Recent crohns diagnosis

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May 24, 2016
Hi, I'm Chris. Diagnosed in early January 2016 with Crohns, first he said UC then changed it. I have a horrible GI doctor and am currently looking for a new one. He has me on sulfasalazine 3pills 2x daily. I only take 1.5 2x daily. I will be starting LDN on Friday as I have a long weekend coming up.
I use a naturopath dr for diet guidance and supplementation and it has worked wonders for almost 5 months. Just going into a flare and feel like crap. Anyway, hello
Welcome, Chris. Wishing you the best in your search for a new doctor and hope you can feel better.
Welcome to the Forum Chris. I wish you luck in your search for a new GI. A good specialist is very important.Like you,many of us use nutrition as a tool to fight IBD. Do what we can,right?
Hello Chris, welcome to the forum. Sorry your doctor isn't great, it's tough when we don't connect with the person who's supposed to take care of us. I hope you have success in finding a new one who you can connect with and feel comfortable talking to. Take a look around the forum and settle in, if you have any questions please let us know, we're all in it together here and there's no question too big or small. We've all been where you are now and there is no such thing as a silly question either.
Welcome and best wishes on finding a better doctor and getting back to feeling well!

I saw a naturopath after my diagnosis as well.

What dietary changes are you making? I have had pretty amazing results with the specific carbohydrate diet.