Its my first post on this forum, but I do consider myself somewhat of a Crohn's expert (5 years out from diagnosis, never a remission- no joke) dr's say I've prob had it all my life. Anyways thinking over my first resection (had one 3 years ago in which the surgeon changed his mind during- dumb but whatever) so now I'm on Remicade, mthtx, and tons of other acid/crohnic pain/ vitamins/ ect and they found more ulcers in the same place I always have them. I personally just want that area gone, lots of scar tissue ect. I'm a college student though, double major in fact and I'm not willing to take a semester off and I know full recovery is like 4 weeks and I do not have any breaks that long, how do I approach this with my health in mind w/o killing my GPA?