My 9 year old daughter was diagnosed with Crohn's in November 2012. In the beginning we thought that the skin tags she had were hemorrhoids. Only symptom. Of course never went away. Went to pediatric GI and was told Crohn's. Went for second opinion because I couldn't figure out what Crohn's had to do with the skin tags. New GI has reviewed everything, colonoscopy, Endoscopy, blood and stool results and believes that she has Perianal Crohn's. Made more sense. She is currently taking Asacol, flagyl, and carafate. So far the meds are not taking the pain away from her butt. Every time she has to go to the bathroom, shes starts to cry, curls up in her bed and hides because she doesn't want to go.There is no bleeding, no constipation, no diarrhea. She doesn't complain about her stomach to much. A little gurgling and a little pain every now and then. The new doctor wants to start her on Remicade. Doctor states that my daughters skin tags are not normal for her age. The side effects I have read about Remicade scares me. I don't know if I can put her on Remicade. Any advice???
My 9 year old daughter was diagnosed with Crohn's in November 2012. In the beginning we thought that the skin tags she had were hemorrhoids. Only symptom. Of course never went away. Went to pediatric GI and was told Crohn's. Went for second opinion because I couldn't figure out what Crohn's had to do with the skin tags. New GI has reviewed everything, colonoscopy, Endoscopy, blood and stool results and believes that she has Perianal Crohn's. Made more sense. She is currently taking Asacol, flagyl, and carafate. So far the meds are not taking the pain away from her butt. Every time she has to go to the bathroom, shes starts to cry, curls up in her bed and hides because she doesn't want to go.There is no bleeding, no constipation, no diarrhea. She doesn't complain about her stomach to much. A little gurgling and a little pain every now and then. The new doctor wants to start her on Remicade. Doctor states that my daughters skin tags are not normal for her age. The side effects I have read about Remicade scares me. I don't know if I can put her on Remicade. Any advice???