Remission for 2 weeks?

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Apr 9, 2011
So I was diagnosed around 3 months ago with the 'regular' crohn's- you know in the normal sort of places if that makes sense? Anyway I was on modulen for 6 weeks which worked very well, I started to eat everything after about 9 weeks, so around 3/4 weeks ago.
1 week after I started eating I had 5 important GCSE exams, I had to leave to go to the toilet in 2 of those which was just awful. Since then my diarrhoea has got worse. I went back to the hospital last friday and they did another blood test so waiting for those results.
I get occasional dull pains and bad diarrhoea almost every day now but I still feel like I have quite a lot of energy but I think my appetite has gone down a bit. My dietician said there is no proof that food could cause the diarrhoea and that I could try probiotics, although not to get my hopes up about that.

So I am trying some but it's really hard not to stress, it is like a vicious cycle.
I am 15 years old and I don't know how to handle this! I keep desperately hoping that someone will find a cure for crohn's because I don't want to accept that I could have this forever. I just can't see this working with my life plan- do well in GCSE's and A-level, go to a good university, study law, become a solicitor.

Is it possible that I could be having a relapse from the stress of my exams?
Charlot the best advice I can give you is to try not to blame yourself for any flares you may experience. I don't believe there's much we can do to cause a flare, though sometimes stress and diet can make it worse. They may very well one day find a cure but none of us know when that might happen. However, I can say that when you look up the history of IBD, like Crohn's and UC, there are many many more medications available today than there were 10 or 15 years ago so there's absolutely no reason to not be hopeful that in 5 or 10 years, even if there isn't a cure, things will again be drastically better than they are today.

Best of luck to you I can totally sympathize with your pain.
When i feel stressed or take things to heart it defintitely get's my disease activated try to keep it calm and take it easy......
Its quite possible that you were never in remission to be quite honest. During a flare we can have episodes where we feel fine or at least up to par but that doesn't mean everything is all clear on the inside. It'd be nice if we could see what was happening on the inside all the time so we could be sure. :p

I know you want to do well in school and go to a great university but you must understand that rest can help you heal along with the medication. Having Crohn's doesn't mean you can't do all the things you plan on doing. I went to a great grad school for art (I'm a sculptor) taught by well known artists in LA and graduated in '09 with plans on becoming a professor myself (been my dream since high school). The only reason why I haven't started teaching yet isn't because of Crohn's, its because the economy is so bad right now. You're lucky you're still in school cause things should be picking up by the time you graduate (I wish it were sooner :p). All of my professors were very understanding of my condition and helped me finish my courses by allowing me more time on projects and being a little more lax on the whole "you can only miss 3 days" business. I've been in remission for a while now where the only time I really think about the fact that I have Crohn's is when I take my medicine (which is daily but its a fleeting thought cause I'm just used to it). You can go into remission too and stay in remission as well with the right meds. As said already though, don't blame yourself for a flare. You were recently diagnosed and I know how hard the acceptance part is (diagnosed when I was 9 (I'm 29 now) so this is really the only life I know). Things will get better, you'll see. :D

Edit: Just saw you're in the UK. You can scratch the bad economy part of that unless its bad over there too. :p

Never give up hope that you will find a treatment which will work for you.I stayed in the vicious cycle for 21 years.Despite 9 operations,steroids,immunosuppression drugs,pentasa i never had one day of remission.Nearly two years ago i finally found the help i needed & i gained complete remission from CD(i never thought i would see).
Their is another member of this forum 'Helminthic Therapy' who,like me, looked for alternative help,he also gained remission after two decades of CD.

Best Wishes

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