Remicade or Humira? Which is Better?

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Aug 13, 2011
Hi, after trying every other option for my Crohn's (even having removed my entire colon/large intestine, I am now faced with the only two options left, Remicade or Humera. Since my doctor is allowing me to choose, can anyone give me advice as far as their general experiences (benefits and downsides) of any of the two medications? Anything important I should know about them?
Thank you so much,
I think they pretty much do the same thing. Remicade has mouse protein, so there's more of a chance of an allergic reaction. Also, it's an infusion every 6-8 weeks, versus Humira which is a shot every 2 weeks. I would rather do the shots so it doesn't interrupt my day/require time off work.
I was given the choice also. My decision was easy.... I have a tertible needle phobia and there was no way i could inject myself! Remicade seems to b working quite well thank goodness. I know if it does fail tho, i will have to switch to humira. Not a great phobia to have with this disease, u r forever getting poked with needles! I am getting better with the tho!
U need to decide with yr doc what will work for u. Good luck with your decision and i hope it all goes well for u!
From my experience remicade works wonders--- Since I experienced an intestinal obstruction while being on humira and was then switched to remi which is really working great!!!
I think you have to make your own decisions....

I was given a choice, and went for Humira :) I like that it is fully humanised and I dont have to go into hospital to have it. Downside is that traveling can be a bit of a logistical headache keeping the med's cool.
I choose humira because infussion seemed like it would be annoying also my brother worked on it at Abbott a few years ago. Dr Vilcek who made Remicade amusing.

but in reality my doc likes humira more, so unless i had a strong desire for one, I was going with her suggestion.

Go with the one your doc suggests. I know it's important choice but don't over think it you can always change.
This is just my thoughts and opinion. I find Remicade to be alot stronger than Humira, and needles dont bother me, most use the pens. If I went the route I should of , Humira would be first. Human protein is lesser chances of a reaction. Hope you make the right decision for you.
I think in terms of effectiveness they are pretty similar, although different people respond differently, of course. I was put on remicade, not given a choice. But the way I see it, there are pretty big differences in terms of practical issues. For Remicade, you have to go to the hospital to get it, which is annoying. Especially because you have to try to schedule around trips and other important events. But, it only takes a few hours, and then you can forget about it for 8 weeks. I also get any bloodwork I need done while I'm there for my infusions, so that's nice. Humira - a huge upside is you don't have to go to the hospital to get it. But, as beth mentioned, I've heard that keeping the meds cool can be a hassle.

I'm happy with remicade, and a big plus for me is that I can put it out of my mind between infusions. Both drugs are great. good luck!
A lot of it will depend on you. I liked the idea of Humira, and the convenience. I don't care for giving myself shots, but my mom used to nurse so she would inject for me. The stinging pain was a bit much for me. Unfortunately, Humira never seemed to work for me. I switched to the Remicade and I notice less pain and diarrhea the very next day. Besides a very severe reaction many years ago because of the infusion lab's error (they didn't pre-med me and I went into anaphalactic shock), the only problems I seem to have are joint pains the night after the infusion. Nothing I can't live with. Right now, the remicade isn't working for the full 8 weeks, so I'm about to have surgery. But after the surgery I am supposed to stay on the remicade in the hopes it will put me into remission.

I hope at least one works for you!

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