Remicade and now Humira commercials on TV

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Feb 28, 2008
:ylol: :ylol:

Seems like they are playing a lot more of these lately.

I just saw my first Humira commercial!

Funny they never mention that either is for Crohns treatment. Always RA.

Does that bug anyone else besides me? It's like HELLO! Mention my problem sometime so more people would be educated! :ymad:
that always pisses me off... whenever i see an ad in a magazine for either one, it's always targeting RA people. I guess arthritis is more common, but I feel kind of snubbed.
I agree.... at least its a change from the depressing Crohn's commercials. Have you seen those?! They show people (who are suppossed to be Crohnnies I guess) looking all sad and depressed, talking about "urgency" lol.
That bothers me... as a REAL crohnnie Id rather see something upbeat with people who represent those of us who take the good with the bad and keep a positive attitude rather then an actor who looks like he's lost his best friend, almost making me want to feel the same way.

Those ones always come on at the wrong time... last time I saw one I was having a bad day and I actually shed a few tears because of it... then I felt kinda dumb for letting it get to me.
The only Crohns commercial I ever see is that one with the big black guy that is some football player.

Can we say totally out of the demographic of the usual Crohns patient?

I think something like 70% of us are female and of Caucasian origins.

Hello where is the female representation?
those commercials have been pkaing a lot where i live. it does annoy me that there is no mention of crohns. the only crohns commerical ive seen is the one with the quarterback of the jaguars. but that doesn't really mention much of the disease except that he has it and to go to some site.
I thought it was funny (and slightly ironic) that before I started having problems with my Crohn's I would see that commercial of the people in the tubs or something and I would be like "What the heck is Crone's?!" I guess this is God's funny little way of answering my question. lol. But yes, people are very uninformed of Crohn's. Unless someone has it or personally knows someone who has it, they have no idea what it is.
The guy in the commercials is David Garrard. He has Crohn's. He is the quarterback for the Jacksonville Jaguars.
The point of his commercials is that for every touchdown he threw this season Centocor, Inc. donated $10,000 to CCFA. This year he scored 17 for a total of $170,000. :)

As far as the Humira/Remicade commercials... Yes, I agree! It would be SO nice to see them also advertise for Crohn's patients as well as RA patients. Maybe in the future.