How about mobility? Will I have to lower my activity level or can I still exercise to the intensities that I want?
Hi cooro my doctor said only side affect beside maybe allergic reaction to the medicine which would result in maybe a rash or fever was the suppressed immune system
Oh, so I should have noticed something by now if I was going to experience a side effect?
Hi everyone, I am new here and am in need of some much needed advice. I will probably be going on Remicade very soon and I was wondering if this is something that I should let happen or maybe choose a different drug? Is there anything I should know that my doctor isn't telling me about the drug? Does it hurt when you get the injection? What are some of your thoughts about it? Anything would help![]()
Funny you should ask about blood in your stool. I started Remicade 6 weeks ago and about 2 weeks ago I seen blood, but it was bright red and I assumed I must have an internal hemorrhoid. Then I didn't see any until yesterday, the day after my 3rd infusion.
I'm going to see my gastro dr. this week and I will be mentioning it to him. Hope it's nothing serious. I have never seen blood before either.
What did you think it was from??
Pete had his 3rd infusion today. Since he started this he is now a different man. Back to eating, more energy, no more accidents due to not making the loo in time etc. Do they stop the treatment when you go into remission? or is it ongoing? Deb
I have been slowly getting better on Remicade, and I have never received a pre-med with my infusions, and I feel fine after I've gotten mine. I have good days and bad days still (meaning pain), but the pain I get now, is no where near the pain I was getting, and to me it's great so far! Good luck with yours....
Thanks for the reply. How long have you been on the Remicade for? What would a typical day without Remicade for you consist of, and what would one with Remicade consist of? (pain wise). I would like to try and get a feel for the difference that it can make, to make sure that the pro's outweigh the cons.
For my first few infusions I won't be going into work that day, but would like to be able to eventually do so. Do you think that would be possible? I work as a Pharmacy Technician if that helps you to understand what type of physical demand my job entails.
I have had 5 infusions of Remicade and symptom wise my Crohn's is a lot better. I have a few issues though and would love to hear suggestions or experiences. I have found that I have lost a lot of hair in the shower etc. It seems to be getting worse. Also I get soooo ITCHY! Whenever I shower I have to take allergy pills to help with the itching. It has gotten so bad that I litterally scratch my skin until it bleeds. I don't know what to do!! Please help![]()
New member of the club! He started 2 weeks ago, got round 2 yesterday. No side effects and only takes about 2 hours. Problem right now is that the immediate spectacular results don't seem to be lasting between infusions. Anyone else have that problem?
I am been on Remicade for about eight months now. I do not feel any better or worse after the infusions. I have also started Imuran with the Remicade, but feel the same. I am thinking about stopping all meds, but I have no idea if that would be a good idea. I have a feeling I'd be in the same position I am in now. In pain. I have had tests done, and they can't find any reason behind my maybe it's in my head?
Thanks! Nice to know the little detailsI'm still nervous about starting it and can't seem to shake it. I'm looking into other options, but would like to be prepared for the Remicade. Is the IV on a pole or do you have to sit the whole time?
Had my first infusion today,
hi club? :ghug:
Hi, kslade,So I had my first infusion the other day. Everything went pretty well, just have a few questions for you guys. While in was getting my infusion I didn't have any side affects that is until about 10 minutes before it was done. I started to get very tired ( the lady next to me was snoring ) and about 1 hour after the infusion I got a headache. Now those I'm pretty sure are common side affects but my question is did anyone experience tighness in the chest? I didn't start to experience this until today as well as muscle weakness.
The nurse said to go to he emerg if I had shortness of breath, chest pain etc but I don't have any of those that she listed. Has anyone else experienced tightness in the chest and know what it is or if I have anything to worry about?
Hi, kslade,
I'm a brand new member of the Remicade Club & will introduce myself later, but just wanted to let you know that I did have tightness in my chest all day after my first infusion, which was 3 days ago. It went away the following day.
In my case, it felt just like the chest pain I've been feeling from stress (personal/work - details later) off and on over the past few months, except at the time I didn't feel stressed (probably because of the Benadryl). Probably foolishly, I didn't get it checked out (I have an aneurysm in my ascending aorta and need to be attentive to things like this) because I figured it was just stress. I did talk to my doctor about it the next day. I would definitely ask your doctor about it though, you don't want to mess around with chest/heart issues. In other words, do as I say, not as I do!
