Remicade with an abscess?

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Jan 3, 2009
Is there anyone here that is on remicade that can offer me advice?

I have an infusion scheduled for the 16th, and I've noticed something that may or may not be an abcsess (possible fistula?). My question is: Can I still get the remicade infusion if I have an abscess?

I do get bloodwork done 2 days before the infusion, and that will tell the clinic if I have an infection or not. As of right now, it's not infected that I can I'm hoping I can still get the infusion and not have to go see the specialist before.
Hi Daisy,

My doctor put me on Remicade specifically to heal a fistula that was prone to abscesses. Usually an infection is accompanied by fever. Especially since you are having blood work done, I would say you are in the clear. But I would certainly suggest paying close attention to any flu-like symptoms that may pop up while having an abscess. You do not want to mess with an infection. In fact, you may want to see about getting a course of Cipro/Flagyl. When I would get an abscess along side my fistula, I always got the Cipro/Flagyl treatment and that always kept it from filling up.
Thanks Cookie...I'm hoping the remicade will help the situation. I'm watching for fever, so hopefully I will be in the clear. I will talk to my family doc about cipro too...Thanks for your reply :)
Hi Daisy,

I think that the general guide is not to go ahead with an infusion if there is an un-drained area of infection. I've been in this situation many times and seldom had a high temperature. If I did it was time to book my self into Hospital.

Why don't you seek guidence from the clinic that will be carring out the treatment for you?

Best of luck.

When I was on Remicade and had an abscess I was not able to get my infusion. I had to have the abscess drained immediately and I was running a fever, but they wanted to wait at least two weeks after they drained it before I could resume. I was put on Cipro and Flygle in the mean time. This actually was the beginning of the end of Remicade for me. Because of the laps in time between infusions the Remicade started to loose its effectiveness. I hope they let you continue. Good luck!


After reading what others have said, I hope I did not give you bad information. It was never an issue for me as long as I was not showing signs of infection. you should probably check with your doctor to be sure. Lots of luck!
i was on remicade and yes i had infusions with infections, open infections! i have crohns fistulas and HS (skin disease) i have been off remicade now for almost 3 new dr (not the one who had me on remi) said that remicade was completly useless for me being that my fistula was at least 7 years old! remicade helps NEW fistulas not older ones and if you really read the fine print of the sucess rate it is very misleading. i had 8 rounds of remicades and at least 6 of them i ran a slight temp....but my dr and nurses werent concerned as that was "normal" for me. im not saying its a good idea for you to have your treatment im just stating that i have had an open draining infection with the HS and abscess with fistula and i was never denied remicade. my advice to anyone who is unsure uncomfortable or just not getting anywhere in their care is to get a 2nd opinion or a 3rd or 4th even 5th!! im one my 4th dr since 5 yrs old....well i have been treated by the same dr (colorectal surgen & gastro) at cleveland clinic for almost 10 yrs and just recently have become so unhappy in their care i got a referral from my family PCP and this new dr (colorectal surgen) is wonderfull!! he explains things has nothing but time to sit and answer ALL my questions and is just so much more professional than my other at CC i am so happy that i changed drs! now i am finally moving forward in a treatment plan rather than being stuck between 2 dr who would rather fight over what to "name" my problems than to actually treat them and help them heal!bestof luck to you with remicade!

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