Removal of anus

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Sep 3, 2011
1st July having an ileostomy and also back passage removed and closed.

Having had a hemi colectomy I know what to expect post op for the ileostomy but no idea about anus apart from knowing it is going to hurt and probably a lot

Any tips from people on how to ease the situation. Do the proper support cushions help thanks in advance
i had my completion proctectomy on 12th feb,8 to 10 days after it i thought id cracked it, walking and moving about fine and then infection set in,resulting in losing weight and weakness and being fed by tube as id hardly eaten anything in 3 weeks ,about 4 to 5 returns to hosp, still trying to get the wound to stop pushing out blood and mucus stuff, its a total p i t a literally,but i was told it will deff heal up, roll on the day it does lol, its all down to luck i think as infection in this kind of op is a 50/50 thing,but it is far better than running back and fore to the bog all day,i just wanted to forget that i ever had a backside but it is still nippy at the mo, i guess i was just a bit unlucky as all the ops i had before were quick healing,heres hoping you have a good quick recovery
I had it done many years ago. It was left open to heal from the inside out.
I had an inflatable ring but I suspect a cushion or something like that might be better.
Hi - just seen your post. Hope your op went well. I had this operation last year and it was the best thing I did! My wound is still healing but life is much better!