I loved remicade when I first started... but when I started, I not only had two fistulas, but I was also very weak and in a lot of pain. But it was a miracle drug for me - I completely transformed almost overnight. Remicade brought my disease into remission. However, it did not heal my fistulas.
It's different for everyone... but if you're worried about side effects, I didn't really have any. Sometimes, I would feel like I was coming down with a cold the day of and the day after treatment, but I never actually caught anything. After my first infusion, I tried running for the first time in months (a mistake) because I felt so much better, and it took my lungs about a week to recover from jogging half a mile. But now, I run all the time..
You may not be on remicade forever if you start, so don't let that scare you. A lot of people are only on it for a short time. However, in some cases (I believe it's rare), if you go off remicade, you might not be able to get back on it. Now that I have been on remicade for almost two years, I'm resenting the hits to my pocketbook and having to take off work every eight weeks for my infusion.
The infusion centers are awesome if you get a good one - mine just got private rooms and flat screen TVs. I usually bring coffee and a snack and take a nap during my infusion. It's like a mini-vacation - it's very relaxing to me.
There is a rebate program for people with health insurance that will pay your deductible for you, limiting your out of pocket. It's called Remistart. Look it up. Your infusions could end up being free if you play your cards right. And, if you let the rebate program pay your deductible, well.. you don't have to pay for your healthcare for the rest of the year. So it's not always financially burdensome. Last year, my rebate program paid more than $3000 for the infusions (my max out of pocket), and I had surgery a few months later.. and didn't have to pay a dime out of pocket.
I've had two fistulas, and I would never choose to live with them if there was even a small chance that I could get rid of them.. no matter the cost. I'm desperate to have a healthy, normal body. But you have to decide what is best for you. Everyone's circumstances are different