veins" become an issue with a lot of the Meds used in Crohns. The veins just collapse when punctured, the "fragile-ness" is also partly why we bruise so easy. I have just got into the habit of letting them know I have fragile veins and they usually will use a pediatric needle. I also let them know where they will have the best luck, which on me is my hands.

As far as rashes, I have had 2 reoccurring rashes, one on my arm was a fungal rash according to biopsy and actually responded well to just plain foot fungal cream. The one on my face has been a little more stubborn, but I've had my best luck with just OTC hydrocortisone cream.
I would try to insist on dermatology consult.
We were told Ella has fragile veins. It really does depend on who does it. I'm not superstitious but we went on Fri 13th and it was an awful experience. We went in at 8.30 am and came out at 7pm for an Infliximab infusion!!
MLP how long was it before you noticed a difference with the metronidazole cream. We've been told just to wash her face with water.
Crohnsinct- I thought that as it had been 5 weeks since Ella's last cannula that her veins would be ok but I was told I lot of the time scarring is due to not pressing down on the area when the needle or cannula comes out as the blood will pool into the area and make the vein unusable and form scar tissue. I've never been told that before. I think I will get the dr to look and see where they want to poke next time before they put the numbing cream on.
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