Reducing Inflammation

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Jan 11, 2016

I was diagnosed with Crohn's last year and was initially put on Pentasa. It didn't seem to work at all. My doc then prescribed me Prednisone which I decided not to take after researching it fully. I'm not currently on any prescription medication. I've been taking a multivitamin recently which has seemed to help. I've tried high dose curcumin, krill oil and a few other supplements without much success.

However, I seem to have lots of inflammatory issues. Sinusitis, eczema, acid reflux, constant fatigue, foggy brain etc. Even my dentist recently said my gums were inflamed. I eat a lot of fruit, currently adding more vegetables and keep refined sugar to a minimum.

Does anyone have tips on food/supplements that are powerful inflammation reducers?

I appreciate your input.
keep going the route of medications for sure. soluble fiber psyllium plus probiotics has shown to induce remission in crohn's the good bacteria turns the fiber into short chain fatty acids and lowers intestinal ph which inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria. You are also in colorado try getting medical marijuana that has also been shown to induce remission in crohn's. Studies show that fruit seems to correlate with lower inflammation. Montmorency cherry juice has been used to reduce symptoms of arthritis in studies, many drugs for crohn's are also used to treat arthritis. In my experience anything with sugar increases my symptoms even fruit but i still eat small amounts of fruit, a few pieces fresh/frozen per week.
Thanks for the advice. I have tried medical marijuana (high CBD and other varieties). It does seem to work to an extent, but i don't like the side effects i get. I get bad anxiety and paranoia and mainly just extremely tired. I tried a high quality probiotic from my local vitamin store with 13 billion cfu's. It made me feel sick. I tried to stick it out for three weeks but didn't see any improvement. I'm not sure if I should try again or use a different brand. I thought the sick feeling was die off, but it didn't seem to get any better. Just like you, anything high in sugar makes my symptoms much worse. I'm trying to cut out all dairy as well.

Any suggestion on probiotic brands/strains to help Crohn's?
Thanks for the advice. I have tried medical marijuana (high CBD and other varieties). It does seem to work to an extent, but i don't like the side effects i get. I get bad anxiety and paranoia and mainly just extremely tired. I tried a high quality probiotic from my local vitamin store with 13 billion cfu's. It made me feel sick. I tried to stick it out for three weeks but didn't see any improvement. I'm not sure if I should try again or use a different brand. I thought the sick feeling was die off, but it didn't seem to get any better. Just like you, anything high in sugar makes my symptoms much worse. I'm trying to cut out all dairy as well.

Any suggestion on probiotic brands/strains to help Crohn's?

ive had bad reactions to probiotics too, but i seem to have good reactions to this one it has the most diverse strains i have found yet. i divide one pill into 4 seperate pills and take about 75 billion a day.

also fish oil can reduce inflammation don't take alot though.
avoid high intakes of omega 6 fatty acids like corn oil. eats nuts like walnuts and pistachios for fat requirements. canola oil is high in omega 3 I believe its the best choice for a cooking oil you can mix in a little butter too fro extra flavor but it taste way better then olive oil which i also cook with but i always mix in canola or butter for better taste. omega 6 fats are a nutritional requirement but can enhance inflammatory should balancing it with omega 3. Canola is very well balanced omega 3/6 fats.
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Reducing other inflammatory foods -not just sugar- might help, (rather than trying to supplement with anti-inflammatory products to counteract the effects of inflammatory foods)
Have you tried an elimination diet to see if there is an improvement (particularly a gluten free one)?
I've been taking tart cherry capsules recently. They've improved my quality of life, but not necessarily my Crohn's. I feel zero soreness the day after intense workouts, incredible! I'm usually very stiff/tired. I also feel more energy when working out but not when stationary. Tart cherry has been one of the few supplements I've seen a very noticeable and nearly immediate effect. I like the juice as well, but it's expensive and has lots of sugar.

I recently picked up some coconut oil. I've been adding it to smoothies. I haven't noticed any change with the coconut oil, but will keep taking it as it has lots of health benefits.
I've been taking tart cherry capsules recently. They've improved my quality of life, but not necessarily my Crohn's. I feel zero soreness the day after intense workouts, incredible! I'm usually very stiff/tired. I also feel more energy when working out but not when stationary. Tart cherry has been one of the few supplements I've seen a very noticeable and nearly immediate effect. I like the juice as well, but it's expensive and has lots of sugar.

I recently picked up some coconut oil. I've been adding it to smoothies. I haven't noticed any change with the coconut oil, but will keep taking it as it has lots of health benefits.

take it easy on the coconut oil, very high in saturated fat. i woudl say no more then 1-2 grams per day, i take a few drops with each meal to help kill bad bacteria.
I use it pretty sparingly, but I could afford to put on some weight! I've been thinking of trying beta glucan which could help modulate immune response. I don't see much info on this site about it.
I've heard good things about VSL 3 but I'm a little leery after getting sick from the probiotics I tried previously. Plus they seem very expensive. I'll likely try them in the near future but not something I'm rushing out to buy today. Any cheaper probiotic alternatives?