Remicaid questions

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Jun 6, 2011
remicaid questions

I just got some questions reguarding remicaid as it's possible that I'll be starting it soon pending results of my sigmoidoscopy.

1) How long does the infusion take?
2) Should I have someone drive me there and home?(I heard you can get very tired)
3) Do they have you sit in a chair or do they have a bed you lay in?
4) Are there any side effects you have expirienced?
5) How many loading doses are there? What are the doses in the first 8 weeks?
6) When will I first feel the effects(when will I notice a change in state?)
7) Am I going to need to do weekly/ bi weekly/monthly ect blood draws?
8) How long can I stay on remicaid?
9) Is it possible to get pregnant saftley while on remicaid or would I need to change to a less severe drug during pregnancy?(For down the road definatly not right now)
My answers below...

I just got some questions reguarding remicaid as it's possible that I'll be starting it soon pending results of my sigmoidoscopy.

1) How long does the infusion take? For me - appt at 1240pm, out of there by 330pm usually (First infusion or two may take longer)
2) Should I have someone drive me there and home?(I heard you can get very tired) I drive myself - but I also bounce back from the IV Benadryl quickly - I have an hour drive home (and will be going to work after my next one due to scheduling)
3) Do they have you sit in a chair or do they have a bed you lay in? At the infusion clinic I go to - they have the reclining chairs and I make myself comfy...
4) Are there any side effects you have expirienced? Not really - nothing that really bothers me at least...
5) How many loading doses are there? If I remember correctly, it was week 1, 2, 4 then 8...then 8 weeks apart for me. What are the doses in the first 8 weeks? The dosing goes by body weight and severity of disease, along with how you react to it - I get 4 vials and have been on that since the start....
6) When will I first feel the effects(when will I notice a change in state?) I noticed pretty quickly (had fistulas) - with others it takes longer....anywhere from a week to a couple months probably
7) Am I going to need to do weekly/ bi weekly/monthly ect blood draws? I get bloods done every other infusion - so every 4 months...
8) How long can I stay on remicaid? Until it stops working for you....or if insurance pitches a fit and doesn't authorize it
9) Is it possible to get pregnant saftley while on remicaid or would I need to change to a less severe drug during pregnancy?(For down the road definatly not right now) Check with your doctor - I started after my pregnancy - can't remember if others here have carried successfully while on it....
Here's my 2 cents.

I just got some questions reguarding remicaid as it's possible that I'll be starting it soon pending results of my sigmoidoscopy.

1) How long does the infusion take? For me, it's almost 3 hours, or I get sick.
2) Should I have someone drive me there and home?(I heard you can get very tired) I have a nurse do mine at home now, but I feel well enough to drive afterwards.
3) Do they have you sit in a chair or do they have a bed you lay in? My infusion center has hospital beds, you can lay or sit up. At home, I sit on my couch with my feet on the ottoman.
4) Are there any side effects you have expirienced? If my infusion goes too quickly, I've come close to passing out. After the loading doses, I had lower abdominal pains for a couple days. I don't get them anymore.
5) How many loading doses are there? The first 3 infusions are loading doses. What are the doses in the first 8 weeks? Like Paso said, it depends on your weight. I get almost 3 vials.
6) When will I first feel the effects(when will I notice a change in state?) I didn't notice anything. It was gradual. But with each of my monthly blood draws, I got healthier and healthier. Now I'm in remission. :)
7) Am I going to need to do weekly/ bi weekly/monthly ect blood draws? My GI did monthly blood draws through the 4th infusion, monthly check-ups, as well.
8) How long can I stay on remicaid? You can stay on Remicade forever or until your body rejects it or it starts to fail you.
9) Is it possible to get pregnant saftley while on remicaid or would I need to change to a less severe drug during pregnancy?(For down the road definatly not right now) Dunno. Sorry.

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