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Dec 7, 2011
I have recently been diagnosed with crohns. Left the hospital on October 20 -2011. The doctors say that I have a moderate type of crohns after seeing the biopsies. Taking pills to decrease the inmune system.
Hi and welcome to the forum, cbonhomme. :)
I'm on immunosuppressants too.
Which one are you taking?
Is it working for you?
I hope you're well. :hug:
Hello and welcome :bigwave:. I see another Canadian coming on board. My daughter was in Ottawa too. Now she is home. What led you to the hospital and how long have you had symptoms. It does help us to know what meds you are on. Hope to hear more from you. Great bunch here.
Greetings and a hearty welcome to you, I'm so glad you found your way here.

Which specific meds are you on if you're interested in sharing? And are you on any vitamin or mineral supplements?

Take care and I hope to see you around the community here. :)

the pill I am taking is like immural something like that. I only started two weeks ago. I am also taking only the shakes called modulen. I will finish on the 21 of december. I am taking them by MOUTH! no tube and I am sick and tired and can't wait to start eating again. Sometimes I have very tiny pains but they are not very big. I went to ChEO for about 10 days and I don't want to go back there again. Hate IVs.
I'm guessing the pill you're taking is Imuran, also known as Azathioprine. We have a support forum for Imuran here if you'd like to learn more. As for the modulen, I'm actually quite pleased to hear that your doctor put you on that. That's a form of enteral nutrition (click that link) and, if you are able to stick with it (I know it's hard!) has about the same remission induction rates as steroids without all the terrible side effects. I'd strongly suggest reading up on it as it may make sticking with it that much easier and you can learn about then working on an elimination diet to maintain remission.

All my best to you!

I hate infusions too! Unfortunately, the med I take is done that way every couple of months.

Good luck with the modulen. Maybe you'll be able to eat again during the holidays. :hug:
There is hope!

I am sorry to hear your news. Stay strong and fight it! You can figure out ways to get relief naturally and improve your diet by researching and testing your body, to see what works for you. Stay strong!
Thanks guys :) Im sorry it dosnt seem like i introduced myself properly :p My name is Nathalie and im turning 14 this december (2 days after I get to quit my Modulen diet YAAAAAYY!!!!!) The first time I went to the hospital for painful cramping and vomitting was in May. I returned to the hospital 3 more times after that (4 in total) And CHEO (children's hospital of eastern ontario) did nothing but maybe give me some pedialyte! :( Finally in October i returned for the 5th time and they finally decided to run some test. Then after lots needles (6 blood tests, 1 TB test and 3 IV's) , an XRay, an ultrasound, an MRI, a colonoscopy and a gastrospcopy (aka upper and lower scope) they diagnosed me with crohns. Now i've been on the Modulen diet for a mont and 3 weeks! And even though its really tough, It ends before my birthday and christmas so i cant think of a better gift!!! :D
Hi Nathalie!! Well done for sticking to the Modulen for so long, I was on it for roughly 3 weeks leading up to my op to help with the pain I was having. I used to refrigerate it and add strawberry and banana flavourings and to me it did taste like milkshake when cold. This is far better than other liquid 'foods' I have had to have previously. I also think Imuran is really good, this kept me symptom free and well for the longest out of the meds I have been on.

PS Welcome to the forum :)
Angrybird: your right :) Its even 10000000x better than the yucky pedialyte they would give me :puke_r: But its REALLY hard to drink :( I hear im the only one in my hospital whos been able to make it this far with them!!! :O (Without putting a tube in my nose) ANd its nice to know that the Imuran works cuz ive only been on them for like 3 weeks?
HorseLover!! : Thanks! My mom is actually the one who found this site :p haha
The imuran does help, it just take a little while to start working. I know that it is hard having the illness, but just having a diagnosis goes so far in to making you feel better. I have not been on the site long, but from looking around it seems like you can find a lot of answers here. I hope you continue to make progress:)
thanks :) I'm just glad I might be able to quit because it's REALLY hard to drink! I'm drinking one right now and it's been 20 minutes and I'm like half way through :S
Welcome cbonhomme,
You might want to read threads posted by Tesscorm as her son is a teenager who is on the liquid drinks (he uses an NG tube at night.) He is now eating food, but I think that he supplements with the drinks at night to maintain remission.

It is just awesome that you have managed to stay on the liquid food for as long as you have. Just a gentle warning to go really easy on the food when you come off the drinks. It is really hard for your digestion to start working on solid food.

I recommend really soft foods with lots of water the first few days--watery rice, well-cooked carrots, mashed banana, small amounts of poached chicken.

You could look on this website and follow the LOFFLEX diet for a few weeks to help maintain the remission while you start to eat again:
Look under the heading, "The Dietary Treatment of Crohn's Disease" for some info about this.

Good luck-- I hope you enjoy a soft Christmas dinner. Last year I had formula for my Christmas dinner, so I too will be enjoying some solid food for Christmas.
Make sure you are careful when you return to regular eating. Sugars will irritate Crohns as well as carbonated beverages. Unhealthy food in, unhealthy result. Be good to yourself! If you have some trouble, think about what you ate and eliminate that thereafter. It will make a difference. Happy holidays!
thanks! I will do my best ;)
Here's an update: I went to the GI and dietician today to see if i could start on solid foods again, and they decided i could start. (Small portions more frequently) The bad news is that they found something like low pancreas enzyme or something? I'm not quite sure but apparently it's a side effect from the Imuran/azothiprine :S I have to take more blood work on friday (wonderful birthday gift right? -.- woohoo, best brithday eevveerrr -.-urrgghhh) and they will tell me what wrong. Im not quite sure what going on, anyone have any idea what might be happening? Something about low or high pancreas enzymes (not quite sure :S)
Wow, you're 13 and you have been on the liquid diet for 2 months, bravo. I am on an all protein/fat diet at the minute, so i won't be able to have any of my moms great baking or potatoes etc :(, at least i get some turkey/goose/duck whatever i want in terms of protein :D. Welcome aboard and have a merry christmas

(careful not to overdo it :beerchug:).
Hey guys :) I started eating food today for the first time in 2 months and I'm having some stomach cramps right now :S is it normal? since i havent eaten food for so long im GUESSING that its normal but im not sure :s
The first time a baby is introduced to solids, I like to keep giving the milk that they're used to along with it. That way, the transition is easier on the baby's belly. I imagine we are the same as babies when weening off of modulen. Also, go easy and try the creamier foods like mashed potatoes or strained carrots, etc. Just a thought coming from someone who hasn't done a modulen diet. It just seems to make sense in my mind.
and ur very right :) I have to take small portions of foods more frquently BUT i still have to take 3 modulen shakes a day. Does anyone have any suggestions that help ease the pain of cramps? I know that putting warm pads on my belly and drinking tea helps but thats all i know :S
Do belly rubs. Cramps can be caused by trapped air in the intestine. Using a flat palm of your hand and your navel as the center of your circle, look down and put your palm on the right side (ascending colon) of your stomach and then go upward and down to the left (descending colon) and down and around to the right again. Repeat for as long as possible. When cramping is the worst, I begin lightly and then add more pressure, if needed. You are getting circulation to the area and will help eliminate a great deal of air. It will also "move" things along. Look up Bikram Yoga's "Wind Removing Pose" and try that. That will also help. That also helps with backaches as well. Try a small cut piece of fresh ginger in some hot water and sip slowly. That will help calm the stomach. Feel better!