Remistart 2017

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Dec 26, 2014
I just got the EOB from E's first Remicade infusion this year, so I went online to remind myself how to fill out the Remistart paperwork. It looks like they are calling the program Janssen Carepath Savings now, and this year you can do everything online, including submitting the EOB and monitoring the status of the rebate. The re-enrollment was automatic this year too, so the whole process took only minutes.

If you're in the US, and you have private insurance that pays for just part of your Remicade, be sure to sign up for this program! Our insurance has a $1000 out of pocket max per person each year, and this year Janssen will be paying $925 of that. Some infusion centers will do all the paperwork for you, but some--like ours--don't even tell you about the program. We didn't know about it for the first two calendar years of my daughter's infusions. Found out about it here, of course. :)
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I am thankful that I found this site. The first infusion for this year left me with a balance over 6000.00. I don't know what I would do without the assistance of the program.
Thanks for the info!

Now if I could get the hospital to actually send a bill... wait, did I just say that?? 😜
Now if I could get the hospital to actually send a bill... wait, did I just say that?? 😜

I totally get it. We usually get our bill within weeks, but this year it took 2 months, and our co-pays were adding up in the meantime after E dislocated her knee. I was calling once a week to ask for the Remicade bill. I could tell that the billing office wasn't used to people calling to request a bill!
What is EOB? This is something I'm going to have to look into soon... S finishes university in August and, then, will no longer be covered under any parental insurance. If he gets the job he's hoping to get, we're good... if not... :ack:
EOB stands for Explanation of Benefits. In the United States, it's the paperwork that insurance companies send out to explain your bill; it itemizes the costs of treatment, and lists the amount of each item that you are responsible for paying out of pocket. The Remistart program requires you to send them the EOB, since they only rebate the portion that you pay yourself.

I really hope your son finds a great job with great health benefits! I know that would be a big weight off all your shoulders.
Thanks pdx. I wonder if it works differently here in Canada??

I'm going to be calling the nurse who coordinates remicade treatments for S's GI's office. I did speak with her months ago, just to get an idea of what I should expect when S finishes school and she seemed quite confident that remicade would be covered through a program (Janssen's?) if S did not have insurance coverage. So, while not hugely worried just yet, I am hoping there are no surprises and things run as smoothly as she suggested (or that S get's good coverage at his job). :)