Rash on cheek and other stuff

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jul 22, 2012
hi All,
Im heading to my gp with this but wondered have any of you had similar.
i dont know if they are all connected but these are my symptoms

neck pain under left ear.
circular rash on cheek
random itching thats mostly upper body and face
discomfort in chest. hurts when i take a deep breath..
dandruff more itching
unspecific joint pain. can be knees, hips, wrists....

can any1 relate?
ive had 2 infusions?

Dear Sickinlk,

i am sorry to hear that you are having symptoms. I was on Remicade successfully for four years, my doc took me off for a year and I flared again. It didnt work so well the second time, and after 6 treatments I had an allergic reaction (which sounds like what you're having). I was covered in huge hives for three days. I had to stop being treated with it ~ benadryl helped with the symptoms of the itching rash. Takes a long time to leave your body though. Be careful, allergic reactions are tricky. you should absolutely tell your doc. Best wishes.
i took some benadryl yesterday and the itching is gone. the rash on my cheek is also going. thanks Christian.
the other stuff im putting down to a dose working its way through me.

keep taking the benadryl for a few days ~ it takes a while for all of the histamines to get out of your system. Good luck.

And fyi ~ I was ALWAYS required to take 50 mg of benadryl prior to having the Remicade. either nurse administered or me just taking it. just to be safe!

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