Refined Carbs

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Sep 1, 2010
I've done the SCD for awhile, while not religiously it really does help with my symptoms. I did some more research on it and thought about a book I read several years ago about Edgar Cayce. A quick search revealed that while in trance he recommended cutting out refined carbs and eating fruits and vegatables to treat Crohn's. Along with spinal manipulation. I didn't find a ton of info-I'm sure it would cost some $$$ for a membership into the cult or something, but I did find it interesting that this refined carb link goes back quite a ways and certainly explains why this disease hits western cultures heavier than third world countries due to our diets.

While posting on the "what are you eating" thread I noticed most people on here are eating refined carbs with every meal. I understand that physicians say diet doesn't have anything to do with crohn's but until they find a definite cause and cure I don't think they're to be trusted on the subject.

I know everybody's different in what they can tolerate as far as diet, but has anyone who's currently been stuck in a flair tried to cut out all refined carbs? If so did it help at all?

I'm sure there's a ton of threads on here in regards to this subject but I'm a lousy searcher.
I just saw my GI today and asked about diet. His opinion was "diet will certainly affect your symptoms greatly but WILL NOT affect the progression of your disease." it's hard to believe this! Most GI docs will say this, while most patients, including myself will disagree. Now with carbs I know that they affect my symptoms. I ate crap for months while in remission, and now I try to limit carbs and am stuck in a flare. I don't have the determination to do a strict scd diet though haha
I don't think refined carbs make my Crohn's better or worse. I try to stay away from processed food as much as possible because it's just not good for anyone to eat so much processed food. Plus, it helps to keep the weight off while on Pred...

My general rule of thumb is if it has more than 4 ingredients (and ANY ingredient that is unrecognizable or unpronouncable), I don't eat it. I try not to eat anything at all with processed wheat flour.
And yet I made a lovely cake with nutural ingredients, brown sugar, wholewheat flour, butter, organic freerange eggs etc, and it disagrees with me! But I can eat white processed shop bought cakes fine.
I don't think refined carbs make my Crohn's better or worse. I try to stay away from processed food as much as possible because it's just not good for anyone to eat so much processed food. Plus, it helps to keep the weight off while on Pred...

My general rule of thumb is if it has more than 4 ingredients (and ANY ingredient that is unrecognizable or unpronouncable), I don't eat it. I try not to eat anything at all with processed wheat flour.

That's a nice rule to live by. Don't put it in your face if you can't pronounce it!
I just saw my GI today and asked about diet. His opinion was "diet will certainly affect your symptoms greatly but WILL NOT affect the progression of your disease." it's hard to believe this! Most GI docs will say this, while most patients, including myself will disagree. Now with carbs I know that they affect my symptoms. I ate crap for months while in remission, and now I try to limit carbs and am stuck in a flare. I don't have the determination to do a strict scd diet though haha

He's reading medical books and his world is pharma, the college of medicine he belongs to, and making money at his job.

Do you think pfizer is going to do a long term study on the effects of a healthy diet on specific diseases?

The probelm with medical studies, is they tend to go like this: keep doing everything you are already doing, and add this 1 thing (whether it's eating an apple once a day, pop a pill once a day etc.). Such is the nature and dogma of science and the scientific method and scientific research. Everything in isolation. Our bodies are systems part of this planetary system.
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And it's these refined carbs that stop my D when I'm flaring!
I will only eat white rice, white bread, white pasta and potatoes as part of the low residue diet, and it works for me, then I slowly introduce coloured foods back in.
The only whole grain food that I can tolerate is Weetabix when I'm flaring.
Just shows you how different we all are!

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