Remission questions

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May 5, 2010
Hi all, quick couple of questions. I'm in or near remission and it's is still kind of new to me to feel this good after feeling crappy for so long. I'm wondering if anybody else has experienced this while in remission. Does your appetite sometimes go crazy, like pred crazy, while in remission? (For the record, the only meds I'm on right now are Omeprazole and Amitriptyline - I came off of Entocort in April and that was the last time I took steroids.) And also, does your body seem to crave exercise now? I have noticed that I'm usually feeling hungry and energetic - I have been eating a lot, but haven't gained weight because I am burning a lot of calories too! It's odd because before I became ill, I used to hate to exercise, and had to force myself to go to the gym and disliked every second. I didn't really exercise at all when my illness was active. Now, when I hit the gym I find myself smiling and feeling great and really enjoying it! Not sure if my body is trying to tell me that this is what I need, or if I'm just weird or what! Has anybody else experienced anything like this upon hitting remission?
:ybiggrin:Yes, Cat, I experience the exact same thing! I think it's your body's way of trying to get back to a strong physical state, so you crave food and exercise.

I'm so happy you have been feeling so good-enjoy every minute, you deserve it!:dance:
Sarah has an insatiable appetite at times, especially when she comes home...hmmm :lol: But the thing is Cat she was never into sport or exercise before Crohns but now she runs! It surprised the bejesus out of me and she said she loves it, makes her feel really good.

Matt's appetite has returned with a vengeance and I can't remember the last time he ate as well as he is now. He is different with sport/exercise though, it is something he has always loved. I know he missed it terribly when he was ill so he is as happy as a pig in **** now that he can participate again.

Dusty. :)
yes it's very normal to crave foods and be energetic but, keep in mind your diet is everything. just watch what you eat and i am sure you will be fine and hopefully you will stay in remission for a very long wishes.

Thanks Jeannette, Dusty, and Scott! Glad this is normal, I won't try to fight it. :) It seems wrong to snack this much but I'll listen to my body and will give it the fuel and exercise it craves. Dusty, Sarah sounds a lot like me - I never ever did any sports, not even when I was in school, but I am loving exercising now. I'm not much of a runner but I've been lifting weights 3x per week and I'm slowly starting to see some muscle tone forming! That in turn makes me feel great and makes me want to exercise even more! :D
Spoke too soon!

I think I spoke too soon, having d and some pain & nausea today! The good news is, this doesn't feel like a flare - I think it's because I ate a little too well yesterday. I had a big salad at lunchtime, and then blueberries for a snack, and then my hubby made me carrot juice when I got home from work! I can normally eat those things with minimal problems, but when I eat them all in the same day it seems my body doesn't like it. Guess I need to go back to bland foods & junk food for a few more days. Oh well, live and learn!
GAbrielle played tennis before she was in remission, but I think it was more "force of habit", and she didn't seem to enjoy it the last few years. She has been playing since 2nd grade, and was on the high school team.
This past month she has been eating a TON and joined a gym and works out 3-4 times a week for 2+ hours at a time! She absolutely loves it. She goes in the morning to work out and by the evening she is usually saying she wants to go again :)

sorry your not feeling well today...I hope it's just a fluke and passes quickly!
Thanks Tracy! I'm already feeling a bit better this afternoon than I was this morning, so I'm sure it was just because I didn't eat the right things yesterday. I'm planning on hitting the gym again tomorrow and I can't wait! Even if I still feel kind of crappy, it's not going to keep me out of the gym. I always feel better when I work out anyway, it's like medicine. I'm glad to hear Gab is doing so well! :D
Personally I think it only seems like eating and exercise can be ravenous after remission cause its not something you could do before. I see it more as a normality than an oddity.
After surgery I went into remission and gained 50 pounds! I went crazy eating! It was so nice to eat food and not hurt right after even though I am always afraid that it will. Exercising is a good thing it creates endorphins which make you happy! Id say keep up the good work and stay postive! That is the most important part of staying healthy, is to be postive!
I miss working out! I miss eating the foods I crave. Thank you for giving me something to look forward to again! Eat & Exercise! Your body will love you for it!!
Ellipse, glad I could give you something to look forward to! I can't eat *all* the foods I miss, unfortunately. Stuff like dairy and deep-fried foods still kill me. And as I just learned, I can't overdo it on the "healthy" stuff like salads and fruit. But yes, it definitely can get much better and I can eat some foods now that I used to have to avoid. And of course I can exercise and that feels great! I plan on hitting the gym again today. :)
Ellipse, glad I could give you something to look forward to! I can't eat *all* the foods I miss, unfortunately. Stuff like dairy and deep-fried foods still kill me. And as I just learned, I can't overdo it on the "healthy" stuff like salads and fruit. But yes, it definitely can get much better and I can eat some foods now that I used to have to avoid. And of course I can exercise and that feels great! I plan on hitting the gym again today. :)

I find it sooo strange not to have salad or fruit. I am sick of white bread & peanut butter. I now HATE yogurt and mashed potatoes and I are NO LONGER BFF's. I honestly eat the same thing every day! Sometimes I'll have a slice of pizza and my body says "no thanks". I ate red meat last night for the first time in a month and that was no go as well.

Oddly, I haven't lost weight! Mind you, my body craves exercise and I always gain when I don't work out. I did lose during my last episode but I've gained it back. I guess eating a lot of carbs will do that to you!

Have fun at the gym and do some squats for thighs will thank you for it :ylol:
Ha ha, I will do a few extra reps just for you. And I'm the opposite, I lose weight very easily and it's actually been pretty hard for me to put weight back on. It wasn't until I was on steroids for 7 months that I was actually able to get back up to the weight I was before I became ill. (Just for good measure, I ate everything in sight when I was on steroids and I gained a few extra pounds, oops. ;)) I'm not sure if the steroids caused this or what, but I've got a bit of a belly now and I've never been super toned to begin with, so I definitely need the exercise even though I'm thin!
I tend to gain weight in my thighs. It's brutal! I am not looking forward to being on meds (if that is what is required) because I'm sure it means more weight gain. The flip side is that if the meds make me feel better I hopefully can work out again. I don't have much energy though and I'm sure the B12 issues are a part of that. Crossing my fingers that my body regulates and I get energy back!

Again, have fun! Don't over do the reps just for me :ylol:
I will definitely have fun! I hope you get your energy back soon and are able to exercise again too. Oh, and up until I got this little potbelly thing I've got going on, I always used to gain weight in my butt! Not pretty, ha ha! At least now the gut matches the butt and I'm somewhat symmetrical in my flabbiness. ;)

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