I tried acupuncture once, and it was so painful I cried, and it went on for over an hour... and I had to run and use the toilet 3 times with all those pins in me. the lady felt so bad she didnt charge me the $100. she explained it hurt so bad, and I felt so much cramping in my muscles where the pins were because I had so much inflamation.. but Im not convinced it was just that. because of that experience, I will prob be afraid to ever try it again, but I really do believe it can be benificial, Im just a big chicken.
I also agree meditation would prob be a great thing to try, I just cant stop thinking long enough or concentrate, and cant figure out how to do it to be honest.
I tried yoga once and wanted to scream at the top of my lungs after 15 minutes, I hated it. lol
does ativan or valium count as meditation? lol, I would be good at taking those. hehe