Have you had more infusions, and did you have the chest tightness again?
They give you the meds orally, and trust me, they work fast enough!So after a talk with my doctor, she has ordered to premed me with Benadryl and Tylenol for my next infusion this Wednesday due to a long list on side affects. Do they give it to you orally or intravenously?
They give you the meds orally, and trust me, they work fast enough!
@kslade, I think the decline between doses is common during the Loading Dose phase. My husband had his 1st infusion while in the hospital on a Tuesday. He was released that Friday because he was so dramatically improved. By the following weekend, he about as bad as he was when admitted. He was so busy with work trying to catch up what he had missed that he didn't contact his doc about the decline. Fortunately, we ran into her at the elevator while going for Round 2. She took one look at him and told us she was readmitting him. So he got the infusion while they got his room ready and we were there for 4 more days. That was 2 weeks ago yesterday and we've got 2 weeks until Round 3. Our existence is entirely centered on keeping him well enough to stay out of the hospital while we go through the Loading Doses. Long story short, definitely talk to your doctor especially about the pain, but no you're not alone in experiencing a dramatic decline between infusions. Good luck and healing thoughts heading your way!
i started my first infusion 2.5 weeks ago and am feeling much better now. My doctor is monitoring me through blood work and I currently have a highly abnormal liver function. I stopped 6MP about four days ago and have had to stop remicade until we figure out for sure what is causing the abnormality. Has anyone else every had something like this because my doctor and his colleagues have never seen or heard of this due to remicade only?
My Son is now 13yrs he was diagnosed Aug 2009 with crohns in the ileum area with uclers. We started with pentasa with encort until december then pentasa and predinsone until Aug 2010, currently on pentasa and azathioprine with now talks of starting the remicade. I am wondering about the warnings about young boys developing deadly lymphoma. Does anyone have info for me on tests that I should inquire about. I am also wondering about developing antibodies to this med...what will he do when he gets olders etc...
I'm here to join the club! I started my Remicade infusions about 4 years ago, and things are going generally swell. I've had some scares (thought it stopped working, but it just happened to be a particularly strong flare up) but overall IV therapy is the best treatment I've gotten so far. The only problem is, I feel great for 6-7 weeks after having it, but that final week before my next infusion I feel like death. I haven't had a chance to read through the whole thread yet, but does anybody else get this?
My next treatment is Dec 4!
The biggest problem was that the needle infiltrated 3 times in 3 different locations (inside left elbow, back of left hand, back of right hand). I hope I'm using the right word here; what happened, if I understand it correctly, is that the needle went all the way through the vein and started putting the Remicade into the tissue on the other side of the vein. Each time the area swelled up a bit and it hurt, but not badly. They had to take the needle out and move it to another part of my arm/hand, which was kind of a pain.
Yes, a small area of skin near the needle swelled up, sort of like a bubble. It hurt a bit, more if it was touched. The nurses were checking on me every few minutes and they spotted the first one. Once I knew what it was, I called for them the 2nd & third time it happened.
The swelling/bubble went away a few minutes after they removed the needle.
Had my 2nd dose today and it went fine. No infiltrations this time!
Sounds like it might have been. Did the raised skin go away after an hour or so? I guess your nurses didn't notice or maybe only noticed at the end when it didn't matter. Did you tell them it was hurting and if so, what was their response? Did you press on the raised skin? On mine, it was kind of mushy (pardon my advanced medical jargon).
Was the raised area bigger than, say, a dime? If it was smaller, then maybe it was irritation or inflammation from the needle entry point? (I have no idea if this even happens, just a guess.) But if it was infiltrating for 30 minutes I would think there would be a noticeable, bigger-than-a-quarter sized swelling, and quite a bit of pain. (Just a guess, I don't really know anything beyond my experience.)
My next appt is Dec 6th - I get to find out how they pre-med with the benadryl (IV vs. pill)- oh joy.....hoping I'm ok to drive the hour home after!
You're going from benadryl IV from pill? Or the reverse? I'm currently on benadryl in pill for as a pre-medication. It takes almost an hour to kick in on me. How come they are switching you?
Nope - I'm going from NO pre-meds to tylenol/benadryl pre-meds......
I'm going on them due to the danged rash I got this past spring - which has not yet totally cleared, although it is about 80% better! doctor is not totally convinced it didn't have anything to due with the remicade.......