Really confused can anyone help?

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Jan 20, 2018
Hi I am new to this forum so bare with me. I was rushed into hospital in July 2017 with very severe stomach pains and the feeling of wanting bowel movement even though I had been regular and no problems. Once at A&E I was informed that my colon was totally full! They admitted me and shortly after I had the worst diarrhea ever every 15 minutes and then was also losing blood! To cut a long story short I was kept in for 12 days and my levels were all going crazy they done a sigmoidoscopy only of lower bowel and tests to see if any infection which they found none. I was eventually discharged with no diagnosis and very bad stomach pains which went on for months until I contacted my GP who then referred me to gastro. My feacal calprotectin levels were over 600 and still are. I eventually had colonoscopy which they diagnosed a very unusual stricture in transverse colon. I have since had barium enema and the radiologist said that if we were in India he would diagnose me with TB which blood test lasted showed I didn’t have. I have since then had ct and mri scans and numerous blood tests. I saw my gastro consultant yesterday who says he is 75% sure it’s crohns so has put me on prednisolone and also wants to do another colonoscopy whilst I am on these meds. Can anyone tell me if crohns can come on out of the blue and any advice or feedback? Thank you
Welcome. I am sorry for all you have been through. I would say it is likely to come on out of the clear. With a fecal calprotectin that high it is likely to be some form of ibd. I wish you the best
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