Red small itchy bumps

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Oct 5, 2015
I've been getting these small red itchy bumps all over my body, the worst is on my back. I think it could be from the remicade that I just started a few months ago, because the bumps came after my second infusion, I've checked in with my gi doctor and she said it was just a skin infection and not to worry and put me on anti biotics. And they seem to not be working really well, cause I'm still getting more bumps, argh!! It's been really frustrating because now that've been on remicade I've finally been getting my life back to normal, but if these bumps don't go away or at least semmer down, I'm afraid that'll need to stop remicade or something. So I'm asking you if you've had any rash of somesort from remicade or from anything? And if so how'd you deal with it, or at least any tips to make the itching go away. Any answers, will be greatly appreciated, thanks.

I get those when I eat too much sugar and cause a yeast imbalance in the gut. Try cutting off sweets to see if they subside. For a quicker fix fasting for 24 hours calms the rash right down.
I'm going to try the fasting for a day or so to see if it helps, and I've tried taking benadryl it helps with the itch but not the rash, thanks.
Have you seen a dermo?
Ds gets sweets syndrome
Which looks like mosquito bites very itchy but don't go away
Common with ibd
I'm going to try the fasting for a day or so to see if it helps, and I've tried taking benadryl it helps with the itch but not the rash, thanks.

It is not the same with everyone but because of Crohn's Disease my wife is worried if I would try fasting,
Definitely consult a derm doc and keep your GI posted. I had a similar reaction a few months ago that looked like large mosquito bites on one leg that gradually spread from the knee to above the hip on one side. Onset was within a week of an infusion. At first they thought it was an opportunistic fungal infection secondary to immunosuppression, but the biopsy was negative. After consulting an infectious disease specialist and second pathologist, the general consensus was that it was a med reaction. It had been unresponsive to topical antifungals and steroid cream, but gradually has gone away on its own. I'm now off Remi and considering next options.
I've been getting these small red itchy bumps all over my body, the worst is on my back. I think it could be from the remicade that I just started a few months ago, because the bumps came after my second infusion, I've checked in with my gi doctor and she said it was just a skin infection and not to worry and put me on anti biotics. And they seem to not be working really well, cause I'm still getting more bumps, argh!! It's been really frustrating because now that've been on remicade I've finally been getting my life back to normal, but if these bumps don't go away or at least semmer down, I'm afraid that'll need to stop remicade or something. So I'm asking you if you've had any rash of somesort from remicade or from anything? And if so how'd you deal with it, or at least any tips to make the itching go away. Any answers, will be greatly appreciated, thanks.

Hi ANDREW. I started remicade about 6 months ago and suddenly got a terribly itchy rash that started about 4 weeks after my last (4th or 5th) infusion. My doctor claims it can't be from the remicade because it's more than 2 weeks after my infusion. However after reading all the forums I believe he's wrong. It started with clear/skin colored bumps on my ankle that turned red and spotty and went away in a few days. However I started to get the rash in other places and have continually developed itchy rashes in othe areas all over my body. Some disappear and other new ones appear and/or locations that got better recur.

Unlike other rashes described here, mine does not resemble acne or have any white center or pus. These resemble heat rash except the bumps vary in size. I've taken benedryl and my dermatologist prescribed veery strong topical steroid foam. This helps somewhat with the itching but doesn't get rid of the rash. He offered to put me on oral steroids for 12 days but I refused. It's been about 2.5 weeks already and I'm still getting new patches.
My derm says it's an allergic reaction to something but he can't say what. I've got an appointment with an allergist to see if I can get any information on what I'm allergic to and see if it coincides with this rash.

My gut tells me (pun intended) that it's the remicade and that gastroenterologists aren't listening and documenting when their patients on remicade have skin issues. I'd love for mine (at one of the top hospitals for ibd in the country) to do a study that asked patients if they ever had a rash while on remicade. I bet they'd be surprised with the result.
Hello. My husband is on Remicade and he got small boil kinda things all over his back and chest, like 6 months after he started Remi. By then he had had 3 or 4 infusions. His GI referred to a dermatologist and she said it could be because of the remi but it looks like inflammation of the hair follicles. She prescribed antibiotics - didnt work. And then she gave an ointment - worked like a charm! Then his GI tried reducing Remi dosage since he was starting to do well, and now the boils have also reduced. So, high dosage of Remi was the reason for the skin trouble in his case. Always better to get it checked. Good luck!
Hello. My husband is on Remicade and he got small boil kinda things all over his back and chest, like 6 months after he started Remi. By then he had had 3 or 4 infusions. His GI referred to a dermatologist and she said it could be because of the remi but it looks like inflammation of the hair follicles. She prescribed antibiotics - didnt work. And then she gave an ointment - worked like a charm! Then his GI tried reducing Remi dosage since he was starting to do well, and now the boils have also reduced. So, high dosage of Remi was the reason for the skin trouble in his case. Always better to get it checked. Good luck!
I was on Remicade a few years ago . I got folliculitis which wouldn't respond to antibiotics. They ended up having to remove it surgically.
I was on Remicade a few years ago . U got folliculitis which wouldn't respond to antibiotics. They ended up having to remove it surgically.

Oh I'm sorry Ron. But that ointment worked for his folliculitis. Sorry you had to have surgery
I get these bumps/hives and rash things when i am on steroids. I am currently on 30mg of prednisone and waiting on my 3rd dose of entivyo. It doesn't bother me nearly as much as all of the side effects that come with taking prednisone.
I started getting these after about 2 years on remicade. They are like little mosquito bites on my forehead, cheeks, scalp and behind my ears. My pcp thought they might be hives but they don't respond to Benadryl. They're annoying, but so far not worth giving up the remicade for.
my son has the same issue. all over his legs and pubic area. It is the remicade and Mayo clinic gave him several creams and lotions. Any antibiotics make it worse so as soon as he got off thoses it was better. The dermatologist just kept prescribing them. IT lead to Candida which is too much yeast in your body. Topical creams are best way to make these go away. Tee Tree oil is good too. he still gets one or two every once in a while and takes about two weeks to go away.