Robert's Formula / L Glutamine?

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Dec 18, 2011
Happy New Year!

My ND suggested I take L Glutamine and Robert's Formula. I haven't tried the Robert's Formula (it's hard to find) but I have started the L Glutamine. The LG worked great the first couple of days, which lead me to eat too much I think, and I"m a little bloated and uncomfortable now.

Does anyone have any experience taking either of these supps? Any other natural supps out there to try? I've been in a flare-up since October.

See: Your Story>Success Stories>MY Supps for MY Dis-ease for my approach. I have been taking l-glutamine off and on for a month, or so. An osteopath, of all people, advised me, as a crohnnie, to up the l-gluta to 9 grams a day! That wouldn't be cheap, but I may try it sometime for a week or two to see what happens. I usually take 3 grams, in a addition to a bunch of other supps, but I'm completely dependent on fish oil (four grams) and lots of probiotics (Jarrow EPS, three a day works pretty good).
I have taken mucilaginous herbal concoctions from time to time (slippery elm, marshmallow) though I haven't heard of the okra and cranesbill mentioned in the formula your taking. I occasionally take a tsp or two of slippery elm bark in a glass of boiled water with a little honey and a couple shakes of cinnamon--I do believe this is quite calming to the stomach. I am also taking a digestive enzyme blend that is vegetable based but yet includes a pancreatin source, somehow.

Another pharma-free member posted the following, which reminds me of the formula you posted:
1. I blend the following 6 herbs, and 3 times a day before every meal, I boil one table spoon of that combination in one and half glass of water, until half
glass of water is evaporated. From the remaining on glass, I remove the scum and I drink it 20 minutes before having my meal.
The herbs include: Borage flower (not leaf or root, hard to find in Canada!!), Marshmallow (not the cookie, the herb!), Camomile, Thyme, Calendula
Officinails (I guess it's also called Marigold), Chicory. (They must be blended all with the same ratio)

2. I blend the following herbs, and I combine one table spoon of the combination with yoghurt and eat it after my meal: Cumin, Caraway, Caram,
Spearmint, Licorice. The ratio is a bit tricky: 5 Cumin, 5 Caraway, 10 Caram, 10 Spearmint, and only 1 licorice.

I might try the above sometime, in addition to growing some of the herbs.
I was familiar with this L-Glutamine but hadn't tried this Robert's Formula. I tried this and it worked great for me. I too looking further for more natural supplies. If I got them, I will definitely post them for you.

glutamine benefits
I've been taking L-glutamine daily for a couple months. I haven't noticed any benefit and likely won't continue once I run out. Same goes for the rest of my supplements. Nothing has helped.

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