Really loud rumbling!

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Aug 27, 2014
Hi guys this might be a bit of a weird one! On Saturday I ended up in A&E with a queried obstruction. I had been unable to even pass wind for more than 24 hours and was in severe pain and nauseous. They did an abdo X-ray which showed 'loading' of my upper bowel and so advised that I should take some Movicol and 'clear things out'. Yesterday I had my first gastro appointment where he told me I most likely have Crohns. Today I have the most random symptom! I have really really loud bowel sounds in my upper bowel. Its just below my ribs on the right side of my front if that makes sense. You can feel it by resting your hand on my skin. The best way I can describe it is like when your tummy growls, but x 10! Any ideas what this is??
Hi kit.
My guess is it's all part of what's going on inside you, all the inflammation, etc.
I get it too, quite loud and as you say, like a growl rather than what used to be a normal rumbling tum.
I also get rather a lot of noise when I have a bowel movement now, different from how it used to be, more long drawn out. And quite embarrassing in a public loo. I sometimes feel I need a T shirt with a slogan on saying 'I have crohns, sorry for all the noise' :)
Bunty x

I agree. Probably part of everything going on inside. You probably still have narrowing which can make things noisy as they pass through.

You could try a low residue diet. Switch to more fluids to see if that helps. Are you scheduled for more testing with the GI doctor?
How do I tell whether I have a narrowing? I am being scheduled for a flexible sigmoidoscopy and an MRI of my small bowel. I still feel like I'm constipated even though all I have been passing is diarrhoea/fluffy stools. Eating more than a small amount gives me awful pain and nausea :(
I agree with others that it's backed up piping likely due to narrowing. Your upcoming teats will likely show this and an appropriate treatment plan will be needed if in fact stricturing due to crohns.

In the meantime eat very low fiber to be safe and avoid obstructing.
Meat and potatoes without skin should be fine. Veggies probably not a good idea unless very well cooked and tender. Soups and purees are good.

Bit hard since the low fiber diet is mainly dairy and white flour. White rice is probably a good option for you.
I have noises, gurgles, bubbles, vibrations in my intestine everyday. I think it's due to either my stricture or gas. Sometime the noises are painful and sometimes they are not. The MRE can show a small bowel stricture
For me, my stricture causes pain, cramping, noises, and diarrhea. Sometimes my stools are very thin looking like ribbons. Strictures can be cause by inflammation, which can be dealt with through diet and medicine, or they can be caused by scar tissue, which is permanent.
I also have the feeling of being constipated but then I have small bursts of diarrhea all day. My abdomen is also quite bloated
Mashed potato, white rice, pasta (gluten free in your case), salmon and tuna, chicken, well cooked carrots.
Casserole type things Ive found really good, I make a big one to do two days or more and have it with mash one day, white rice another, pasta another. Personally I've steered very clear of most veg, and all pulses, at the moment. Fresh pasta and sauces, available in all supermarkets, are really nice and save worrying about what to have, very quick and easy.
Yesterday I ate some fresh jammy donuts, really enjoyed them. For lunch I have a pasta cuppa soup type thing, or a sandwich, followed by plain yoghurt, sometimes with soft overripe peeled nectarine chopped into it, or soft mashed banana.
Bunty x
That's exactly how I feel right now. Nauseous too. My back really hurts. And really oddly my eye is bloodshot :( Feel faint on and off.
Try to eat only soft smooth foods. Like banana, avocado, youghurt, soup. Are you on any mecications? When is your MRE?
I don't think rumbling is specific to Crohn's or to a particular complication - I think it just accompanies digestive problems of all different kinds. I think laxatives of various kinds can cause of increase it, because they're getting things moving - more movement, more gas produced (maybe trapped inside) - it can all make horrible noises.

I second the white rice idea, but unless you have extra body fat to spare, you may need something more calorific too, especially if this isn't sorted very soon. Plain cakes and biscuits should be ok - can you find those gluten and dairy free?

You'll need the tests done to determine whether you have narrowing or whatever. It's very difficult to know for sure just based on symptoms.
Don't force yourself to eat too much. Stay hydrated! But in the case that you can't pass gas or stool or are vomiting, those could indicate an obstruction, in which case putting more food in your body would only aggravate it. If your symptoms are really bad today, even consider having only liquids like broth. Did the doctor give you anything for the inflammation? Prednisone?
Then I would be very cautious with what you eat and schedule the tests as soon as you can.
I have to wait for the appointment to come through. Unfortunately in the UK we don't get to schedule things ourselves unless you have private health insurance.
I have to wait for the appointment to come through. Unfortunately in the UK we don't get to schedule things ourselves unless you have private health insurance.

This is true, but how long you wait will also depend on how urgent your health matters are. Your GP can ask for an earlier appointment if he/she thinks there's a reason for getting things done quickly, so if you're worried about the wait, let your GP know.
I have a GP appointment today at 5.20pm. Unbelievably uncomfortable. Took me ages to get to sleep last night. OH wanted me to call out of hours last night cos I couldn't stay still or find a comfortable position :( I've taken more Movicol this morning cos I've not been to the loo at all since yesterday morning. I feel like I'm bunged up even though I've been loose all week!

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